Telegram.Bot v16.0.0-alpha.2 Release Notes

Release Date: 2021-05-10 // almost 3 years ago
  • Bot API 5.2 (April 26, 2021)

    ➕ Added

    • ⏱ Property VoiceChatScheduled to the class Message.
    • ⏱ Types VoiceChatScheduled, InputInvoiceMessageContent
    • 🆕 New MessageType value: VoiceChatScheduled
    • Property ChatType to the class InlineQuery.
    • 🆕 New ChatType value: Sender
    • 🆕 New ChatAction values: RecordVoice, UploadVoice
    • Optional parameters maxTipAmount and suggestedTipAmounts to ITelegramBotClient.SendInvoiceAsync
    • Properties MaxTipAmount and SuggestedTipAmounts to SendInvoiceRequest

    🔄 Changed

    • Parameter order in ITelegramBotClient.UnpinChatMessageAsync
    • Parameter startParameter of the method ITelegramBotClient.SendInvoiceAsync became optional
    • ChatAction values RecordAudio and UploadAudio marked as obsolete
    • ReplyToMessageId and AllowSendingWithoutReply in IReplyMessage, CopyMessageRequest, SendLocationRequest, SendAnimationRequest, SendAudioRequest, SendContactRequest, SendDiceRequest, SendDocumentRequest, SendMediaGroupRequest, SendMessageRequest, SendPhotoRequest, SendPollRequest, SendVenueRequest, SendVideoNoteRequest, SendVideoRequest, SendVoiceRequest, SendGameRequest, SendStickerRequest marked as optional

    ⚠ > ⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️ ⚡️ > After the next Bot API update (Bot API 5.3) there will be a one-time change of the value of the field FileUniqueId in objects of the type PhotoSize and of the fields SmallFileUniqueId and BigFileUniqueId in objects of the type ChatPhoto.

    <!-- --> ⚠ > ⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️ ⚡️ > Service messages about non-bot users joining the chat will be soon removed from large groups. We recommend using the “chat_member” update as a replacement.

    <!-- --> ⚠ > ⚠️ WARNING! ⚠️ ⚡️ > After one of the upcoming Bot API updates, user identifiers will become bigger than 231 - 1 and it will be no longer possible to store them in a signed 32-bit integer type. User identifiers will have up to 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or double-precision float type would still be safe for storing them. Please make sure that your code can correctly handle such user identifiers.

    🛠 Fixed

    • 📄 Align property order and description with official docs

    ✂ Removed

    • Parameter startParameter from SendInvoiceRequest constructor