Changelog History
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v5.0.0 Changes
March 27, 2020[EN] VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!! : We fully migrated our framework on NuGet and now support .NET 4.8 and .NET Core 3.1. Please use Nuget Manager in Visual Studio.
[EN] IMPORTANT : On some systems, the content of the ZIP file is blocked and the unzipped references may fail to work in Visual Studio. Before extracting it, right click on the ZIP file, select Properties , and click on the Unblock button if it is present in the lower right corner of the General tab in the properties dialog.
CRYPTO TRADING : Connectors for crypto exchanges available ONLY for crowding members. Join the campaign and get all crypto connectors -
[RU] ВАЖНО : На некоторых системах скаченный ZIP файл блокируется и распакованные из него сборки могут не работать в Visual Studio. До распаковки, нажмите правой кнопкой на ZIP файл, выберите в контекстном меню Свойства , и нажмите в закладке Общие кнопку Разблокировать , если она присуствует в правом нижнем углу окна (если не присутствует, значит разблокировка НЕ требуется).
КРИПТО БИРЖИ : Коннекторы к крипто биржам доступны ТОЛЬКО крауд участникам. Присоединяйтесь к кампании и получите все крипто коннекторы -
🔄 Changelog:
- (feature) .NET 4.8 and .NET Core 3.1
- (feature) INativeIdStorage. Clear method added.
- (bug) FinamHistorySource. Fix
- 🚦 (bug) DiMinus, DiPlus, IchimokuChinkouLine, IchimokuLine, RelativeVigorIndexAverage, RelativeVigorIndexSignal excluded from indicators list.
- (bug) Highest, Lowest indicators fix.
- (bug) Vidya fix.
- (feature) CSV storage. Save/load portfolio commissions.
- (bug) TraderHelper. GetPriceStep fix.
- 👍 (feature) Bitfinex. Supported market data loading.
- (feature) Bitfinex. Cancel On Disconnect.
- (feature) Bitfinex. PostOnly, CloseOnly, ReduceOnly and OCO orders.
- (bug) Bitmex. Fix order replace
- ✅ (feature) Bitmex. Testnet supported
- 🛠 (bug) BitZ, BitMax, Bibox fixes.
- (bug) TraderHelper. Fix Filter securities by Id.
- 🚚 (feature) IConnector. Removed obsolete LookupSecurity.
- (bug) MarketEmulator. Fix canceled balanced processing.
- 🛠 (bug) BW fixes.
- ⬆️ (feature) Kucoin. Protocol upgraded.
- 👍 (feature) Kucoin. Sandbox supported.
- (feature) FIX connector. SuperDerivatives, SwissQuote and XOpenHub dialects.
- (feature) NewsGrid. Show Board column.
- 🛠 (bug) PortfolioEditor. SelectedPortfolio binding fixes.
- (bug) Monitor. Fix LogManager freezing
- (feature) OptionPositionChart. Set own Model.
- ⚡️ (feature) Sterling. Updated to 11.7 version.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Fix!/
- (feature) OrderConditionAttribute added.
- (feature) Tradier connector.
- (feature) TraderHelper. IsFinal for OrderStates extension.
- 👍 (feature) Chart. ChartActiveOrdersElement save/load supported
- (bug) Chart. Fix ChartArea.Height change from code
- (feature) Chart. ChartArea.Height changed notification added.
- (feature) DukasCopyHistorySource.CandlesBuildFrom added.
- (feature) FIX connector. IFixDialect.QuotesAsLevel1 added.
- (bug) FIX connector. 5.XXX logon fix.
- 🔨 (feature) IAnalyticsChart refactoring.
- 🚚 (feature) IStorageRegistry.GetSecurityStorage removed.
- 🔨 (feature) Chart. Refactoring ChartActiveOrdersElement. Removed ChartActiveOrderInfo.
- 🚚 (bug) SampleOanda. Removed level1, added order book.
- (feature) IEntityRegistry. Subscriptions storage added.
- (feature) EntityRegistry. Encapsulated old storage lists.
- (feature) IExchangeInfoProvider. Init method added.
- (feature) MarketDataMessage. CopyTo method added.
- (feature) MessageConverterHelper. MarketDataMessage -> CandleSeries conversion added.
- (feature) OpenECry. Certification passed.
- 🚚 (feature) Oanda. Level1 support removed.
- 👍 (feature) ExchangesPanel, ExchangeBoardsPanel. IExchangeInfoProvider delay registration supported.
- (feature) SubscriptionPanel added.
- 🔒 (feature) IConnector. SubscribeMarketData/UnSubscribeMarketData overloads without Security added.
- 🚚 (feature) OrderTypes. Repo and Rps moved to IXXXOrderCondition
- (bug) TransactionBinarySnapshotSerializer fix.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. CandlesBuildFrom property added.
- 🛠 (bug) Envelope and MACD fixes.
- 🔨 (feature) DukasCopy, FxcmHistory, GainCapital, MBTrading, TrueFX, Google, Yahoo, MFD, Finam, AlorHistory, RTS FTP, UX, Xignite refactored into connectors.
- (feature) MessageAdapter. SendOutMarketDataReply method added.
- (feature) ISecurityProvider. Lookup method uses SecurityLookupMessage.
- (feature) SecurityLookupWindow. CriteriaMessage
- (feature) ISecurityDownloader. Refresh method uses SecurityLookupMessage.
- (feature) ITransactionIdMessage, IServerTimeMessage, ISecurityIdMessage interfaces.
- 🌐 (bug) RemoteStorage. Fix available data types translation.
- (feature) SecurityNativeIdMessageAdapter. Skip external native ids.
- 👍 (feature) Tradier. New urls + sandbox supported.
- 🚚 (feature) BaseDumpableHistorySource removed.
- 🔒 (feature) Remote storage. ExchangeBoard -> BoardMessage, Security -> SecurityMessage.
- (feature) NewsMessage. Url property changed type from Uri to String.
- (feature) SecurityLookupMessage. SecurityTypes property changed from IEnumerable to Array type.
- 🛠 (bug) Messages. Serialization fixed.
- (feature) QuoteChangeMessage. Quotes properties types changed from IEnumerable to Array.
- (feature) IQFeedMarketDataMessageAdapter -> IQFeedMessageAdapter.
- (feature) RssMarketDataMessageAdapter -> RssMessageAdapter.
- 🔧 (feature) Configuration. QUIK DDE, QUIK Trans2Quik excluded as obsolete.
- ✅ (feature) RemoteStorage. BE->Messages usage.
- (bug) SecurityLookupWindow. OK enabling fix.
- (bug) BuySellPanel. Design fix.
- (bug) Bitfinex. Timestamp for own trade fix.
- (feature) CsvImporter. Uses Message as output parameter.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. Changed property types Array -> IEnumerable.
- (feature) DataType. ToMarketDataType conversion method added.
- (feature) CandleSeries <-> DataType conversion added.
- 💻 (bug) UI log controls. Fix Message.IsDispose processing.
- (feature) ImportSettings controls.
- (feature) CSV connector.
- 👍 (feature) MessageAdapter. IsSupportNativeSecurityLookup -> IsSupportSecurityLookupResult, IsSupportNativePortfolioLookup -> IsSupportPortfolioLookupResult.
- (bug) Charting. Fix active orders element after chart loading.
