WebBen alternatives and similar packages
Based on the "Code Analysis and Metrics" category.
Alternatively, view WebBen alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs.
App Metrics is an open-source and cross-platform .NET library used to record and report metrics within an application. -
CodeMaid is an open source Visual Studio extension to cleanup and simplify our C#, C++, F#, VB, PHP, PowerShell, JSON, XAML, XML, ASP, HTML, CSS, LESS, SCSS, JavaScript and TypeScript coding. -
.NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") Analyzers
A number of Roslyn diagnostic analyzers initially developed to help flesh out the design and implementation of the static analysis APIs. -
The Metrics.NET library provides a way of instrumenting applications with custom metrics (timers, histograms, counters etc) that can be reported in various ways and can provide insights on what is happening inside a running application. -
NsDepCop is a static code analysis tool that enforces namespace and assembly dependency rules in C# projects. -
Gendarme is a extensible rule-based tool to find problems in .NET applications and libraries. Gendarme inspects programs and libraries that contain code in ECMA CIL format (Mono and .NET) and looks for common problems with the code, problems that compiler do not typically check or have not historically checked. -
is a Visual Studio and VS Team Services extension that estimates your .NET code quality and Technical-Debt, that lets create code rules with C# LINQ syntax, visualize code structure and focus on changes and evolution.[$] -
PVS-Studio is a static analyzer on guard of code quality, security (SAST), and code safety. [Free for OSS] [$]
CodeRabbit: AI Code Reviews for Developers

* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
Do you think we are missing an alternative of WebBen or a related project?
Cross platform HTTP Server benchmark tool written in .NET 6.0. Declarative and easy to use. Execute test cases and compare the results. Parallelize the execution of test cases.
Runs on MacOS, Linux and Windows. For additional information see all supported platforms.
dotnet tool install --global webben
Usage samples
webben [command] [options]
config <fileInfo>
uri <uri>
analyse, analyze <uri>
-v, --verbose Enable verbose output
-e, --export-format <Default|Json> Export format [default: Default]
-?, -h, --help Show help and usage information
webben config <filePath>
│Name │Elapsed│NoR│Pll│Err│Avg(ms) │StdDev(ms)│Median(ms)│
│get_simple_1 │2.13 │100│100│0 │2,083.83│11.66 │2,080.86 │
│get_simple_2 │2.03 │100│100│0 │2,017.24│7.21 │2,017.62 │
│post_simple_1│2.09 │100│500│0 │2,022.46│5.07 │2,020.69 │
webben uri <uri> [options]
<uri> The URI to use.
-f, --fetch-content Whether to fetch the content of the URI.
-l, --name Name or label
-m, --http-method The HTTP method to use.
-n, --request-count The number of requests to make.
-p, --parallelism The number of parallelism to use.
-r, --allow-redirect Whether to allow redirects.
-t, --timeout-in-ms The timeout in milliseconds.
webben uri http://localhost:3000
webben uri http://localhost:3000 -n 10000
webben uri http://localhost:3000 -p 100 -b 50 -t 5000 -m GET -f false -r false -n 10000
│Name │Elapsed│NoR│Pll│Err│Avg(ms)│StdDev(ms)│Median(ms)│
│initial_test_1│0.67 │10 │100│0 │456.69 │82.85 │423.60 │
webben analyze <uri> [options]
webben analyse <uri> [options]
<uri> The URI to use.
-f, --fetch-content Whether to fetch the content of the URI.
-r, --allow-redirect Whether to allow redirects.
-t, --timeout-in-ms <timeout-in-ms> The bounded capacity to use.
