Giraffe v0.1.0-alpha023 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿ› Bug fixes:

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed build error in the Giraffe template.

    Further improvements to the XmlViewEngine:

    • ๐Ÿ“‡ Renamed renderXmlString to renderXmlNode and renamed renderHtmlString to renderHtmlNode
    • โž• Added two more methods which accept a XmlNode list: renderXmlNodes and renderHtmlNodes
    • ๐Ÿ”„ Changed the return value of encodedText and rawText to return a single XmlNode instead of XmlNode list. This has the advantage that it can be used from within another list, which was not possible before.


    let view =
        html [] [
            head [] [
                title []  (rawText "Giraffe")
            body [] (encodedText "Hello World")


    let view =
        html [] [
            head [] [
                title []  [ rawText "Giraffe" ]
            body [] [ encodedText "Hello World" ]

    This has the advantage that you can also do this, which wasn't possible before:

    let view =
        html [] [
            head [] [
                title []  [ rawText "Giraffe" ]
            body [] [
                encodedText "Hello World"
                p [] [ rawText "Hello" ]