
Code Quality Rank: L4
Programming language: C#
License: MIT License
Tags: GUI    
Latest version: v3.2.0

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[Alt text](web/images/MD4XAML64.png "Material Design In XAML Toolkit") Material Design In XAML Toolkit

Comprehensive and easy to use Material Design theme and control library for the Windows desktop.

[Alt text](web/images/screen-home.png "Material Design Demo")

More screenshots below

[Alt text](web/images/MD4XAML28.png "Summary") Summary

  • Material Design styles for all major WPF Framework controls
  • Additional controls to support the theme, including Multi Action Button, Cards, Dialogs, Clock
  • Easy configuration of palette (at design and runtime), according to Google's guidelines
  • Full Material Design Icons icon pack
  • Easy transition effects
  • Compatible with Dragablz, MahApps
  • Demo applications included in the source project

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[Alt text](web/images/MD4XAML28.png "How Can I Use The Themes?") Getting Started

[Alt text](web/images/MD4XAML28.png "In Action") See It In Action

[Alt text](web/images/MD4XAML28.png "How Can I Use The Themes?") Source Code

To load the source project you will need Visual Studio 2022. Don't worry if you have an earlier version, you can still use the compiled assemblies from NuGet (Install-Package MaterialDesignThemes). There are three demo projects in the solution, restore the necessary NuGet packages and correct the programming syntax that is not compatible with C# versions lower than C# 10.0 (currently used in Visual Studio 2022). Then, you should be able to fire the projects up. The first one is a "pure" Material Design 2 project. The second one shows how to combine with Dragablz and MahApps. The last one is a Material Design 3 project (In Development).

[Alt text](web/images/MD4XAML28.png "Contributions") Contribution Guidelines

  • Before contributing code read the [Contribution Guidelines](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md)
  • Want to say thanks?
    • Hit the :star: Star :star: button
    • If you'd like to make a very much appreciated financial donation please visit open collective

[Alt text](web/images/MD4XAML28.png "Mentions") Mentions

[Alt text](web/images/MD4XAML28.png "Screenshots") Screenshots

[Alt text](web/images/screen-buttons.png "Buttons")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-toggles.png "Toggles")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-fields.png "Fields")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-comboboxes.png "ComboBoxes")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-palette.png "Palette")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-colortools.png "Color Tools")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-pickers.png "Pickers")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-iconpack.png "Icons")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-cards.png "Cards")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-menutoolbar.png "Menus and Toolbars")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-progress.png "Progress Bars")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-dialogs.png "Dialogs")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-lists.png "Lists")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-treeview.png "Tree View")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-sliders.png "Sliders")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-chips.png "Chips")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-typography.png "Typography")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-groupbox.png "Group Box")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-snackbars.png "Snackbars")

[Alt text](web/images/screen-elevation.png "Elevation")


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