FAKE v5.19.0-alpha.1473 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-12-18 // over 4 years ago
  • 🆕 NEW: Added Fake.Sql.SqlPackage which is a redesign or Fake.Sql.DacPac and added support for publish profiles, thanks @kmadof - #2366
    ⏱ EHNANCEMENT: Fake.DotNet.Cli Add timeout field to kill the process after the given timeout - #2425
    👷 EHNANCEMENT: Fake.Core.Target Add notification when a fake worker is idle - #2425
    EHNANCEMENT: Use SPDX license expressions in the nuspec files, thanks @teo-tsirpanis - #2403
    ✨ ENHANCEMENT: fake-cli Update bundled paket - #2425
    ✨ ENHANCEMENT: Fake.DotNet.Cli Add support for suppressing copyright messages (--nologo) when invoking dotnet, thanks @objectx - #2436
    EHNANCEMENT: Fake.Installer.Squirrel Add additional Squirrel parameters, thanks @pchinery - #2431
    ✅ EHNANCEMENT: Fake.Testing.SonarQube Several improvements like workdir and local tool support, thanks @vilinski - #2438
    🛠 BUGFIX: Fake.Tools.Rsync Fix typo in Rsync.fs options, thanks @rmunn - #2432
    🛠 BUGFIX: Fake.DotNet.Testing.Coverlet Fix Coverlet output property name, thanks @SteveGilham - #2427
    🛠 BUGFIX: Fake.Tools.Octo Octopus deploy trace always marked failures, thanks @ids-pfinn - #2428
    🛠 BUGFIX: Fake.Core.Process Process redirection was not working as advertised, thanks @ZeekoZhu - #2445
    📄 DOCS: Change the README badges and their placement, thanks @teo-tsirpanis - #2437
    📄 DOCS: Several documentation improvements, thanks to @jhromadik - #2441 #2442 #2443