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Cache packages

Showing projects tagged as Caching and Cache

  • CacheManager

    8.0 0.0 L3 C#
    CacheManager is an open source caching abstraction layer for .NET written in C#. It supports various cache providers and implements many advanced features.
  • Akavache

    7.8 8.3 L2 C#
    An asynchronous, persistent key-value store created for writing desktop and mobile applications, based on SQLite3. Akavache is great for both storing important data as well as cached local data that expires.
  • Fusion

    7.2 9.6 C#
    Build real-time apps (Blazor included) with less than 1% of extra code responsible for real-time updates. Host 10-1000x faster APIs relying on transparent and nearly 100% consistent caching. We call it DREAM, or Distributed REActive Memoization, and it's here to turn real-time on!
  • Lazy Cache

    7.0 0.0 C#
    An easy to use thread safe in-memory caching service with a simple developer friendly API for c#
  • FusionCache

    6.5 8.9 C#
    FusionCache is an easy to use, fast and robust cache with advanced resiliency features and an optional distributed 2nd level.
  • Cache Tower

    4.9 4.9 C#
    An efficient multi-layered caching system for .NET
  • FastCache

    2.6 6.0 C#
    7x-10x faster alternative to MemoryCache. A high-performance, lighweight (8KB dll) and thread-safe memory cache for .NET.
  • SqliteCache for ASP.NET Core

    2.4 6.5 C#
    An ASP.NET Core IDistributedCache provider backed by SQLite
  • Cashew

    2.4 0.0 C#
    A simple and elegant yet powerful HTTP client cache for .NET