- (feature) PartialDownloadMessageAdapter added.
- 🚚 (feature) IMessageAdapter. Removed TimeFrames property.
- 👍 (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsAllDownloadingSupported method added.
- (bug) SecurityNativeIdMessageAdapter. Fix processing suspended incoming messages.
- 🔒 (feature) Security. MinVolume, Shortable, UnderlyingSecuityMinVolume and FaceValue properties added.
- (bug) QuikLua. Position average price fix.
- 🌲 (feature) SampleMultiConnection. Order log, historical ticks and news requests supported.
- 👍 (feature) Deribit. V2 protocol supported.
- 🌐 (feature) BitStamp. V2 web sockets supported.
- (feature) FieldMapping. ZeroAsNull added.
- (feature) CandleMessageGrid added.
- (feature) FIX connector. LMAX dialect added.
- (feature) ConnectorWindow. Allow change connector's name.
- 👍 (feature) IMessageAdapter. PossibleSupportedMessages property added.
- 👍 (feature) Level1BinarySerializer. Support Dividend, MinVolume, UnderlyingMinVolume, SpreadMiddle, Commission, Splits.
- 👍 (feature) PositionBinarySerializer. Support Commissions, SettlementPrice.
- 🔒 (feature) Emulator. Security.MinVolume supported.
- 👍 (feature) Kraken. WebSocket supported.
- (feature) Adapter and subscription messages added.
- (feature) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Forced Finish prev non-finished candles.
- 🚚 (feature) OrderPairReplaceMessage. Removed SecurityMessage inheritance.
- 👍 (feature) OfflineMessageAdapter. Support OrderPairReplaceMessage processing.
- 🚚 (feature) ISecurityAssociationStorage removed.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. SecurityAdapterProvider added.
- (bug) CandleBuilder. Fill CandleMessage.TotalTicks.
- (feature) CandleSeries. IsFinished filter added.
- 🔧 (feature) Configuration. Auto scan new adapters from local assemblies.
- (bug) CandleBinarySerializer. Fix diff time zone times.
- (bug) Storage. Fix binary more 1 days range.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. GetCandleArgs added.
- (feature) IMarketDataDrive. GetAvailableDataTypes returns all types for all securities.
- 👍 (feature) HistoryMessageAdapter. SupportedMarketDataTypes overload uses storage data types.
- (bug) Connector. Fix order's fail processing.
- (feature) Diagram. IndicatorDiagramElement. IsFinal and IsFormed params added.
- (feature) Diagram. OrderRegisterDiagramElement. ZeroAsMarket param added.
- (feature) Diagram. Converter show DateTimeOffset properties.
- (feature) Diagram. Position, Strategy, StrategyTrades Strategy socket added.
- (feature) IProfileClient, IAuthenticationClient, IFileClient, IStrategyClient interfaces created.
- ✅ (feature) Backtesting. Check shortable position option added.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. Extracted mapping storage into CsvSecurityMessageAdapterProvider, CsvPortfolioMessageAdapterProvider.
- 🔨 (feature) BaseChartIndicatorPainter refactoring.
- (feature) CollectionSecurityProvider. Check input nullable values.
- (feature) IFileService. Share and UnShare operations added.
- 👍 (feature) CSV importing. Supported native system identifier importing.
- 🔒 (feature) Security and portfolio route messages. Security mapping message.
- (feature) IndexEditor. Uses ISecurityProvider
- (bug) ProxySettings fix
- 🔒 (feature) Level1. Fill Security.IssueSize from level1.
- (feature) Order. MinVolume, AveragePrice, Yield properties added.
- (feature) CouponDate, CouponPeriod, CouponValue, MarketPriceToday, MarketPriceYesterday, YieldVWAP, YieldVWAPPrev, VWAPPrev fields added.
- 🌐 (feature) QuikLua. Securities. FaceValue, Dividend, Duration, CouponDate, CouponPeriod, CouponValue, MarketPriceToday, MarketPriceYesterday, YieldVWAP, YieldVWAPPrev, VWAPPrev translation added.
- 🌐 (feature) QuikLua. Orders. Yield, MinVolume, AveragePrice translation added.
- (feature) QuikLua. VC++ 2019 runtime usage.
- (feature) SecurityGrid. Dividend, Duration, CouponDate, CouponPeriod, CouponValue, MarketPriceToday, MarketPriceYesterday, YieldVWAP, YieldVWAPPrev, VWAPPrev columns added.
- (feature) OrderGrid. AveragePrice, MinVolume and Yield columns added.
- 📜 (feature) Unit. Parse case insensitive.
- (feature) RealTimeEmulationTrader. Uses IPortfolioProvider.
- (bug) RealTimeEmulationTrader. Fix subscriptions processing.
- 👍 (feature) MarketEmulator. OrderStatusMessage and PortfolioLookupMessage supported.
- (feature) FixServer. IFixServerTransactionIdStorage usage added.
- (feature) Diagram. Bring link to front on mouse over.
- ⚡️ (bug) Diagram. Update composition item names in palette fixes.
- (bug) StorageMessageAdapter. Fix processing offline cancel order requests.
- 👍 (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsSupportExecutionsPnL properties added.
- (feature) PnLMessageAdapter. Translates PortfolioChangeMessage.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. V9.76.01
- (bug) PnLMessageAdapter. Fix processing for empty portfolio name trades.
- 🚚 (feature) IConnector. Moved market data members to IMarketDataProvider.
- (feature) Strategy implemented IMarketDataProvider interface.
- (feature) Strategy implemented ICandleManager interface.
- (feature) PnLManager. UseXXX options added.
- 🚚 (feature) IConnector. Moved transactional members to ITransactionProvider interface.
- 📜 (feature) UnitHelper. Parse method for empty string return null for the specified option.
- (bug) Unit. Limit values comparison fix.
- (feature) Diagrams. ProtectPositionDiagramElement. More options added.
- (feature) Diagrams. DiagramSocketType for OrderState added.
- (feature) Diagrams. OrderBaseDiagramElement. Trigger for all order's diagram elements.
- (feature) Diagrams. Font weight set to bold.
- (bug) StrategiesDashboard. Fix CanExecute handling.
- (feature) BaseGridControl. Copy context menu added.
- (bug) ContinuousSecurityBaseProcessor. Fix SecurityId for generated messages.
- (feature) IMessageListener interface added.
- 🚚 (feature) SoundLogListener, SpeechLogListener moved from Logging to Xaml.
- 🔧 (feature) Configuration.Adapters project added.
- 🔧 (feature) Configure method moved from Configuration to Xaml.
- 🚚 (feature) LicensePanel. Moved from Licensing to Xaml.
- (bug) PortfolioPnLManager. Fix processing trades with string id.
- (feature) IMarketDataProvider. MarketDataSubscriptionFailed2, MarketDataUnSubscriptionFailed2 events added.
- ⚠ (feature) Subscriptions. Interpret non supported and non exist subscriptions as warning.
- (feature) Strategy implemented ITransactionProvider interface.
- (feature) Portfolio. CreateSimulator method added.
- 🚚 (feature) BuySellGrid. AddPanel, RemovePanel methods added.
- 🚚 (feature) GuiConnector removed.
- 🚚 (feature) SampleSync removed as obsolete.
- (feature) Portfolio. InternalId added.
- (feature) Connector. CandleSeriesError event added.
