Rx.NET v4.2.0-preview.63 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-12-12 // over 5 years ago
  • 🔄 Changes:

    • 🔀 9f8c209 Merge pull request #857 from dotnet/rx-netcore3
    • ⚡️ db87e39 update extras version
    • 13a6fb1 Use implicit refs
    • 90052f0 Add .NET Core 3 target
    • ⚡️ 57868ce Merge pull request #856 from dotnet/update-extras
    • ⚡️ 44ea150 update extras
    • ⚡️ 50274fb Update azure-pipelines.ix.yml
    • ⚡️ 1e087dc Update azure-pipelines.ix.yml
    • ⚡️ 72cb1fb Update azure-pipelines.rx.yml
    • 03ebbb7 Add PR trigger 👀 See more 🏗 cce7279 Add build number conditionals back 35df133 Add PR triggers 🔀 16b9b3a Merge pull request #837 from dotnet/ghuntley-patch-1 8f08e20 housekeeping: recognise David Karnok and Daniel C. Weber 🔀 dd12663 Merge pull request #835 from dotnet/add-bolt 0b06f10 add bolt 6030249 add bolt 🔀 617508a Merge pull request #832 from quinmars/using-finally-dispose-order ✅ a54b724 Test disposal order of Finally cb42def Save two allocations in the finally operator df7763e Fix order of observer and resource disposal of the Using and Finally operator, reported in #829 🔀 338741d Merge pull request #831 from olevett/patch-1 📦 ed66e24 fix packageUrl property 🔀 b7ea7a2 Merge pull request #830 from shiftkey/patch-1 📦 95ec212 and this package too ⚡️ a306e75 also update this URL ⚡️ 1b2bc3f update project URL to be the GitHub repository 🔀 f7d668d Merge pull request #828 from akarnokd/Zip3Fix 8dd6b3d Add comment to changes bf2a314 4.x: Fix 3+ arg Zip not working with immediate sources 🔀 418a037 Merge pull request #826 from dotnet/ixcleanup 99a4697 add ps1 to editorconfig 48e2cd8 Allow one line code bocks ⚡️ 8e5fc3f Update package versions ⚡️ 6ba99a7 Update filter ⚡️ 18b9ea4 Update solution files 1a0e09c Add define ⚡️ 715df35 Update extras 🔀 2bf683c Merge pull request #822 from danielcweber/ChangeExtensionsOfApiApprovalFiles 🔀 4d72bb1 Merge pull request #820 from danielcweber/ReviewEventPatternSourceBase 3862556 Exclude *.approved.cs-files from license header check. ✅ 4ac22ea Change the extensions of approved ApprovalTest files for a better editing experience in the failure case. 33c85e0 Use a dedicated implementation of IObserver instead of passing three delegates to Subscribe. 🚚 ab2e319 Remove unused allocation/assignment. 🔀 9a6e8b2 Merge pull request #816 from akarnokd/FixCreateTaskInvalidCompletion b2a449f 4.x: Fix accidental behavior change with Task-based Create methods completing when the body ends ⏱ 65be066 Merge pull request #809 from paulomorgado/scheduler-debugger-display ⏱ 72c3b7d Added debugger display information to TestScheduler and HistoricalScheduler 🔀 5f9df73 Merge pull request #813 from dotnet/onovotny-patch-1 ⚡️ 4a495e0 Update README.md ⚡️ 6095f0e Update and rename .azure-pipelines.rx.yml to azure-pipelines.rx.yml ⚡️ 297fcda Update azure-pipelines.ix.yml ⚡️ 12f30a7 Update and rename .azure-pipelines.ix.yml to azure-pipelines.ix.yml ⚡️ a6a2b06 Update README.md ⚡️ 47896dd Merge pull request #811 from dotnet/build-update 94c57b4 fix paths 30faa52 Consolidate pipelines 🔀 4ed23b8 Merge pull request #807 from danielcweber/EmitWarningInHalfserializer ⚠ 7d2d4c4 Emit a warning if the half-serializer ignores a value in ForwardOnNext. 🔀 1c4a708 Merge pull request #806 from akarnokd/ZipNull 1b19cb6 Fix Zip(IEnumerable) NullReferenceException if a source completes immediately ⚡️ 73b809e Merge pull request #805 from dotnet/update-build-yaml a4613a3 switch to stable 2.1.400 sdk 🔀 8432339 Merge pull request #804 from dotnet/add-drafter 325a1b0 add drafter config 0cb6612 bump ver 🚀 This list of changes was auto generated.