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Visual Studio Plugins packages

Showing projects tagged as Visual Studio Plugins

  • VsVIM

    8.5 4.4 L2 C#
    Vim Emulator Plugin for Visual Studio 2015+
  • Roslynator

    8.0 9.3 C#
    Roslynator is a set of code analysis tools for C#, powered by Roslyn.
  • Nuget Package Manager

    7.2 8.5 HTML
    Repo for NuGet Client issues
  • Web Essentials

    6.6 0.0 L3 C#
    Visual Studio extension
  • Productivity Power Tools

    6.3 1.7 L3 C#
    Productivity Power Tools - a set of Visual Studio extensions improving developer productivity.
  • SideWaffle

    6.0 0.0 L2 JavaScript
    A collection of Item- and Project Templates for Visual Studio
  • SonarSource.sonarlint-visualstudio

    4.9 9.6 C#
    SonarLint extension for VisualStudio
  • VSColorOutput

    4.8 2.9 L4 C#
    Color highlighting to Visual Studio's Build and Debug Output Windows
  • AxoCover

    4.1 0.0 C#
    Nice and free .Net code coverage support for Visual Studio with OpenCover.
  • Git Diff Margin

    3.8 0.0 L4 C#
    Git Diff Margin displays live Git changes of the currently edited file on Visual Studio margin and scroll bar. Supports Visual Studio 2012 through Visual Studio 2022
  • OzCode

    2.8 0.0 L4 C#
    Demos that show the power of OzCode
  • Unchase.OpenAPI.Connectedservice

    2.6 6.0 C#
    :scroll: Visual Studio extension to generate OpenAPI (Swagger) web service reference.
  • Unchase.Odata.Connectedservice

    2.1 0.0 C#
    :scroll: A Visual Studio extension for connecting to OData services with generating client-side C# proxy-classes
  • Developer Assistant

    Developer Assistant for Visual Studio enables developers to find and reuse over 21 million code snippets and code sample projects from within the Visual Studio IDE.
  • CodeLineage

    Easy access to a cumulative diff view between file revisions (supports svn, git, mercurial, perforce).
  • Tabs Studio

    Visual Studio tab manager with multiple tab rows, tab coloring and tab grouping. [$]
  • ViEmu

    very powerful Vi/vim emulator for Visual Studio supporting all basic and many advanced features of vi/vim. [$]
  • Resharper

    Developer Productivity Tool for Visual Studio [$]