
Programming language: C#
License: MIT License
Tags: Office    
Latest version: v0.36.0

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NuGet Nuget [License](LICENSE)

ShapeCrawler (formerly SlideDotNet) is a .NET library for manipulating PowerPoint presentations. It provides a simplified object model on top of the Open XML SDK to process presentations without having Microsoft Office installed.

Getting Started

install-package ShapeCrawler


using var pres = SCPresentation.Open("some.pptx");

// get number of slides
var slidesCount = pres.Slides.Count;

// get text of TextBox 
var autoShape = pres.Slides[0].Shapes.GetByName<IAutoShape>("TextBox 1");
var text = autoShape.TextFrame!.Text;

Visit Wiki page to find more usage samples.

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  • Code contributing. There are features/bugs tagged with help-wanted label which waiting for your Pull RequestπŸ™‚ Please read Contribution Guide to get more details.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the ShapeCrawler README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.