CliWrap v3.3 Release Notes

    • โž• Added PipeSource.FromFile(...) and PipeTarget.ToFile(...) as convenience shorthands for creating pipes that work with FileStream instances.
    • โž• Added overloads for ArgumentsBuilder.Add(...) that take IFormatProvider instead of CultureInfo. In a future major version, the overloads that take CultureInfo will be removed.
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improved performance of PipeSource.Null and PipeTarget.Null.
    • Signed assembly. (Thanks @lazyboy1)

    ๐Ÿ”ง Known incompatibility issue: Using CliWrap together with ConfigureAwait.Fody, in code compiled with .NET 5.0 SDK or higher, results in a NullReferenceException at run time. The recommended workaround is to call ConfigureAwait(...) on CliWrap.CommandTask<T> manually or to disable ConfigureAwait.Fody altogether.