ABP v4.0.0 Release Notes
Release Date: 2020-12-03 // about 4 years ago-
- π See the Blog post for this release: https://blog.abp.io/abp/ABP.IO-Platform-4.0-with-.NET-5.0-in-the-4th-Year
π₯ Breaking Changes
- PR #6374: Use object as the parameter of form binding & convert all parameters into camel case. (by maliming)
- PR #6368: Use AbpDynamicOptionsManager to replace AbpOptionsFactory. (by maliming)
- π PR #6333: Remove AsyncHelper usage for the IdentityOptions (by hikalkan)
- π ISSUE #6154: Deprecate the ConfigState
- π¦ ISSUE #6130: Remove all deprecated components, services, etc. from Angular packages
- PR #6114: Use a specialized dictionary class for IHasExtraProperties (by hikalkan)
- π¨ PR #6113: Namespace refactoring for Blazor components (by cotur)
- π ISSUE #6090: Move Retry Logic for the Dynamic HTTP Client Proxy to the startup template
- PR #6069: Replace Id parameter with object at OpenEditModalAsync in AbpCrudPageBase (by cotur)
- ISSUE #6066: Registering a new Angular locale function should be able to override
- PR #6051: Make readonly for Creation audit properties of the entities. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #6020: Make readonly for Creation audit properties of the entities
- ISSUE #6018: Inconsistent Async suffix usage
- π¨ ISSUE #6015: Refactor namespaces for Blazor components
- π PR #6008: Remove abstract component bases and more for blazor components (by cotur)
- ISSUE #5962: Replace abstract base class to partial class for blazor components.
- β¬οΈ ISSUE #5950: Additional IDS4 data migration & upgrade notes
- β‘οΈ PR #5946: Update AbpCrudPageBase.cs (by cotur)
- β‘οΈ ISSUE #5945: Update CreateGetListInputAsync on AbpCrudPageBase
- PR #5925: Implemented: Create auto controller routes in kebap-case (by hikalkan)
- PR #5892: Change the IBrandingProvider namespace (by realLiangshiwei)
- π» PR #5890: Blazor UI Entity actions component (by ilkayilknur)
- PR #5866: Unify route format: checkPassword -> check-password. (by PMExtra)
- PR #5849: Use async to resolve the tenant. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #5795: Get Object itself for OpenEditModalAsync in AbpCrudPageBase
- β¬οΈ PR #5700: Upgrade to NET 5.0 RC. (by maliming)
- π ISSUE #5652: Remove the Angular Account Module UI
- π¦ ISSUE #5606: Remove the SessionState in the @abp/ng.core package
- ISSUE #5414: Consoder make ITenantResolver's ResolveTenantIdOrName method async.
- π¦ ISSUE #5375: Use IBrandingProvider in the Volo.Abp.UI package and remove the one in the Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Mvc.UI.Theme.Shared
- ISSUE #5325: Create auto controller routes in kebap-case
- β¬οΈ PR #4578: Upgrade IdentityServer4 to 4.x. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #3751: Change type of the IHasExtraProperties.ExtraProperties
- π ISSUE #1198: Move to System.Text.Json
π Features
- PR #6135: Add Lookup Options To The Extra Properties (by ilkayilknur)
- π» ISSUE #6019: Initial Loading animation for the Blazor UI Basic Theme
- PR #6017: Cli: Create a new module inside the solution (by yekalkan)
- PR #5973: Created UiNotificationService (by stsrki)
- PR #5947: Publish an event on comment creation for the CMS Kit (by yekalkan)
- π» ISSUE #5930: Create AbpComponentBase for Blazor UI
- ISSUE #5915: Create additional before and after methods for AbpCrudPageBase operations
- ISSUE #5902: Blazor: How to override components come with the modules/themes?
- ISSUE #5731: Create an ICookieService to get/set cookies in Blazor webassembly
- ISSUE #5626: "Article Requests" for the ABP Community
- ISSUE #5560: Blazor: Entity Actions component
- π ISSUE #5552: Blazor: IUiNotificationService to show toastr style notifications
- ISSUE #5530: Blazor: Page Alert system
- ISSUE #5527: Blazor: Implement IComponentActivator to get components from DI
- π» ISSUE #5524: Interactive Validation model for the Blazor UI
- π» ISSUE #5520: How to manage 3rd-party global js/css file dependencies of a module with the Blazor UI
- ISSUE #5463: Publish an event on comment creation for the CMS Kit
- π» ISSUE #3857: Allow to ignore files/folders on libs folder cleanup on the MVC UI gulp task
- ISSUE #2988: Create a WPF sample startup project
- π» ISSUE #1874: Swagger UI login feature.