- (feature) IMarketDataProvider. Added adapter parameter to subscription methods.
- (feature) Micex TEAP. Stock32, Stock33, Stock34, Currency32, Currency33, Currency34 interfaces added.
- (feature) SecurityId. SecurityType marked as obsolete.
- (feature) QuikLua. Translates T+N money positions.
- 👍 (feature) FixServer. SecurityLookupMessage.SecurityTypes supported.
- (bug) FixServer. Fix SecurityStatusRequest handling.
- (feature) FixServer. Sends PortfolioLookupResultMessage.
- 👍 (feature) QUIK. 64 bit support.
- 🏗 (feature) QUIK. Candles BuildFrom mode supported.
- 👍 (feature) QUIK. Terminal connection lost notification supported.
- (feature) IMarketDataDrive. Verify method added.
- 🚚 (feature) DriveCache. Moved from Hydra to Algo.
- (feature) BatchEmulation. Accept storage drive and format.
- (feature) IMarketDataDrive. LookupSecurities method added.
- (feature) ITransactionProvider. MassOrderCanceled2, MassOrderCancelFailed2, OrderStatusFailed2 events added.
- (feature) DriveComboBox, StorageSettingsWindow added.
- (feature) ChartHelper. ExcludeObsolete for IndicatorTypes.
- (feature) QuoteChangeStates added.
- 👍 (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsSupportOrderBookIncrements property added.
- 👍 (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsSupportOrderBookDepths -> SupportedOrderBookDepths.
- (bug) ITCH, Plaza. Fix OL->OB local time stamp.
- 🚚 (feature) Remote storage files moved from Algo.History.Hydra to Algo.Storages.Remote namespace.
- 🚚 (feature) FortsDailyData moved to TraderHelper.
- ⬇️ (feature) Algo. Downgraded to .NET 4.0.
- 🚚 (feature) Algo. Removed instruments cache.
- 👷 (feature) ExcelWorker -> IExcelWorkerProvider.
- 0️⃣ (feature) ShrinkPrice. Uses 0.01 as default price step.
- (feature) log4net excluded.
- 🔀 (feature) MoreLinq merged with Ecng.Collections.
- (feature) Plaza. Excluded ClientGate option.
- (feature) SmartCom. Excluded V3 version.
- (feature) AlfaDirect. Excluded 3.5 version.
- (feature) SecurityTypes. Etf added.
- 🏁 (feature) OrderConditionalGrid, OrderConditionalWindows marked as obsolete.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsSecurityNewsOnly property added.
- 🔒 (feature) IMarketDataProvider. RegisterNews accepts Security arg.
- (bug) Fix handling custom data type subscriptions.
- (feature) SmartCOM. Replaced SmartComTimeFrames by TimeSpan.
- 🚚 (feature) Oanda. Removed News support (deprecated).
- 👍 (feature) InteractiveBrokers. Live candles supported.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Fix options calc subscriptions.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Fix handling extended market data types.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. Replaced InteractiveBrokersTimeFrames by TimeSpan.
- (bug) FXCM. Fix connection error/drop handling.
- (bug) FXCM. Fix change order's trailing step.
- (bug) FXCM. Fix order state tracking.
- (bug) Connector. Fix ValuesChanged event processing for tick data.
- ⚡️ (feature) Connector. Updated level1 values until order book and tick trades received.
- (feature) Upbit connector.
- (feature) Exchange. EngName and RusName marked as obsolete.
- ✅ (feature) SampleHistoryTesting. Using FinamMessageAdapter and YahooMessageAdapter.
- 🛠 (bug) Coinbase, Digifinex, IEX fixes.
- 🚚 (feature) Samples. Removed connector specific samples.
- (feature) Samples. Folders reorganization.
- (feature) SampleMultiConnection -> SampleConnectionWithStorage.
- (feature) SampleConnection added.
- (feature) MarketDepth. QuotesChanged marked as obsolete.
- (feature) IConnector. ChangePasswordResult event added.
- (feature) ConnectorWindow. Change password options added.
- (feature) ConnectorWindow. Enabled/disable market-data/transaction messages.
- ⏪ (feature) StrategiesDashboard. ClosePosition, RevertPosition, RiskRules commands added.
- 🔨 (feature) CandleSettingsEditor refactoring.
- (feature) QuickOrderPanel added.
- (feature) Charting. Ruler annotation.
- (feature) Charting. Order error messages.
- (feature) Charting. Candle custom drawing.
- (feature) Charting. Orders/trades alternative icons.
- (feature) Charting. Quick orders panel.
- (feature) Charting. Quick time-frame and candle type switch.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. OrderConditionType property added.
- (feature) CoinEx, FatBTC, LATOKEN connectors.
- (bug) Strategies. Fix stopping with non filled orders
- 👍 (feature) Sterling. Instruments lookup supported with stub logic.
- (feature) ContextMenu -> PopupMenu.
- (feature) IMarketDataProvider. RegisterXXX renamed into SubscribeXXX.
- (feature) ISubscriptionProvider interface created.
- (feature) Boards subscription unified with MarketDataMessage.
- ✅ (feature) BoardStateStorage added.
- 0️⃣ (feature) Connector. SupportSubscriptionTracking enabled by default.
- (feature) IMarketDataProvider. LookupTimeFrames added.
- 👍 (feature) IMessageAdapter. SupportedOutMessages property added.
- 🚚 (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsConnectionAlive removed.
- 0️⃣ (feature) Connector. Subscription tracking on normal and error disconnects turned on by default.
- ⏪ (feature) IConnector. ConnectionLost, ConnectionRestored events added.
- (feature) Gopax, Hotbit, CoinHub connectors.
- (feature) StorageMessageAdapter. Meta-info extracted into StorageMetaInfoMessageAdapter.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. Each connection uses own StorageMessageAdapter.
- (feature) IPositionProvider. SubscribePositions filter by Portfolio added.
- (feature) PortfolioLookupMessage. SecurityId filter added.
- (feature) Connector. MarketDataSubscriptionOnline event added.
- 🚚 (feature) Algo. Remote types moved to Algo.Server namespace.
- (feature) SecurityId. Money, News, All instances created.
- (feature) Portfolio derived from Position.
- (feature) Connector. All subscriptions and lookups done via Subscription class.
- (feature) Connector. ReConnectionSettings marked as obsolete.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. UseSeparatedChannels property created.
- (feature) MarketRuleHelper. Subscription rules.
- 👍 (feature) OKEX. PostOnly order supported.
- 👍 (feature) OKEX. MatchPrice supported.
- 👍 (feature) OKEX. Futures, Swap close position operation supported.
- (feature) FIX connector. Bovespa FIX and FAST dialects added.
- (feature) PortfolioGrid. Leverage column added.
- 👍 (feature) Connector. Support single order status requests.
- (feature) Connector. IsAutoPortfoliosSubscribe added.
- (feature) ITransactionProvider. StopOrder events marked as obsolete. Use events for regular orders.
- (feature) Bitalong connector.
- 🚚 (feature) IExternalCandleSource removed.
- (feature) ExecutionMessage. IsCancelled -> IsCancellation.
- ✅ (feature) SampleHistoryTesting. OwnMessageAdapter added.
- 🚚 (feature) SampleRandomTesting removed.
