WinRT packages

Showing projects tagged as WinRT

  • ReactiveUI

    9.5 9.0 L4 C#
    An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
  • MVVMCross

    9.1 9.1 L4 C#
    The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Android, iOS, MacCatalyst, macOS, tvOS, WPF, WinUI
  • Caliburn.Micro

    8.6 3.5 L4 C#
    A small, yet powerful framework, designed for building applications across all XAML platforms. Its strong support for MV* patterns will enable you to build your solution quickly, without the need to sacrifice code quality or testability.
  • Fluent Assertions

    8.6 9.5 L4 C#
    A very extensive set of extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style unit tests. Targets .NET Framework 4.7, as well as .NET Core 2.1, .NET Core 3.0, .NET 6, .NET Standard 2.0 and 2.1. Supports the unit test frameworks MSTest2, NUnit3, XUnit2, MSpec, and NSpec3.
  • Template10

    7.4 0.0 L3 C#
    Making Windows 10 apps great again
  • Unity

    7.4 0.0 L4
    This repository contains all relevant information about Unity Container suit
  • LightInject

    5.5 3.4 L2 C#
    An ultra lightweight IoC container
  • Simple.OData.Client

    5.2 8.5 L3 C#
    Multiplatform OData client library
  • Callisto

    4.9 0.0 L3 C#
    A control toolkit for Windows 8 XAML applications. Contains some UI controls to make it easier to create Windows UI style apps for the Windows Store in accordance with Windows UI guidelines.
  • Cimbalino Toolkit

    3.0 0.0 L4 C#
    :coffee: Cimbalino Toolkit
  • Okra App Framework

    1.2 0.0 L5 C#
    DISCONTINUED. An app centric MVVM framework for Windows 8.1 built with dependency injection in mind, including a full set of Visual Studio MVVM templates.