- ISSUE #394: SPA template using Blazor
β¨ Enhancements
- ISSUE #6378: Add no-random-port parameter to ABP CLI when generating a new solution
- 0οΈβ£ PR #6356: Enable DelayTextOnKeyPress by default (by realLiangshiwei)
- 0οΈβ£ ISSUE #6354: Blazor UI: Enable DelayTextOnKeyPress by default
- π¦ ISSUE #6347: Generate abp module proxies and add to the @abp/ng.core package
- PR #6329: Use AppendHtml instead of Append method (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #6310: Fix deutsch misspelling (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #6297: Improve the logic of removing derived controllers from the model
- ISSUE #6282: Language select
- ISSUE #6274: Add a method named set to InternalStore
- PR #6249: Make httpMethod can be nullable. (by maliming)
- β‘οΈ PR #6241: Updated the Tutorial for ABP version 4.0 changes (by hikalkan)
- β¬οΈ ISSUE #6233: Upgrade React Native UI package versions to the latest
- PR #6228: Enabling split queries globally. (by maliming)
- π ISSUE #6221: Remove "ShouldShowEntityActions" if not used anymore
- ISSUE #6220: Validation displayname should fallback to the property name
- 0οΈβ£ PR #6206: Add OrderBy top the First/FirstOrDefault operator. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #6161: Show display text on the table and auto-select the nav property on the edit form
- ISSUE #6157: Dynamic JavaScript Proxies can't handle complex types
- π» ISSUE #6031: Blazor UI: DataGrid Row selections should be lighter
- π» ISSUE #6028: Blazor UI: Improvements for the UI notifications
- π ISSUE #5931: Need help for es translation - Ayuda con la traducciββn al espaββol
- PR #5834: Added Service Proxy Generation (by kishoresahas)
- β ISSUE #4444: Need to fine-tune "abp-modal" (suppress unsaved changes warning)
- π ISSUE #3724: Details operations implementation needs documentation update
- β¬οΈ ISSUE #6170: Upgrade to Angular 11
- β PR #6146: Add AbpStringToEnumFactory and some unit test. (by maliming)
- PR #6134: Loading animation for Blazor basic theme (by stsrki)
- PR #6133: Disable modal closing by escape key or lost focus (by stsrki)
- π» ISSUE #6128: [Angular UI] add multiple select to extensible form
- PR #6124: Enable swagger OAuth2 for IDS and API Host projects (by realLiangshiwei)
- β‘οΈ PR #6120: Update AbpNoContentActionFilter with unit test (by ilonze)
- β¬οΈ ISSUE #6118: Upgrade to .NET 5.0 Final
- PR #6111: Add UseHybridSerializer to AbpJsonOptions. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #6092: Add JsonStringEnumConverter to JsonSerializerOptions
- ISSUE #6091: Create an option to set the JSON serializer provider globally.
- β‘οΈ ISSUE #6071: update the documents for #6069 change
- PR #6065: Prevent ApiTypeNameHelper infinite loop. (by maliming)
- π PR #6062: Use System.Text.Jons in the Docs module. (by maliming)
- β¨ PR #6054: Enhance the function of PR 5952. (by maliming)
- PR #6053: Add IMongoClient to the IAbpMongoDbContext. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #6033: objectValidation error
- π ISSUE #6029: Blazor: Message/Confirm dialogs should not close on click outside of the modal
- π ISSUE #6027: Better design for Blazor UI message/confirm dialogs
- π» ISSUE #6026: Blazor UI: Implement validation for the tenant-management module
- π» ISSUE #6025: Blazor UI: Validation problem on modals
- ISSUE #6024: Blazorise visual enhancements
- π» ISSUE #6021: Can we add the login page link to the swagger UI for IDS + API Host projects?
- PR #6001: Make QueueAsync virtual. (by maliming)
- π ISSUE #5917: Remove IHybridServiceScopeFactory usages
- ISSUE #5912: Kββ’nnen Sie uns helfen, ABP ins Deutsche zu ββbersetzen?
