FlubuCore v3.1.0.0 Release Notes

    • ➕ Added IncludeFromDirectoryAttribute: Attribute adds all .cs files from specified directory. With second optional parameter you can include subdirectories.
    public class BuildScript : DefaultBuildScript
    • AssemblyFromDirectoryAttribute: When added on script class FlubuCore should add all assemblies from specified directory to script.
        public class BuildScript : DefaultBuildScript
    • Load base script class automatically. Must be in same directory as script.
    • Improved collored console logging by wrapping strings of the output in ANSI codes that instruct the terminal to color the string based on the interpreted code.
    • Allow namespaces in included cs files. Executing script does not fail anymore if included cs file contain namespace.
    • Disable collored logging with attribute or script argument.