- (feature) DevExpress 18.1 -> 19.2
- 🔊 (feature) Ookii.Dialogs -> DXDialogs.
- (feature) MarketDataFinished -> SubscriptionFinished.
- (feature) MarketDataMessage. Extracted response logic into SubscriptionResponseMessage.
- (feature) Portfolio subscription uses SubscriptionResponseMessage as response.
- (feature) OrderStatus subscription uses SubscriptionResponseMessage as response.
- 🚚 (feature) SubscriptionResponseMessage. IsNotSupported property removed.
- (feature) Use SubscriptionResponseMessage.Error as response for error lookup messages.
- (feature) Uses SubscriptionOnlineMessage, SubscriptionFinishedMessage instead of SecurityLookupResultMessage, PortfolioLookupResultMessage, OrderStatusMessage.
- (feature) News. Language property added.
- (feature) Quote. OrdersCount added.
- (feature) SecurityTypes. Gdr, MultiLeg, Loan, Spread, Receipt, Indicator, Strategy, Volatility types added.
- ⚡️ (feature) QuoteChangeMessage. Updates by position supported.
- 🚚 (feature) QuoteChange. Side removed.
- 🚚 (feature) Removed XXXResultMessage. Uses SubscriptionFinishedMessage.
- 🚚 (feature) PortfolioChangeMessage removed.
- (feature) Storages. Check version of an app and stored format.
- (bug) Fix snapshot storage fractional values.
- (feature) QuoteCondition added.
- (feature) Level1Fields. Index, Imbalance, UnderlyingPrice.
- ✅ (feature) Deribit. Test environment supported.
- (feature) MarketDepthControl. OrdersCount, Condition columns added.
- (feature) QuikLua32 (C# version).
- (bug) QuikLua. Turn off auto logic with client code initialization. Possible fix
- (feature) FIX connector. OneZero dialect added.
- (feature) FIX connector. Dialects inherited from IMessageAdapter.
- (feature) Strategy. Connector now is class type.
- 👍 (feature) Binance. Futures and Margin supported.
- 🚚 (feature) Huobi. Removed obsolete HADAX.
- (feature) MarketDataMessage. RefreshSpeed option added.
- (bug) Coinbase and GDAX. Fix historical step.
- 📜 (bug) Coincheck. Fix historical ticks parsing.
- 👍 (feature) Quoinex. Supports Liquid.
- (bug) Upbit. Fix non minutes candles request.
- (feature) Binance. New position events processing and fast order book subscription.
- (bug) Bittrex. Fix subscription replies send.
- (bug) Bitexbook. Fix market data.
- 👍 (feature) Latoken. V2 protocol supported.
- (feature) FIX connector. Dialects made as public.
- (feature) SecurityGrid. ProcessLevel1 method added.
- (bug) OKEX. Fix tick volume for margin section -
- 👍 (feature) LBank. V2 protocol supported.
- (feature) PrizmBit connector.
- (bug) OKEX. Fix
- (feature) IFileService. Compression added.
- ⚡️ (feature) IUpdateService created.
- 🔒 (feature) Security. MaxVolume property added.
- (feature) Level1. LowBidPrice, HighAskPrice, LastTradeVolumeLow, LastTradeVolumeHigh new fields.
- (feature) News. ExpiryDate property added.
- 👍 (feature) Tick storage. Supports string ids.
- (feature) Heikin Ashi candles.
- (feature) DigitexFutures connector.
- (feature) Position. BuyOrdersCount, SellOrdersCount, BuyOrdersMargin, SellOrdersMargin, OrdersMargin, OrdersCount, TradesCount.
- (bug) FileLogListener. Clean out of date writers.
v4.6.6.1 Changes
April 05, 2018[EN] IMPORTANT : On some systems, the content of the ZIP file is blocked and the unzipped references may fail to work in Visual Studio. Before extracting it, right click on the ZIP file, select Properties , and click on the Unblock button if it is present in the lower right corner of the General tab in the properties dialog.
CRYPTO TRADING : Connectors for crypto exchanges available ONLY for crowding members. Join the campaign and get all crypto connectors -
[RU] ВАЖНО : На некоторых системах скаченный ZIP файл блокируется и распакованные из него сборки могут не работать в Visual Studio. До распаковки, нажмите правой кнопкой на ZIP файл, выберите в контекстном меню Свойства , и нажмите в закладке Общие кнопку Разблокировать , если она присуствует в правом нижнем углу окна (если не присутствует, значит разблокировка НЕ требуется).
КРИПТО БИРЖИ : Коннекторы к крипто биржам доступны ТОЛЬКО крауд участникам. Присоединяйтесь к кампании и получите все крипто коннекторы -
🔄 Change log:
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Fix historical ticks request.
- (feature) Charting. Uses DateRangeWindow to set candle series From and To.
- 🚚 (feature) StorageCandleSource removed as obsolete.
- (bug) Connector. IsBack MD messages for News fix.
- 👍 (feature) Connector. Market data events now support News subscriptions.
- 🏗 (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Fix build unsubscribe.
- 0️⃣ (feature) IStorageRegistry.DefaultDrive setter added.
- (bug) FileProgressWindow closing fix.
- (bug) ConnectorWindow. Show missed column names.
- (feature) Charting. StochasticOscillatorPainter.
- (bug) Kraken margin position obtain fix.
- (feature) IFileService.GetUploadLimit return value int -> long.
- (feature) Charting. Auto and manual select candles series for indicators.
- (bug) Charting. Fix auto select appropriate candle series.
- (bug) FIX connector. Fix process unknown outgoing messages.
- 🛠 (bug) AlfaDirect, Transaq. PortfolioMessage processing fixes.
- (bug) Charting. OptionPositionChart. Legend binding fix.
- (bug) Charting. Options charts theme binding fix.
- (bug) HistoryEmulationConnector. Fix external sources processing.
v4.4.16 Changes
February 07, 2019[EN] IMPORTANT : On some systems, the content of the ZIP file is blocked and the unzipped references may fail to work in Visual Studio. Before extracting it, right click on the ZIP file, select Properties , and click on the Unblock button if it is present in the lower right corner of the General tab in the properties dialog.
CRYPTO TRADING : Connectors for crypto exchanges available ONLY for crowding members. Join the campaign and get all crypto connectors -
[RU] ВАЖНО : На некоторых системах скаченный ZIP файл блокируется и распакованные из него сборки могут не работать в Visual Studio. До распаковки, нажмите правой кнопкой на ZIP файл, выберите в контекстном меню Свойства , и нажмите в закладке Общие кнопку Разблокировать , если она присуствует в правом нижнем углу окна (если не присутствует, значит разблокировка НЕ требуется).
КРИПТО БИРЖИ : Коннекторы к крипто биржам доступны ТОЛЬКО крауд участникам. Присоединяйтесь к кампании и получите все крипто коннекторы -
🔄 Changelog:
- (feature) Alerts. Message made optional for sound based events.
- (feature) ISecurityAssociationStorage added.
- 👍 (feature) Bithumb. Prime service supported.
- 👍 (feature) OKEX. Support turn on/off sections.
- 🛠 (bug) IQFeed. Candles request fixes.
- (feature) FIX connector. IFixDialect tick as level1 option.
- (feature) Process non persistable basket securities.
- ⚡️ (bug) Storage adapter. Fix boards lookup and update.
- (feature) IPositionStorage added.
