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Database packages

Showing projects tagged as Nosql and Database

  • Mongo DB

    9.9 10.0 L1 C++
    The MongoDB Database
  • LiteDB

    9.6 8.3 L3 C#
    LiteDB - A .NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file
  • RavenDB

    8.7 10.0 L2 C#
    ACID Document Database
  • Cassandra

    6.2 6.0 L3 C#
    DataStax C# Driver for Apache Cassandra
  • BrightstarDb

    5.1 2.0 L2 C#
    This is the core development repository for BrightstarDB.
  • MongoDB.Entities

    5.0 8.1 C#
    A data access library for MongoDB with an elegant api, LINQ support and built-in entity relationship management
  • Firebase.Net

    2.1 0.0 C#
    C# wrapper over Firebase database REST API
  • Mailcloud.Hydra

    1.8 1.7 L5 C#
    DISCONTINUED. A set of components to take the most advantage of performance and capacity of Azure Storage.