
Learn how to easily unit test methods in the BlobServiceClient provided by the Azure.Storage.Blobs package using NUnit and NSubstitute.
Using a couple of available tools you can validate NuGet packages before publishing to Learn how to set it up on GitHub Actions.
Learn how to inject dependencies using keys in ASP.NET Core. With keyed services you can finally inject multiple objects of the same type.
This post will show how to validate JSON files against a JSON Schema as part of a build on Azure DevOps. Never push invalid JSON files again.
Learn about how to set up logging in Azure Functions. With just a few changes, it is easy to improve on what comes from the new project template.
Learn how to set up middleware in ASP.NET Core based on one or more conditions. This can help you run custom code for only specific endpoints.
Visual Studio caches JSON Schema files used for IntelliSense. Learn how to force reload a schema if Visual Studio doesn't pick up the changes.
Learn how to modify response headers from ASP.NET Core middleware. You need to use the correct hook to avoid a System.InvalidOperationException.
Learn how to create a debug visualizer for Visual Studio. In this post, I'll develop a visualizer of email addresses to help you get started.
In this post, I'll share a list of features that some of you may not know. From small gems to large features that you probably haven't seen.
Learn how to parse a website from .NET/C# using the two most popular NuGet packages for the job: Html Agility Pack and AngleSharp.
This post will show you how to simplify URLs to better compare them and to implement uniqueness checks across URLs with multiple parameters.
This post will explain how to get the IP of the requesting client in a proxied ASP .NET Core website. Learn all about custom headers and more.
Deploy access restricted Azure websites from DevOps pipelines easily with this step-by-step guide to enhance your website's security.
Learn how to develop Visual Studio extensions with ease using Roslyn analyzers. This step-by-step guide will help you get started in no time!
Learn how to zip a list of files and download it from an ASP.NET Core website. The post also digs down into a couple of best practices.
Set up logging with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging in WPF applications running on .NET 7. Learn how to configure global error handling and logging.
Set up automated builds of Visual Studio extensions. Read through, to learn how to use GitHub Actions to pick up commits and publish extensions.
Learn about polling an asynchronous API with Azure Durable Functions. Easily integrate with async REST APIs using an initial request and retries.
Learn how to generate header images using Bannerbear. The post also highlights how images can be generated using ASP.NET Core middleware.
Learn about the built-in rate-limiting middleware in ASP.NET Core. The post uses limiting on an API key and compares it to AspNetCoreRateLimit.
A blog post about how to implement file download in ASP.NET Core (MVC). Learn about the built-in result object types and when to use which type.
Learn how to get the base path (schema, domain, and port) in an ASP.NET Core application. Examples for both MVC and Razor Pages are included.
In this post, I'll introduce you to three different NuGet packages that will help you when dealing with exceptions in .NET/C#.
Learn how to build a simple Reddit client with Blazor and the API. Pull conversations and statistics from Reddit with a few lines.
This post revisits the Repository Pattern, addresses the implementation pitfalls in .NET, and reviews proposed solutions to reduce complexity.
Learn how to integrate with the Stack Overflow API from C#. In this post, I'll build a Visual Studio extension that shows SO results within VS.
ASP.NET Core 7 comes with dark mode for the developer exception page built-in. Learn about how it works and how to enable it on Windows here.
Integrating with YouTube from C# is easy using the Google.Apis.YouTube.v3 NuGet package and a little help. Learn how we have integrated here.
There are no Trello NuGet packages and Trello's documentation lacks .NET examples. In this post, I'll show you what I learned while integrating.

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