- PR #5908: Add Filter parameter to GetListAsync method of IIdentityRoleAppService. (by maliming)
- π¦ ISSUE #5904: Introduce Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components package
- PR #5895: Define abp.features API in abp.js (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #5883: Blazor client-side validation (by stsrki)
- π» ISSUE #5874: Unify Blazor UI Framework JavaScripts
- PR #5872: Mvc app template login link (by yekalkan)
- π ISSUE #5871: Remove Boostrap JS & JQuery dependencies for the Blazor UI
- β¬οΈ ISSUE #5859: Re-create migrations and test module templates for IDS4 4.x upgrade.
- π§ PR #5851: Add summary to AbpApplicationCreationOptions' Configuration property. (by maliming)
- π» ISSUE #5841: Define abp.features API for the ASP.NET Core MVC / Razor Pages UI
- ISSUE #5826: interface "ISettingDefinitionContext" should expose a "GetAll" method
- ISSUE #5814: Why does get identity roles does not have a filter parameter ?
- π ISSUE #5810: Reconsider & test performance of using SplitQuery()
- β¬οΈ ISSUE #5789: Upgrade to .NET 5.0 RC2
- π ISSUE #5562: Can we show (preview) for the preview versions on the docs version list
- π» ISSUE #5542: Blazor UI Permission management optimization
- π» ISSUE #5523: Claims should be retrieved from AuthenticationStateProvider for Blazor UI
- π² ISSUE #4886: Suggested :subscription and output mongodb log
- ISSUE #4590: DynamicHttpProxyInterceptor mask real StatusCode
- π» ISSUE #4588: Create a service named PermissionService for Angular UI
- ISSUE #4073: don't show the "progressing" on the datatable for shorter requests than 500ms
- ISSUE #3411: Fix the paging problem for IAuditLogRepository.GetEntityChangeListAsync for MongoDB
π Bug Fixes
- ISSUE #6431: Object extensions do not work properly
- π» ISSUE #6397: Fix the font loading error of React Native UI template
- ISSUE #6324: JSON cannot be serialized after enabling entity history
- ISSUE #6250: Module template angular authentication problem
- ISSUE #6234: UiNotificationService doesn't show the specified title
- PR #6202: GetOrNullWithProviderAsync can only call Reverse once. (by maliming)
- PR #6195: Fix #6193 (by cotur)
- ISSUE #6193: Do not convert the endpoint parameters to Kebab-Case
- ISSUE #6144: Abp cli generates bad proxy (Angular)
- ISSUE #6172: Module template angular login problem
- ISSUE #6160: Extension properties don't work for tiered MVC applications
- ISSUE #6152: EnumConverter violates the constraint of type 'T'
- ISSUE #6022: Client permissions should be checked at host scope
- ISSUE #5970: wrong account management url lead to 404 in blazor wasm
- β‘οΈ PR #6453: Update blazor in module. (by maliming)
- π PR #6452: Remove IdentityServer section from appsettings.json (by maliming)
- PR #6445: Set user modal size to md (by mehmet-erim)
- π PR #6444: Fixed the @abp/ng.schematics package building errors (by mehmet-erim)
- π ISSUE #6443: Fix the @abp/ng.schematics building errors
- PR #6437: Check origin is not null or white space. (by maliming)
- π» ISSUE #6434: Identity module Angular UI: user creation modal is redundantly large
- π PR #6432: Fixed object extensions errors (by armanozak)
- PR #6415: Handle the case where stringContent is empty. (by maliming)
- π PR #6406: Re-organized the docs navigation menu (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #6405: Added navigation property auto complete combobox for the extra properties (by armanozak)
- π» PR #6401: Fixed the font loading error of React Native UI template (by mehmet-erim)
- π PR #6400: Re-organized the docs navigation menu (by hikalkan)
- 0οΈβ£ PR #6396: Add OrderBy top the first/firstordefault operator (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #6393: Add Dynamic external login provider system. (by maliming)
- π PR #6392: Documentation upgrade #fixing broken links (by maliming)
- PR #6389: Add ldap changes to Abp-4_0.md (by maliming)
- PR #6386: Text corrections (by ebicoglu)
- β‘οΈ PR #6377: Update Abp-4_0.md (by maliming)
- PR #6372: Created abp module proxies and exported from @abp/ng.core (by mehmet-erim)
- ISSUE #6371: Authorization failed sending email.
- ISSUE #6370: Use full async LDAP library.