- (feature) Reduced IEntityRegistry usage.
- (feature) Diagram. Multiple sockets for logical condition added.
- (feature) TraderHelper. Filter positions by PortfolioLookupMessage.
- (feature) ServicesRegistry added.
- (bug) ExpressionIndexSecurityProcessor fix.
- (feature) FixServer. FixSecurityLegsRequestMessage, FixSecurityLegsResultMessage messages added.
- (bug) Reconnection fix.
- 👍 (bug) IMessageAdapter.IsSupportSecuritiesLookupAll overriding fix.
- (feature) Digifinex, Idax, TradeOgre connectors.
- (feature) ITakeProfitOrderCondition, IStopLossOrderCondition, IWithdrawOrderCondition.
- (feature) CsvEntityRegistry. Currency and ExpirationDate added.
- ⏪ (feature) SubscriptionMessageAdapter. IsRestoreOnNormalReconnect added.
- (feature) News. Priority property added.
- (feature) CoinCap connector.
- (feature) Coinigy connector.
- 👍 (feature) FIX connector. IBKR dialect supported algo orders.
- 👍 (feature) FixServer. Support SecurityStatusRequest.
- 🌐 (feature) OKEx. Web sockets v3 supported.
- 👍 (feature) Plaza CGate. Spectra 6.2 supported.
- 👍 (feature) TWIME. Spectra 6.2 supported.
- 👍 (feature) Micex TEAP. Interface 31 supported.
- 🚚 (feature) Storage lists. WaitFlush added. Removed ReadLasts.
- (bug) Statistics parameters. Fix reset state.
- (bug) MarketDepthControl. Fix processing quote msgs with empty instrument info.
- 🛠 (bug) RSS fixes.
- (feature) MarketDepthControl. Dynamic change price/volume text formats.
- 🔨 (feature) UnitEditor refactoring.
- 👍 (feature) OpenECry. More order types supported.
- 👍 (feature) OKEX. Position and account swap and margin supported.
- (bug) Candles compression. Fix for non TF candles compression.
- (bug) Basket adapter. Fix processing pending connect subscriptions.
- (bug) Connector. Fix subscribers counter for error responses.
- (feature) IConnector. MarketDataUnexpectedCancelled event added.
- 👍 (feature) Basket adapter. Support offline mode for dedicated adapters.
- (feature) SampleBitfinex. Candles added.
- (feature) ActionMessage. Message for iterate actions.
- (feature) BoardEditor redesign.
- (bug) MessageAdapter. Fix ReConnectionSettings save/load.
- 👍 (feature) PropertyGridEx. WorkingTime supported.
- 🚚 (feature) OpenECryException removed.
- (bug) Connector. Clear portfolio lookup criteria fix.
- (bug) Simulator. Turn off heartbeat tracking for non owned adapters
- (feature) Order. IsManual property added.
- (feature) LBank, BitMax, BW, Bibox, CoinBene, BitZ, ZB connectors.
- ⏪ (bug) Heartbeat. Restore after reconnect.
- (feature) Deribit. Extended orders.
- (feature) Diagram. More options for order registration.
- (feature) CurrencyTypes. MXP added.
- (feature) IConnector. LookupXXXResult2 overloads.
- 👍 (feature) AlphaVantage. Lookup instruments supported.
- (bug) Quik. Fix hands while instruments lookup
- 🔒 (bug) Fix security lookup.
- (bug) Basket adapter. Fix lookup processing.
- 🛠 (bug) MessageAdapter. Time out fixes.
v4.4.15 Changes
December 01, 2018[EN] IMPORTANT : On some systems, the content of the ZIP file is blocked and the unzipped references may fail to work in Visual Studio. Before extracting it, right click on the ZIP file, select Properties , and click on the Unblock button if it is present in the lower right corner of the General tab in the properties dialog.
CRYPTO TRADING : Connectors for crypto exchanges available ONLY for crowding members. Join the campaign and get all crypto connectors -
[RU] ВАЖНО : На некоторых системах скаченный ZIP файл блокируется и распакованные из него сборки могут не работать в Visual Studio. До распаковки, нажмите правой кнопкой на ZIP файл, выберите в контекстном меню Свойства , и нажмите в закладке Общие кнопку Разблокировать , если она присуствует в правом нижнем углу окна (если не присутствует, значит разблокировка НЕ требуется).
КРИПТО БИРЖИ : Коннекторы к крипто биржам доступны ТОЛЬКО крауд участникам. Присоединяйтесь к кампании и получите все крипто коннекторы -
🔄 Changelog:
- 👍 (feature) LiveCoin. Candles support.
- 👍 (feature) LiveCoin. Websocket supported.
- (feature) Position. SettlementPrice added.
- 👍 (feature) OKEx. V3 protocol supported.
- (feature) Bitmex. Stop orders extended.
- 👍 (feature) MatLab. Candles supported.
- ⏱ (feature) WorkingTime. Set schedules for part-time working days.
- (feature) FixServer. Translates Board info.
- (feature) OpenECry. v3.5.14.53
- ⚡️ (feature) MyTradeGrid. Support PnL column update.
- 🛠 (bug) PropertyGridEx. Exchange board editor fixes.
- (feature) Diagrams. CandleSourceDiagramElement.AllowBuildFromSmallerTimeFrame added.
- 👍 (feature) Diagrams. Support market depth based indicators.
- 0️⃣ (feature) FIX. CheckTimeFrameByRequest for default dialect.
- 👍 (feature) FIX connector. Support TotalNumSecurities processing.
- (feature) FIX connector. Allow change Encoding in dialect.
- (bug) FIX connector. Fix position processing errors.
- (feature) SecurityMessage.ToString override improved.
- 🖨 (feature) ToString overrides. Avoid print empty Error tag for successful messages.
- (feature) TimeFrameLookupMessage, TimeFrameLookupResultMessage added.
- 👍 (feature) FIX connector, QuikLua. Supported TimeFrameLookupMessage, TimeFrameLookupResultMessage.
- (feature) Strategy messages.
- 👍 (feature) FixServer. Strategy messages supported.
- (feature) IConnector. Lookup result events passes lookup request messages.
- 👍 (feature) FixServer. SecurityMappingRequest, SecurityMappingResult messages supported.
- 🛠 (bug) Bitmex. ExecInst fixes.
- (bug) Candles. Fix duplicate candles subscription.
- 🏗 (bug) Market depth. Fix build depths from OL and L1.
v4.4.14 Changes
October 10, 2018[EN] IMPORTANT : On some systems, the content of the ZIP file is blocked and the unzipped references may fail to work in Visual Studio. Before extracting it, right click on the ZIP file, select Properties , and click on the Unblock button if it is present in the lower right corner of the General tab in the properties dialog.
CRYPTO TRADING : Connectors for crypto exchanges available ONLY for crowding members. Join the campaign and get all crypto connectors -
[RU] ВАЖНО : На некоторых системах скаченный ZIP файл блокируется и распакованные из него сборки могут не работать в Visual Studio. До распаковки, нажмите правой кнопкой на ZIP файл, выберите в контекстном меню Свойства , и нажмите в закладке Общие кнопку Разблокировать , если она присуствует в правом нижнем углу окна (если не присутствует, значит разблокировка НЕ требуется).
