
Code Quality Rank: L4
Programming language: C#
License: MIT License
Tags: HTTP     Fluent     URL     Uri     Builder     URI Builder     UriBuilder    

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A safer and more readable way to build URI's in .NET

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Quick example

To build this new URI:

ftp://user:[email protected]:888/path/to/file?param1=val1&param2=a%23value%26with%40weird%3fcharacters#fragment


var uri = FluentUriBuilder.Create()
    .Credentials("user", "password")
    .QueryParams(new {
        param1 = "val1",
        param2 = "a#value&with@weird?characters"


You often see code that creates URI's using simple string concatenation or format strings:

var valueWithWeirdCharacters = "a#value&with@weird?characters";
var badUri1 = "http://example.com/path?param1=" + valueWithWeirdCharacters + "&param2=asdf";
var badUri2 = string.Format("http://example.com/path?param1={0}&param2=asdf", valueWithWeirdCharacters);

The result is an invalid URI because the value of param1 is not escaped:


One alternative is to escape each value using Uri.EscapeDataString:

var correctUri = "http://example.com/path?param1=" +
    Uri.EscapeDataString(valueWithWeirdCharacters) +

But this quickly gets ugly when you have a lot of arguments, and it is easy to forget.

Enter System.UriBuilder:

var valueWithWeirdCharacters = "a#value&with@weird?characters";
var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder("http://example.com/path");
var parameters = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty);

parameters["param1"] = valueWithWeirdCharacters;
parameters["param2"] = "asdf";

uriBuilder.Query = parameters.ToString();

var correctUri = uriBuilder.AbsoluteUri;

This is correct, but also the most complicated and unreadable of all of the above examples. This is why I created FluentUriBuilder: to allow creating URI's in a safe and readable way:

var valueWithWeirdCharacters = "a#value&with@weird?characters";
var uri = FluentUriBuilder
    .QueryParam("param1", valueWithWeirdCharacters)
    .QueryParam("param2", "asdf")

More Examples

Query parameters can also be specified using an IDictionary<TKey, TValue>:

var params = new Dictionary<string, string> {
    { "user", "averagejoe236" },
    { "apiKey", "af43af43rcfaf34xqf" }

var uri = FluentUriBuilder.Create()

Or one by one, by calling .QueryParam("key", "value") repeatedly:

var uri = FluentUriBuilder.Create()
    .QueryParam("q", "FluentUriBuilder")
    .QueryParam("source", "hp")

The latter can be used to specify more query parameters with the same name.

To modify an existing URI:

var uri = FluentUriBuilder.From("http://example.com/somepath?foo=bar#baz")

This example returns a System.Uri instance instead of a string because of the .ToUri() call at the end.

Framework Support

The project currently supports .NET 2.0+. .NET Core support is planned.