
The author discusses the meaning behind this common phrase in software development.
The author shares his belief that reusability in software is no longer a prized tenet and should not be taken lightly.
The author shares an analogy between the popular line-of-business app architectures circulating in the .NET world and dominoes.
Interactively visualize the concept of information hiding by changing access modifiers on a .NET solution.
In part 2 of this article, the author discusses the code-level refactoring strategies used to add a second line of business to a very old application.
The author discusses the logistical decisions involved when deciding how to add a second line of business to a very old application.
Developers often obsess over finding the perfect abstraction. But at what cost? In this article, the author looks at perfectionism and how we can tackle this problem pragmatically.
The author demonstrates the process of refactoring business logic from controllers and into small service classes.
The author discusses his first time using the two major serverless function cloud offerings.
Some news came and went that stated you can now use dependency injection starting at .NET 4.7.2. This article demonstrates the steps to set it up and any quirks you might run into along the way.
The first in a 6-part series featuring visual studio dev tips you'll actually use regularly.
Joe shares his most used Visual Studio feature for improving code readability. First he demonstrates the Extract Method refactoring using mouse clicks, but then moves on to superior way - keyboard commands.
Sometimes pictures make for a better learning experience. In this article, Joe uses art and animation to show the real value behind moving business logic from controllers into services.
The types of logic that sneaks into your controllers and miiight just be better of elsewhere.
A video demonstrating several guidelines for refactoring spaghetti into something more understandable.
How do you effectively approach a mess of code? In this article, the author breaks down common strategies for evaluating and cleaning it up.
Joe continues reading Adaptive Code via C#. Chapter 3 looks at the power of interfaces.
Joe continues his exploration of the book Adaptive Code via C#. This article takes a look at a simple but powerful strategy you can use to keep your projects decoupled.
Reading and commenting on the book Adaptive Code via C#. This article covers some of Chapter 2: Dependencies and Layering.
The popular software design and architecture book for C# developers is read and synthesized. This article begins a series, starting with the book's introduction.
Dependency injection is built right into ASP.NET Core, but why should we use it? It's obviously important and useful, but have you ever thought about WHY?