КРИПТО БИРЖИ : Коннекторы к крипто биржам доступны ТОЛЬКО крауд участникам. Присоединяйтесь к кампании и получите все крипто коннекторы -
🔄 Changelog:
- (feature) Message. IgnoreOffline -> OfflineMode.
- 🚚 (feature) SampleSmartCandles removed.
- (bug) SmartCOM. Fix candles and historical ticks requests.
- (bug) LocalMarketDataDrive. GetAvailableDataTypes fix.
- (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Fix start date for compression subscriptions.
- (feature) IConnector. MarketDataSubscriptionFinished event to notify end of subscription packet.
- (feature) Diagram. Options elements description.
- 👍 (feature) Plaza. Spectra 6.1 supported.
- 👍 (feature) TWIME. 3.1 supported.
- 🚚 (feature) Algo.Expressions. Moved to Algo proj.
- 🔨 (feature) IBasketSecurityProcessorProvider. Basket securities refactoring.
- (feature) BaseGridControl. Autoscroll added.
- (feature) Bitfinex. Market data v2 API.
- 👍 (feature) Bithumb. WebSocket support.
- (feature) CandleBuilderProvider. Ability to register own CandleBuilder-s.
- (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Fix non time-frame based candles processing.
- 0️⃣ (feature) MarketDataGenerator. Set Interval default value.
- 🚚 (feature) Charting. Move orders with mouse beyond chart range.
- 👻 (bug) Charting. Fix exception in BoxVolume chart.
- (bug) Charting. Fix date on x-axis not clipped to control bounds.
- (feature) Charting. Panels resize animation.
- (bug) Charting. Indicators binding with additional axis fix.
- (bug) Charting. Composite indicators properties modification fix.
- (feature) Charting. Volatility smile chart. Line interpolation.
- 💅 (feature) Charting. Equity and option charts - change drawing style possibility.
- (feature) Charting. Annotations creates from code.
- (feature) UserInfoMessage. The message provided user's information.
- 🚚 (feature) ExpirationContinuousSecurity. Moved implementation from ContinuousSecurity. ContinuousSecurity is abstract.
- (bug) FinamHistorySource. Fix stocks lookup.
- (feature) Charting. OptionVolitilitySmileChart. Combine approximated lines + points in legend.
- 🚚 (feature) CEX. Remove ClientId settings.
- (feature) BasePosition. ExpirationDate property added.
- 🛠 (bug) FXCM fixes.
- ⚡️ (feature) CsvImporter. SecurityUpdated event added.
- 🚚 (feature) Positions. ClientCode moved from Position to BasePosition.
- (feature) ImportSettingsPanel. IPersistable implemented.
- 🛠 (bug) Monitor. Clear sources tree in monitor fixes.
- 🌲 (bug) Monitor. Do not trim log sources names.
- 👍 (feature) CsvEntityRegistry. Support Position.ClientCode save-load.
- (feature) SessionMessage->BoardStateMessage renamed.
- (feature) BoardLookupMessage, BoardRequestMessage, UserRequestMessage added.
- (feature) IConnector. LookupBoardsResult event added.
- (feature) IConnector. LookupBoards method added.
- (feature) IConnector. SubscribeBoard/UnSubscribeBoard methods added.
- (bug) SubscriptionMessageAdapter. Set original trans id while disconnect unsubscribe.
- 👍 (feature) Connector. SupportBasketSecurities property added.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. MaxVersion settings added.
- (feature) Level1ChangeMessage. CommissionMaker, CommissionTaker fields added.
- (feature) PositionChangeMessage. CommissionMaker, CommissionTaker fields added.
- (feature) Order, MyTrade. CommissionCurrency field added.
- (feature) SecurityGrid, Level1Grid. CommissionMaker, CommissionTaker columns added.
- (feature) PortfolioGrid. Show Board, CommissionMaker, CommissionTaker columns.
- 👍 (feature) InteractiveBrokers, Micex, Plaza. Commission translate supported.
- 👍 (feature) Crypto connectors. Commission translate supported.
- 👍 (feature) FIX server. CommissionCurrency supported.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard. LME, WIKI instances.
- (feature) MfdHistorySource. Filter for options lookup.
- 👍 (feature) QuandlHistorySource. Lookup securities. Support newest protocol changes.
- (bug) Plaza. TableEditor fix.
v4.4.13 Changes
August 07, 2018[EN] IMPORTANT : On some systems, the content of the ZIP file is blocked and the unzipped references may fail to work in Visual Studio. Before extracting it, right click on the ZIP file, select Properties , and click on the Unblock button if it is present in the lower right corner of the General tab in the properties dialog.
CRYPTO TRADING : Connectors for crypto exchanges available ONLY for crowding members. Join the campaign and get all crypto connectors -
[RU] ВАЖНО : На некоторых системах скаченный ZIP файл блокируется и распакованные из него сборки могут не работать в Visual Studio. До распаковки, нажмите правой кнопкой на ZIP файл, выберите в контекстном меню Свойства , и нажмите в закладке Общие кнопку Разблокировать , если она присуствует в правом нижнем углу окна (если не присутствует, значит разблокировка НЕ требуется).
КРИПТО БИРЖИ : Коннекторы к крипто биржам доступны ТОЛЬКО крауд участникам. Присоединяйтесь к кампании и получите все крипто коннекторы -
🔄 Changelog:
- (bug) Monitor.Clear fix.
- (bug) Candles. Fix process error response in case of multiples connections.
- (bug) PortfolioGrid. Fix State column localization.
- (bug) OrderLogMessageAdapter. Fix multi subscription processing.
- (feature) FAST settings as public.
- (bug) LMAX securities lookup fix.
- (bug) QuikLua. Fix Si and Eu symbols processing.
- (bug) FixServer. QuotesInterval handling fix.
- (feature) FixServer. TransactionId mapping associated with clients session.
- (bug) TraderHelper. IsLookupAll method fix.
- 🏗 (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Fix BuildMode processing.
- (feature) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Track From date.
- (bug) Transaq. Fix sec code decoding (&).
- (bug) Bitmex. Process order fix.
- (bug) Chart. Date on x-axis not clipped to control bounds.
- (bug) Bittrex. Market depth fix and nullable order's field fix.
- (bug) Yobit. Empty order book processing fix.
- 🚚 (feature) Chart. Removed obsolete xml exporting option.
- (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Do not switch to smaller tf in case successfully finished original tf series.
- (bug) CandleBuilderMessageAdapter. Fix Load only subscription processing.
- 🔒 (bug) SecurityNativeIdMessageAdapter. Ignore candles with empty security id.
- 🔒 (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Send error response for unhandled security lookup request.
- 👍 (bug) Samples. Fix lookup all securities for non supported connections.
- (bug) LMAX. Fix Level1 subscription.
- (feature) LMAX. v1.9.0.2
- 👍 (feature) FXCM. REST API support.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard. IEX board.
- (feature) AlphaVantage connector.
- (feature) IEX connector.
- (bug) Deribit. Fix news subscription.
- (bug) Cryptopia. Order book request fix.
- (bug) Fix CandleManager.Stopped event invoke for Connector source
- (feature) Zaif, Quoinex, Bitbank connectors.
- 🔒 (bug) Storage. Fix path for security id start from '.'.
- 🏗 (feature) IConnector. Methods RegisterMarketDepth, RegisterSecurity and RegisterTrades accepts BuildFrom argument.
