
Code Quality Rank: L4
Programming language: C#
License: MIT License
Tags: Linq     WinForms     iOS     Android     UWP     WinRT     Forms     Xamarin     WPF     Xamarin.forms     NetCore     WindowsStore     WindowsPhone     MonoTouch     Monodroid     Net45     Mvvm     Rx     Observable     Events     Xamarin.android     Xamarin.ios     Wp     Wpdev     Reactiveui     Reactive-Extensions    
Latest version: v13.0.1

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What is ReactiveUI?

ReactiveUI is a composable, cross-platform model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming, which is a paradigm that allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces and express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.

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There has been an excellent book written by our Alumni maintainer Kent Boogart.

NuGet Packages

Install the following packages to start building your own ReactiveUI app. Note: some of the platform-specific packages are required. This means your app won't perform as expected until you install the packages properly. See the Installation docs page for more info.

Platform ReactiveUI Package NuGet
.NET Standard ReactiveUI CoreBadge
ReactiveUI.Fody FodyBadge
Unit Testing ReactiveUI.Testing TestBadge
WPF ReactiveUI.WPF WpfBadge
UWP ReactiveUI.Uwp UwpBadge
WinUI ReactiveUI.WinUI WinUiBadge
MAUI ReactiveUI.Maui MauiBadge
Windows Forms ReactiveUI.WinForms WinBadge
Xamarin.Forms ReactiveUI.XamForms XamBadge
Xamarin.Essentials ReactiveUI CoreBadge
AndroidX (Xamarin) ReactiveUI.AndroidX DroXBadge
Xamarin.Android ReactiveUI.AndroidSupport DroBadge
Xamarin.iOS ReactiveUI CoreBadge
Xamarin.Mac ReactiveUI CoreBadge
Tizen ReactiveUI CoreBadge
Blazor ReactiveUI.Blazor BlazBadge
Platform Uno ReactiveUI.Uno UnoBadge
Platform Uno ReactiveUI.Uno.WinUI UnoWinUiBadge
Avalonia Avalonia.ReactiveUI AvaBadge
Any ReactiveUI.Validation ValBadge


The core team members, ReactiveUI contributors and contributors in the ecosystem do this open-source work in their free time. If you use ReactiveUI, a serious task, and you'd like us to invest more time on it, please donate. This project increases your income/productivity too. It makes development and applications faster and it reduces the required bandwidth.

Become a sponsor.

This is how we use the donations:

  • Allow the core team to work on ReactiveUI
  • Thank contributors if they invested a large amount of time in contributing
  • Support projects in the ecosystem


If you have a question, please see if any discussions in our GitHub issues or Stack Overflow have already answered it.

If you want to discuss something or just need help, here is our Slack room, where there are always individuals looking to help out!

Please do not open GitHub issues for support requests.


ReactiveUI is developed under an OSI-approved open source license, making it freely usable and distributable, even for commercial use.

If you want to submit pull requests please first open a GitHub issue to discuss. We are first time PR contributors friendly.

See Contribution Guidelines for further information how to contribute changes.

Core Team

Glenn Watson Melbourne, Australia Rodney Littles II Texas, USA Artyom Gorchakov Moscow, Russia Colt Bauman South Korea Chris Pulman United Kingdom

Alumni Core Team

The following have been core team members in the past.

Geoffrey Huntley Sydney, Australia Kent Boogaart Brisbane, Australia Olly Levett London, United Kingdom AnaΓ―s Betts San Francisco, USA Brendan Forster Melbourne, Australia Claire Novotny New York, USA

.NET Foundation

ReactiveUI is part of the .NET Foundation. Other projects that are associated with the foundation include the Microsoft .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") as well as the Microsoft ASP.NET family of projects, Microsoft .NET Core & Xamarin Forms.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the ReactiveUI README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.