- PR #6361: Fix typo (by realLiangshiwei)
- β PR #6350: Fixed types and tests for extensions module in Angular UI (by armanozak)
- β ISSUE #6349: Fix types and tests for extensions module in Angular UI
- β PR #6343: Fixed the testing errors of CoreModule (by mehmet-erim)
- PR #6342: Use ModuleExtensionConfigurationHelper one time for each module (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #6334: Should use ModuleExtensionConfigurationHelper one time for each module
- PR #6330: Stsrki rel 4.0 blazorise 0.9.3 p2 (by stsrki)
- PR #6325: Handle the serialized object as null. (by maliming)
- β‘οΈ PR #6323: Update Overriding a Controller. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #6318: AsyncHelper may block the DI container.
- π PR #6317: Fixed Webpack problem with export * as syntax on Proxy Generator (by armanozak)
- ISSUE #6316: Proxy Generator: Webpack cannot work with export * as syntax
- π· ISSUE #6302: BackgroundWorker : cannot resolve parameter 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.SignInManager`1[Volo.Abp.Identity.IdentityUser] signInManager'
- ISSUE #6299: Using CSRF/XSRF & Anti Forgery System in IIS
- PR #6294: Created a new token named SUPPRESS_UNSAVED_CHANGES_WARNING to suppress unsaved changes warning popup on save forms (by mehmet-erim)
- π PR #6293: Fixed fallback logic for blazor attribute localization (by stsrki)
- PR #6292: Multiline notification message (by stsrki)
- π» PR #6291: Fixed the React Native UI problems (by mehmet-erim)
- π¨ PR #6281: Bundle command refactoring (by ilkayilknur)
- π PR #6280: Fixed the module template angular authentication problem (by mehmet-erim)
- π PR #6275: Deprecated the attribute usage of PermissonDirective (by mehmet-erim)
- π ISSUE #6273: Deprecate the attribute usage of PermissionDirective
- π PR #6270: Blazor UI : Page alert improvements and documentation (by ilkayilknur)
- ISSUE #6266: WPF template
- ISSUE #6263: AlertManager Improvements
- π PR #6259: Blazor Bundling documentation (by ilkayilknur)
- π» PR #6258: Blazor UI : Message service document improvements (by ilkayilknur)
- π» ISSUE #6257: Blazor UI: Document Page Alerts
- PR #6239: Fix logger generic type (by realLiangshiwei)
- π PR #6238: Blazor notification service documentation (by ilkayilknur)
- ISSUE #6235: Passed in logger of the wrong type
- π» ISSUE #6231: Fix the React Native UI problems
- PR #6230: Add CorsOrigin when create identity server client. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #6222: Angular CorsPolicyService did not allow origin: http://localhost:4200
- PR #6219: Text Field Has Been Added To The Lookup Property (by ilkayilknur)
- β¬οΈ PR #6217: Upgrade Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql to NET 5 (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #6215: Blazor documents (Part II)
- π» ISSUE #6214: Blazor UI documents (Part I)
- π¦ ISSUE #6211: Cannot find package Volo.Abp.EntityFrameworkCore.MySQL with version (>= 4.0.0-rc.2)
- β‘οΈ PR #6209: Remove
Updates AbpClaimTypes
code. (by maliming) - ISSUE #6208: DevExpress Reports and ServiceProxyScript Internal error 500
- PR #6207: Set current language to cookie (by mehmet-erim)
- ISSUE #6201: Username text is smaller than the same texts in the header
- PR #6196: Handling the case where JSON is null or empty. (by maliming)
- π PR #6194: Blazor UI message service documentation added. (by ilkayilknur)
- β‘οΈ ISSUE #6191: An error occurred while updating user profile
- ISSUE #6185: Write Migration to 4.0 guide for Angular
- π§ PR #6181: ConfigureAwait for SemaphoreSlim's LockAsync method. (by maliming)
- ISSUE #6180: 4.0.0-rc.1 api host startup fails
- π ISSUE #6179: DbMigrator warning installing pre-release version (4.0.0-rc.1)
- β‘οΈ ISSUE #6138: Update Upgrading document for EF Core migrations
- β‘οΈ ISSUE #6072: Update Blazor tutorial based on the v4.0 changes
