Realm Xamarin v0.76.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2016-06-15 // almost 8 years ago
  • Minor Changes

    • The Realm static constructor will no longer throw a TypeLoadException when there is an active System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder in the current AppDomain.
    • 🛠 Fixed Attempting to JIT compile exception when using the Notifications API on iOS devices. (Issue #620)

    💥 Breaking Changes

    No API change but sort order changes slightly with accented characters grouped together and some special characters sorting differently. "One third" now sorts ahead of "one-third".

    ✅ It uses the table at

    It groups all characters that look visually identical, that is, it puts a, à, å together and before ø, o, ö even. This is a flaw because, for example, å should come last in Denmark. But it's the best we can do now, until we get more locale aware.

    👉 Uses core 1.1.2