Realm Xamarin v0.82.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-01-23 // about 7 years ago
  • 💥 Breaking Changes

    • 🚚 Moved all exceptions under the Realms.Exceptions namespace. (#1075)
    • 🚚 Moved RealmSchema to Realms.Schema namespace. (#1075)
    • Made the ErrorEventArgs constructor internal. (#1075)
    • 🏗 Made ObjectSchema.Builder and RealmSchema.Builder internal. (#1075)
    • ⚡️ Passing an object that has IList properties to Add(obj, update: true) will no longer merge the lists. Instead, the IList property will contain only the items in the object. (#1040)

    ✨ Enhancements

    • ➕ Added virtual OnPropertyChanged method in RealmObject that you can override to be notified of changes to the current object. (#1047)
    • ➕ Added compile time checks that [Required] is applied on correct property types. (#1072)
    • Realm.Add(RealmObject obj) will now return the passed in object, similarly to Realm.Add<T>(T obj). (#1162)
    • ➕ Added an extension method for string.Contains that accepts StringComparison argument and can be used in queries. When querying, only StringComparison.Ordinal and StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase can be used. When not used in queries, all values for StringComparison are valid. (#1141)

    🐛 Bug fixes

    • ➕ Adding a standalone object, that has an IList<T> property that has never been accessed, to the Realm will no longer throw a NullReferenceException. (#1040)
    • IList<T> properties will now correctly return IsReadOnly = true when managed by a readonly Realm. (#1070)
    • The weaver should now correctly resolve references in PCL and netstandard assemblies. (#1117)
    • ➕ Add some missing methods to the PCL reference assembly. (#1093)
    • Disposed realms will not throw ObjectDisposedException when trying to access their members. Additionally, disposing a realm will not invalidate other instances on the same thread. (#1063)