- (bug) Bitmex. Fix tick subscription
- (bug) Bitmex. Fix candles state.
- (bug) Bitmex. OL processing fix.
- (feature) DevExpress v18.1.5
- (bug) Yobit. Orders processing fix.
- (bug) Fix processing non associated with transaction id order's messages.
- (bug) fix delete prev subscriptions.
- (feature) FixServer. Auto unsubscribe for disconnected sessions.
v4.4.12 Changes
June 22, 2018[EN] IMPORTANT : On some systems, the content of the ZIP file is blocked and the unzipped references may fail to work in Visual Studio. Before extracting it, right click on the ZIP file, select Properties , and click on the Unblock button if it is present in the lower right corner of the General tab in the properties dialog.
CRYPTO TRADING : Connectors for crypto exchanges available ONLY for crowding members. Join the campaign and get all crypto connectors -
[RU] ВАЖНО : На некоторых системах скаченный ZIP файл блокируется и распакованные из него сборки могут не работать в Visual Studio. До распаковки, нажмите правой кнопкой на ZIP файл, выберите в контекстном меню Свойства , и нажмите в закладке Общие кнопку Разблокировать , если она присуствует в правом нижнем углу окна (если не присутствует, значит разблокировка НЕ требуется).
КРИПТО БИРЖИ : Коннекторы к крипто биржам доступны ТОЛЬКО крауд участникам. Присоединяйтесь к кампании и получите все крипто коннекторы -криптобиржи/
🔄 Changelog:
- (feature) Crypto connectors. BalanceCheckInterval for refresh an account balances in case of deposit and withdraw operation.
- 👍 (feature) SubscriptionMessageAdapter. SupportLookupMessages options to support duplicated subscriptions as unique.
- 👍 (feature) Huobi. Support HADAX.
- (feature) CurrencyTypes.ZAC
- 📜 (feature) FIX connector. Time format parsing settings as public.
- (bug) Charting. Fix duplicate candle series save/load.
- (feature) MessageAdapter. INotifyPropertyChanged implemented.
- (bug) TransactionSnapshot. Fix trade data save.
- (feature) OrderWindow. SecurityEnabled, PortfolioEnabled for modify orders.
- (bug) OrderGrid. Cancel group orders fix.
- (feature) Message. IgnoreOffline option to prevent buffering in offline mode.
- (feature) OpenECry. v3.5.14.41
- 🚚 (feature) SampleOEC. Removed obsolete.
- 🔧 (feature) FAST dialects. Made network settings configurable.
- (feature) TraderHelper. LookupAllCriteria changed from asterisk to empty string.
- 👍 (feature) IMessageAdapter. IsSupportSecuritiesLookupAll option indicates adapter able to download all available securities.
- (feature) InteractiveBrokers. v9.73.07
- 👍 (feature) InteractiveBrokers. SSL support.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Fix securities lookup all processing.
- (feature) CurrencyTypes. DEM, LUF.
- (feature) ExchangeBoard. Globex board info added.
- (bug) CandleMessageBuildableStorage. Fix process multiples timeframes.
- (bug) Transactions snapshot storage. Fix orders and trades save.
- 🔒 (bug) SecurityGrid. Do not show errors in security grid.
- 🛠 (bug) Level1FieldsComboBox. Text alignment fixes.
- (feature) PropertyGrid. Reset button to exchange board editor added.
- (feature) CsvEntityRegistry. Method GetBoard uses IExchangeInfoProvider service.
- 📜 (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Fix expiry time parsing fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Market depth fix.
- 🏗 (feature) Index builder. Ignore errors as parameters.
- (feature) IMesssageAdapterExtension. Extra info about typical order's condition.
- 👍 (feature) OrderWindow. Support conditional orders creation. Take-profit and stop-loss shortcuts.
- (feature) WithdrawWindow. Volume and VolumeStep properties.
- (feature) BasketMessageAdapter. Save/load IPortfolioMessageAdapterProvider mapping.
- (bug) TransactionSnapshot. Fix conditional orders save.
v4.4.11 Changes
June 08, 2018[EN] IMPORTANT : On some systems, the content of the ZIP file is blocked and the unzipped references may fail to work in Visual Studio. Before extracting it, right click on the ZIP file, select Properties , and click on the Unblock button if it is present in the lower right corner of the General tab in the properties dialog.
CRYPTO TRADING : Connectors for crypto exchanges available ONLY for crowding members. Join the campaign and get all crypto connectors -
[RU] ВАЖНО : На некоторых системах скаченный ZIP файл блокируется и распакованные из него сборки могут не работать в Visual Studio. До распаковки, нажмите правой кнопкой на ZIP файл, выберите в контекстном меню Свойства , и нажмите в закладке Общие кнопку Разблокировать , если она присуствует в правом нижнем углу окна (если не присутствует, значит разблокировка НЕ требуется).
КРИПТО БИРЖИ : Коннекторы к крипто биржам доступны ТОЛЬКО крауд участникам. Присоединяйтесь к кампании и получите все крипто коннекторы -криптобиржи/
🔄 Change log:
- (feature) Connector. ICandleManager implemented.
- 🚚 (feature) ICandleSourceList removed.
- (bug) BasketMessageAdapter. Fix news ubsubscribe requests.
- 🏗 (feature) StorageMessageAdapter. Build candles from tick data in case IsCalcVolumeProfile=true
- 🔨 (feature) Candles building refactored. Supported IsCalcVolumeProfile. Removed IsHistory usage.
- (bug) Grids. Fix filters for enum based fields.
- (bug) BufferMessageAdapter. Fix subscription for IsCalcVolumeProfile and AllowBuildFromSmallerTimeFrame.
- 🚚 (feature) Managers. Moved from Connector to BasketMessageAdatper.
- (feature) StorageMessageAdapter. Store historical level1.
- 🚚 (feature) RemoveMessage.
- ✅ (bug) Backtesting. Fix candles subscription using external source
- ✅ (bug) Backtesting. Fix candles subscription generators.
- ⚡️ (feature) Security storage. Forced updates for manual modified data only.
- 🌐 (feature) FIX connector. IssueDate, IssueSize translation support.
- 👍 (feature) FixServer. Multi leg securities support.
- (feature) FixServer.NewOutMessage. FixSession as the first parameter.
- (feature) PermissionCredentialsAuthorization.
- (feature) PermissionCredentialsWindow.
- (bug) FIX connector. SpectraFixDialect. Order mass cancel fix.
- 👍 (feature) FixMessageAdapter. SupportedMessages from Dialect.
- (bug) OrderGrid. Active filters fix.
- (bug) GatorHistogram fix.
- (feature) Charting. GatorOscillatorPainter, RelativeVigorIndexPainter.
- (feature) MarketEmulator. CheckMoney option.
- (bug) ConnectorWindow. Fix connector description for Quik lua.
- 🛠 (bug) RiskMessageAdapter fixes.
- (feature) Plaza. v5.3.6
- (feature) Micex. Stock30, Currency28, Currency30 interfaces.
- (bug) Transaq. Fix shared dll initialization
- (feature) FinamHistorySource. .NET 4.6 minimum required.
- 👍 (feature) FIX connector. SSL support extended.
- 👍 (feature) FIX connector. QUIK FIX PreRrade support.
