JHipster.NET alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Application Templates" category.
Alternatively, view JHipster.NET alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
ASP.NET MVC Boilerplate
.NET project templates with batteries included, providing the minimum amount of code required to get you going faster. -
ASP.NET Core Starter Kit
Cross-platform web development with Visual Studio Code, C#, F#, JavaScript, ASP.NET Core, EF Core, React (ReactJS), Redux, Babel. Single-page application boilerplate. -
A prototypical .NET solution (file system layout and tooling), recommended for F# projects -
Vue startup application template that uses ASP.NET Core API layered architecture at the back-end and JWT based authentication -
:white_check_mark: Commad-Line Task management with storage on your GitHub :fire:
InfluxDB - Purpose built for real-time analytics at any scale.
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of JHipster.NET or a related project?
JHipster blueprint
Big Picture
JHipster is a well-known platform for generating modern application in java world. JHipster provides a blueprints system that allows to override the default behavior of the generator
JHipster.NET is a blueprint that overrides the back-end part, originally generated in spring boot, by back-end in asp.net core. For the front-end all the common language can be used (angular, react, vue.js).
In alpha version we also have the possibility to choose either Blazor or Xamarin for the front.
This blueprint is an official blueprint of JHipster official-blueprints
Documentation and information about JHipster.NET
are available here
Full documentation and information about JHipster are available here
Analysis of the sample project
This is a JHipster blueprint, that is meant to be used in a JHipster application.
npm install -g generator-jhipster
With NPM
To install this blueprint:
npm install -g generator-jhipster-dotnetcore
To update this blueprint:
npm update -g generator-jhipster-dotnetcore
With Yarn
To install this blueprint:
yarn global add generator-jhipster-dotnetcore
To update this blueprint:
yarn global upgrade generator-jhipster-dotnetcore
To use this blueprint, run the below command
jhipster --blueprints dotnetcore
Using Docker
Download the Dockerfile:
mkdir docker
cd docker
wget https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster-dotnetcore/raw/main/docker/Dockerfile
Build the Docker images:
docker build -t jhipster-generator-dotnetcore:latest .
Make a folder where you want to generate the Service:
mkdir service
cd service
Run the generator from image to generate service:
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/home/jhipster/app jhipster-generator-dotnetcore
๐ฆ What we have now
โ General App generation
jhipster --blueprints dotnetcore
- JWT : โ
- Oauth2 : โ
โ Entity generation
jhipster entity <entity-name>
โ JDL Entity model support generation
jhipster import-jdl my_file.jdl
Running the generated app in a Docker container
- Build the Docker image of the app
docker build -f "[Dockerfile path]" -t [An image name]:[A tag] "[Application root path]"
- Run your image in a Docker container
docker run -d -p [A host port]:80 [Image name]:[Image tag]
- Open your favorite browser at
localhost:[Chosen host port]
and enjoy ! :whale:
Docker compose file can be used to start the application with database as a service. To build images, run
docker-compose -f docker/app.yml build
To start services, use
docker-compose -f docker/app.yml up
In case of Oracle database, see official documentation
Apache-2.0 ยฉ JHipster.NET
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the JHipster.NET README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.