

This project you also can download from Nuget.org at http://nuget.org/packages/xwebrss/

Programming language: C#
License: MIT License
Tags: RSS     Syndication     Feed     NetCore     Core     Feeds    
Latest version: v2.2.0

X.Web.RSS alternatives and similar packages

Based on the "Feeds" category.
Alternatively, view X.Web.RSS alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.

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NuGet version Part of awesome .NET Core

This project you also can download from Nuget.org at http://nuget.org/packages/xwebrss/

W3C Validagtion Valid RSS

RSS feeds which generated by this library successfully pass W3C validation. You can test your RSS feeds at http://validator.w3.org/feed.


Easy to use library to create simple rss feeds and read foreign rss feeds. All processes are based on XmlSerializer and can be used as an example of how to use XmlSerializer :)

Usage example

To read foreign rss feed you need to get stream with rss data and call RSSHelper.ReadRSS

var request = WebRequest.Create("http://example.com/rss/");
var response = request.GetResponse();
var stream = response.GetResponseStream();
var rss = RssDocument.Load(stream);

RSS object creating example

Complete rss object will looks like this:

return new RssDocument
            Channel =
                new RssChannel
                    AtomLink = new RssLink { Href = new RssUrl("http://atomlink.com"), Rel = Rel.self, Type = "text/plain" },
                    Category = "category",
                    Cloud =
                        new RssCloud
                            Domain = "domain",
                            Path = "path",
                            Port = 1234,
                            Protocol = Protocol.xmlrpc,
                            RegisterProcedure = "registerProcedure"
                    Copyright = "copyrignt (c)",
                    Description = "long description",
                    Image =
                        new RssImage
                            Description = "Image Description",
                            Height = 100,
                            Width = 100,
                            Link = new RssUrl("http://image.link.url.com"),
                            Title = "title",
                            Url = new RssUrl("http://image.url.com")
                    Language = new CultureInfo("en"),
                    LastBuildDate = new DateTime(2011, 7, 17, 15, 55, 41),
                    Link = new RssUrl("http://channel.url.com"),
                    ManagingEditor = new RssEmail("[email protected] (manager)"),
                    PubDate = new DateTime(2011, 7, 17, 15, 55, 41),
                    Rating = "rating",
                    SkipDays = new List<Day> { Day.Thursday, Day.Wednesday },
                    SkipHours = new List<Hour> { new Hour(22), new Hour(15), new Hour(4) },
                    TextInput =
                        new RssTextInput
                            Description = "text input desctiption",
                            Link = new RssUrl("http://text.input.link.com"),
                            Name = "text input name",
                            Title = "text input title"
                    Title = "channel title",
                    TTL = 10,
                    WebMaster = new RssEmail("[email protected] (webmaster)"),
                    Items =
                        new List<RssItem>
                                        new RssItem
                                                Author = new RssEmail("[email protected] (author)"),
                                                Category =
                                                    new RssCategory
                                                            Domain = "category domain value", 
                                                            Text = "category text value"
                                                Comments = new RssUrl("http://rss.item.comment.url.com"),
                                                Description = "item description",
                                                Enclosure =
                                                    new RssEnclosure
                                                            Length = 1234,
                                                            Type = "text/plain",
                                                            Url = new RssUrl("http://rss.item.enclosure.type.url.com")
                                                Link = new RssUrl("http://rss.item.link.url.com"),
                                                PubDate = new DateTime(2011, 7, 17, 15, 55, 41),
                                                Title = "item title",
                                                Guid = new RssGuid { IsPermaLink = false, Value = "guid value" },
                                                Source = new RssSource { Url = new RssUrl("http://rss.item.source.url.com") }