- (bug) PortfolioEditor, SecurityEditor. Fix keyboard typing.
- (feature) IMessageAdapter. CheckTimeFrameByRequest property.
- (bug) TimeSpanEditor. Design fix.
- ✅ (feature) Backtesting. Dynamic change market time interval.
- (feature) LogControl. Design adapted for Devexpress.
- (feature) LogControl. LayoutChanged event.
- (bug) MarketDataGrid. Fix further refreshes after error request.
- (feature) CandleSeries.IsRegularTradingHours.
- (feature) CandleBuilder. IExchangeInfoProvider as input argument.
- 🔒 (feature) ComplexCsvSecurityList. Base class for complex security types list.
- (feature) MultiSecurityStorage.
- ⏪ (feature) ISecurityWindow restored.
- (feature) ThemedIconsExtension. Icons auto coloring.
- 🔨 (feature) ContinuousSecurityWindow. Design refactoring.
- (feature) CandleSeries. Count property.
- (bug) Grids. Time zone column fix.
- 🛠 (bug) Chart icons color fixes.
- 🏁 (bug) Windows title color fix.
- (feature) Plaza. AdjustedFee, Prohibition tables. FeeRate, Dealer columns populated.
- (bug) Binance. Fix
- 🚚 (feature) SecurityPicker. Removed StatusBar.
- (bug) SecurityPicker. Fix filtering securities started by @ char.
- (feature) FIX connector. Try/catch out messages processing.
- (feature) Chart.DisableIndicatorReset
- (bug) Chart. Indicator draw from non-GUI thread fix.
- (bug) BufferMessageAdapter. Fix transactions data save/load.
- (bug) MACD Histogram calc fix
- 👍 (feature) QuotesBinarySnapshotSerializer. Support unlimited depths.
- 👍 (feature) Level1BinarySnapshotSerializer. Support more fields.
- 👍 (feature) TransactionBinarySnapshotSerializer. Condition orders support.
- (feature) IConnector. LookupOrders methods.
- 👍 (feature) StorageMessageAdapter. SupportLookupMessages (method Load is obsolete).
- (feature) IndicatorPickerWindow. PropGrid for indicator settings.
- 🚦 (feature) Charting. MACD Histogram. Signal and MACD lines added.
- 📜 (bug) Bitfinex. Fix position processing
- (bug) Bithumb. Ticks subscription fix.
- (bug) QuikLua. Fix send back market data errors subscriptions.
- (feature) Alerts. Schemas panel.
- (bug) Connector. Fix processing order status response with failed orders info.
- (feature) OfflineMessageAdapter. Track disconnect.
- (bug) YahooHistorySource. Fix downloading history for futures.
- 👍 (feature) YahooHistorySource. Intraday interval supported.
- (bug) Image publish cancellation processing fix.
- (feature) MarketDepth.MaxDepth marked as obsolete.
- 🚚 (feature) MarketDepth. Removed thread safety support.
- (feature) QuikLua. Handle From To date range for market data requests.
- 🔒 (feature) StrategiesDashboard. Set security and portfolio directly. Allow trading and last error columns.
- (bug) Charting. Fix Equity legend color.
- (feature) Diagram. MarketDepthTruncateDiagramElement.
- (bug) TimeSpanEditor. Fix DevExpress themes.
- 0️⃣ (feature) Default implementation of IOrderLogMarketDepthBuilder.
- 🏗 (feature) MarketDataMessage. BuildCandlesModes -> BuildMode, BuildCandlesFrom -> BuildFrom, BuildCandlesField -> BuildField.
- 🏗 (feature) OrderLogMessageAdapter. Moved depth and tick building from Connector to Adapter.
- (feature) Connector. CreateDepthFromOrdersLog, CreateTradesFromOrdersLog market as obsolete.
- (feature) SampleFix. OrdersLogWindow added.
- (feature) SamplePlaza. OrdersLogWindow uses OrderLogGrid.
- 🚚 (feature) Connector. Own trades tracking moved to TransactionMessageAdapter.
- 👯 (feature) Message. Method Clone made as abstract.
- 🌐 (feature) Bittrex. Web sockets supported.
- (bug) Charting. Fix drawing trades with string id.
- (feature) OrderGrid, ExecutionGrid, TradeGrid, MyTradeGrid. Sides coloring.
- (feature) SecurityGrid. BuyBackDate, BuyBackPrice columns.
- (bug) ConnectorWindow. Fix stub connectors check.
- 🏗 (feature) IConnector. Method RegisterXXX accepts From and To range, build from option.
- (feature) ExecutionGrid. OriginSide coloring.
June 07, 2018 -
v4.4.8 Changes
April 30, 2018[EN] IMPORTANT : On some systems, the content of the ZIP file is blocked and the unzipped references may fail to work in Visual Studio. Before extracting it, right click on the ZIP file, select Properties , and click on the Unblock button if it is present in the lower right corner of the General tab in the properties dialog.
CRYPTO TRADING : Connectors for crypto exchanges available ONLY for crowding members. Join the campaign and get all crypto connectors -
[RU] ВАЖНО : На некоторых системах скаченный ZIP файл блокируется и распакованные из него сборки могут не работать в Visual Studio. До распаковки, нажмите правой кнопкой на ZIP файл, выберите в контекстном меню Свойства , и нажмите в закладке Общие кнопку Разблокировать , если она присуствует в правом нижнем углу окна (если не присутствует, значит разблокировка НЕ требуется).
КРИПТО БИРЖИ : Коннекторы к крипто биржам доступны ТОЛЬКО крауд участникам. Присоединяйтесь к кампании и получите все крипто коннекторы -
🔄 Change log:
- (feature) ImportSettingsPanel control.
- (feature) CSV storages. Provide error details as return from Init method.
- (feature) CsvEntityRegistry. Store UnderlyingSecurityType, CfiCode, IssueDate, IssueSize.
- (feature) MarketDepthControl. GetOrders method.
- (feature) MarketDepthControl. CellMouseLeftDoubleClick event.
- 👍 (feature) InteractiveBrokers. Min10, Min 20, Hour2, Hour3, Hour4, Hour8 timeframes support.
- 👍 (feature) InteractiveBrokers. Historical data types AdjustedLast, RebateRate, FeeRate support.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. End date for candles request fix
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. SecurityLookup error response handling fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Candles request fix.
- (feature) PortfolioPicker.
- (feature) DukasCopyHistorySource.GetCandles. Sides -> Level1Fields.
- (feature) OrderRegisterMessage. CopyTo method.
- 👍 (feature) OfflineMessageAdapter. Support replace for pending orders.
- (bug) Real time candles subscription determine fix.
- (bug) InteractiveBrokers. Native order ids fix.
- (bug) Charting. Fix order creation for non first panel.
- 🔒 (feature) Charting. Auto select Security and Portfolio.
- (bug) CsvEntityRegistry. Securities IsChanged fix (new empty values).
- 👍 (bug) SampleLogging fix. Support Verbose.
- (feature) SampleFix. Market data adapter switch FIX<->FAST.
- (bug) LogControl. Fix themes
- (bug) FIX connector. CFI code sending fix.
- 👍 (feature) FIX connector. FixTags.Product support.
- (feature) FIX connector. AstsFixDialect splitted on Currency and Equity dialects.
- 👍 (feature) NewsPanel. IPersistable support.