- π ISSUE #6039: Test "Enabled negated glob patterns in copyResourcesTask clean" on Windows
- ISSUE #6016: Cli Add-Module: Angular projects aren't added successfully
- π ISSUE #5305: Document how to configure http client builders for dynamic c# proxies
- β PR #6177: Rename MyProjectName_ConsoleTestApp to MyProjectName_App. (by maliming)
- PR #6171: Rename AbpExtraPropertyDictionaryJsonConverter to AbpHasExtraPropertiesJsonConverter. (by maliming)
- π¦ PR #6169: Removed all deprecated components, services, etc. from Angular packages (by armanozak)
- π PR #6168: Removed the Angular Account Module UI (by mehmet-erim)
- PR #6167: Add filterparam name to lookup config. (by ilkayilknur)
- PR #6166: Fix wrong localization (by realLiangshiwei)
- π PR #6165: Make main menu support target attribute (by realLiangshiwei)
- π ISSUE #6164: Main menu should support target attribute
- PR #6163: Add AbpExtraPropertyDictionaryJsonConverter. (by maliming)
- PR #6159: Add missing article request localizations to ABP Community (by EngincanV)
- π PR #6156: Deprecated the ConfigState (by mehmet-erim)
- β‘οΈ PR #6153: Update Blazorise to .Net5 (by stsrki)
- β‘οΈ ISSUE #6150: Update Blazorise to .Net 5
- β¬οΈ PR #6141: Upgrade to net 5 final. (by maliming)
- PR #6131: Switch to host side in ClientPermissionValueProvider & ClientPermissionManagementProvider. (by maliming)
- π PR #6123: Remove Async Suffix from IUiMessageService (by cotur)
- PR #6121: Missing localizations for ABP Community (by EngincanV)
- π PR #6119: Make permissions and settings support batch check/get. (by maliming)
- PR #6117: Fix AuditLogging MongoDb Repository (by cotur)
- π PR #6116: Removed the SessionState (by mehmet-erim)
- π ISSUE #6115: Make permissions and settings support batch check/get.
- π PR #6112: Move retry logic to the startup template. ΞΓΒͺ (by maliming)
- π PR #6110: Sync IdentityError description from aspnet core (by maliming)
- PR #6108: Modify AbpNoContentActionFilter (by ilonze)
- β‘οΈ PR #6106: Update English localization for Community (by berkansasmaz)
- π PR #6104: Removed "What's Next?" from Angular UI documents (by armanozak)
- π ISSUE #6103: Remove "What's next?" from standalone Angular UI documents
- PR #6102: Proxy Generator: Enable optional string properties in models (by armanozak)
- PR #6099: Add AbpStringToEnumConverter & AbpStringToBooleanConverter. (by maliming)
- π PR #6096: Build command enhancements (by ismcagdas)
- ISSUE #6093: Add Newtonsoft.Json to System.Text.Json change to the migration document
- PR #6087: Disable retry for all client proxies at Blazor Application (by cotur)
- β‘οΈ ISSUE #6086: Update all projects to Blazorise RC2
- ISSUE #6085: Proxy Generator: Use isRequired to make string types optional
- π» ISSUE #6082: [Angular UI] enable redirecting to MVC when manage-profile is requested
- π ISSUE #6079: AbpApplicationConfigurationAppService.GetAuthConfigAsync performance
- π» PR #6075: Documented how form validation works in Angular UI (by armanozak)
- PR #6074: Bundling Improvements (by ilkayilknur)
- π ISSUE #6056: Use System.Text.Jons in the Docs module.
- β‘οΈ PR #6047: Update Customizing-Application-Modules-Overriding-Services.md (by maliming)
- ISSUE #6046: AbpCrudPageBase DataGrid Pagination is not working
- PR #6045: Use Volo.Abp.Swashbuckle in application template (by mtozlu)
- PR #6044: Added inspector to Angular development app (by armanozak)
- PR #6043: Missing Localizations for Community.io (by EngincanV)
- ISSUE #6041: Add inspector to Angular development app
- PR #6038: Enabled negated glob patterns in copyResourcesTask clean (by armanozak)
- π§ ISSUE #6036: Provide configurable settings to MongoClient
- PR #6034: CLI Bundle Command Implementation (by ilkayilknur)
- π» ISSUE #6023: Blazor UI: Validations should be optional for AbpCrudPageBase
- π ISSUE #6011: RemoteLocalizationContributor is using ICachedApplicationConfigurationClient that will be released.
