Realm Xamarin v10.13.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2022-05-18 // almost 2 years ago
  • โœจ Enhancements

    • โž• Added the functionality to convert Sync Realms into Local Realms and Local Realms into Sync Realms. (Issue #2746)
    • โž• Added support for a new client reset strategy, called Discard Unsynced Changes. This new stragegy greatly simplifies the handling of a client reset event on a synchronized Realm. ๐Ÿ—„ This addition makes Session.Error deprecated. In order to temporarily continue using the current Session.Error the following must be done: csharp var conf = new PartitionSyncConfiguration(partition, user) { ClientResetHandler = new ManualRecoveryHandler(); }; In order to take advantage of the new Discard Unsynced Changes feature, the following should be done (all callbacks are optional): csharp var conf = new PartitionSyncConfiguration(partition, user) { ClientResetHandler = new DiscardLocalResetHandler { OnBeforeReset = (beforeFrozen) => { // executed right before a client reset is about to happen }, OnAfterReset = (beforeFrozen, after) => { // executed right after a client reset is has completed }, ManualResetFallback = (session, err) => { // handle the reset manually } } }; If, instead, you want to continue using the manual solution even after the end of the deprecation period, the following should be done csharp var conf = new PartitionSyncConfiguration(partition, user) { ClientResetHandler = new ManualRecoveryHandler((sender, e) => { // user's code for manual recovery });

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed

    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed a System.DllNotFoundException being thrown by Realm APIs at startup on Xamarin.iOS (Issue #2926, since 10.12.0)


    • Realm Studio: 11.0.0 or later.


    • Using Core 11.14.0.