- π¦ PR #6006: Blazorise snackbar package added. (by ilkayilknur)
- π ISSUE #5997: Remove OnOpeningEditModalAsync
- β‘οΈ PR #5994: Update blazorise references to v0.9.2-rc1 (by ilkayilknur)
- PR #5988: Use user-defined menus in Blazor's LoginDisplay. (by maliming)
- PR #5983: Use global namespace in blazor. (by maliming)
- π PR #5975: Create a FomrGroup instance #Angular documentation (by amSaighi)
- PR #5967: Change override async to async override. (by maliming)
- π PR #5966: Remove the unique index of IdentityResource, ApiResource and ApiScope. (by maliming)
- π» ISSUE #5961: Blazor UI pages/compoents: Use the localizer (L) from AbpComponentBase
- PR #5956: Fix wrong document links (by realLiangshiwei)
- PR #5955: Create WPF startup project document (by realLiangshiwei)
- ISSUE #5953: Create WPF startup project document
- π PR #5952: Move to System.Text.Json (by maliming)
- PR #5942: Add WPF template (by realLiangshiwei)
- β‘οΈ ISSUE #5932: Remove the unique constraint of the Name property of ApiResource, IdentityResource and ApiScope and update migrations.
- PR #5922: Add ViewComponent to DynamicProxyIgnoreTypes. (by maliming)
- π¦ PR #5918: Introduce Volo.Abp.AspNetCore.Components package (by ilkayilknur)
- PR #5909: Avoid Task being null. (by maliming)
- β‘οΈ PR #5905: Blazor 3rd party libraries moved to the theming project and folder updates. (by ilkayilknur)
- π» PR #5889: Blazor UI Page alerts implementation (by ilkayilknur)
- PR #5887: Missing Localization for Community.io (by EngincanV)
- π PR #5879: Remove some duplicate claims (by realLiangshiwei)
- π» ISSUE #5873: Blaozr UI: User menu dropdown is partially invisible in some resolutions
- β¬οΈ PR #5868: Re-create migrations and test module templates for IDS4 4.x upgrade. (by maliming)
- β PR #5865: Enable MongoDB transaction for unit test (by realLiangshiwei)
- β PR #5862: Dispose IHost in AbpAspNetCoreIntegratedTestBase at end of test run (by pwestern)
- PR #5861: Migration Guide for the Abp Identity Server from the v3 to the v4. (by maliming)
- β¬οΈ ISSUE #5853: IdentityServer4 version 4.x upgrade guide
- π» PR #5847: correct exception message in PermissionAppService.CheckProviderPolicy (by taujiong)
- β ISSUE #5846: Enable MongoDB transaction for unit test
- PR #5836: Page Header Implementation (by ilkayilknur)
- PR #5828: Cookie service implementation (by ilkayilknur)
- PR #5827: Add "GetAll" method to ISettingDefinitionContext (by taujiong)
- π» ISSUE #5822: Blazor UI: Forms cannot submit via enter key
- π² ISSUE #5801: The GetEntityChange method of the audit-logging module does not have await.
- π§ ISSUE #5794: EnvironmentVariablesPrefix option has no effect in Startup.ConfigureServices
- π ISSUE #5748: Remove some duplicate claims
- π² ISSUE #5738: Audit log datetime arabic problem
- ISSUE #5718: Create a Rebus integration sample
- β‘οΈ ISSUE #5715: Update ngx-datatable for Angular 10
- β¬οΈ ISSUE #5676: Upgrade to .NET 5.0 rc1
- ISSUE #5643: Document how custom validators can be placed in Angular
- π PR #5624: Change tenant in all derived class of IDataSeedContributor (by realLiangshiwei)
- π ISSUE #5622: Any IDataSeedContributor should consider the TenantId of the DataSeedContext.
- π» ISSUE #5332: Document how to get feature values from the Angular UI
- ISSUE #5278: Proxy Generator: A question mark is needed at the end of nullable string type and typeSimple
- ISSUE #5235: Calling [Auto Api] , response status code 302 , why not 401 ?
- β‘οΈ ISSUE #4461: Update IdentityServer4-packages and examples to IS4 Ξëà 4.0.0
- π§ ISSUE #3959: Recommended way to extend entities and configure foreign keys
- π» ISSUE #3300: Document DatatablesNet Integration for ASP.NET Core UI
- π ISSUE #631: Theming documentation
Previous changes from v4.0.0-rc.5