-m, --max-trial-count <max-trial-count> Iteration count for calculation. See -c
-c, --calculation-function <Average|Median|P70|P80|P90> Function for RPS calculation
analyze "https://contoso.com/?q=test"
analyze "https://contoso.com/?q=test" -c Median
analyze "https://contoso.com/?q=test" -m 5 -c P80
# Analyze result including max requests count per second
│Name │Elapsed(sec)│NoR│Pll│Err│Avg(ms)│StdDev(ms)│Median(ms)│
│2206260057093580│0.52 │1 │1 │0 │503.35 │0.00 │503.35 │
│2206260057093580│0.29 │2 │2 │0 │283.28 │1.34 │283.28 │
│2206260057093580│0.29 │4 │4 │0 │282.62 │11.45 │286.21 │
│2206260057093580│0.29 │8 │8 │0 │280.83 │8.95 │284.91 │
│2206260057093580│0.36 │16 │16 │0 │316.97 │19.17 │317.60 │
│2206260057093580│0.71 │32 │32 │0 │658.79 │30.66 │661.04 │
│2206260057093580│0.60 │64 │64 │0 │503.19 │59.68 │492.96 │
│2206260057093580│0.86 │128│128│0 │707.93 │87.33 │723.58 │
│2206260057093580│1.63 │256│256│0 │997.16 │161.11 │997.03 │
│2206260057093580│1.14 │129│129│0 │728.80 │72.92 │724.38 │
│ 128 │
Analyzing session
Configuration Sample
"TestCaseConfigurations": [
"Name": "get_simple_1",
"Uri": "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/posts/foo"
"Name": "get_simple_2",
"Uri": "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/posts/bar"
"Name": "post_simple_1",
"Uri": "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/posts",
"HttpMethod": "POST",
"NumberOfRequests": 500,
"FetchContent": false,
"Parallelism": 500,
"BoundedCapacity": 500,
"Headers": {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)"
"Cookies": {
"X-Session-Id": "44c00ac0-eae8-11ec-8fea-0242ac120002"
"Body": {
"Content": "{\"name\":\"test\"}",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"Encoding": "utf-8"
./webben config samples/Multiple.json
Output ( Default Formatter )
│Name │Elapsed│NoR│Pll│Err│Avg │P90 │Median │
│get_simple_1 │2.13 │100│100│0 │2,081.37│2,078.92│2,078.47│
│get_simple_2 │2.03 │100│100│0 │2,015.18│2,025.14│2,013.66│
│post_simple_1│2.08 │100│500│0 │2,019.53│2,023.18│2,019.60│
./webben config samples/Multiple.json -e Json
Output ( JSON Formatter )
"Configuration": {
"HttpMethod": "GET",
"RequestCount": 100,
"Parallelism": 100,
"UseDefaultCredentials": false,
"UseCookieContainer": false,
"MaxBufferSize": 2147483647,
"Name": "get_simple_1",
"Uri": "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/posts/foo",
"FetchContent": false,
"AllowRedirect": false,
"TimeoutInMs": 2147483647
"Timings": [
"Errors": [],
"Elapsed": "00:00:02.1292561"
"Configuration": {
"HttpMethod": "GET",
"RequestCount": 100,
"Parallelism": 100,
"UseDefaultCredentials": false,
"UseCookieContainer": false,
"MaxBufferSize": 2147483647,
"Name": "get_simple_2",
"Uri": "http://localhost:3000/api/v1/posts/bar",
"FetchContent": false,
"AllowRedirect": false,
"TimeoutInMs": 2147483647
"Timings": [
"Errors": [],
"Elapsed": "00:00:02.0749580"
Other features
Support for authentication, cookie containers, and default credentials. It is possible to use the same credential
configuration for multiple test cases. The credential configuration is specified by the CredentialConfigurationKey
"CredentialConfigurations": [
"Key": "cred_1",
"Provider": "NetworkCredentialProvider",
"Data": {
"username": "foo",
"password": "bar"
Http request headers can be specified.
"TestCaseConfigurations": [
"Name": "post_simple_1",
"Uri": "http://localhost:3000",
"HttpMethod": "POST",
"NumberOfRequests": 10000,
"FetchContent": false,
"Parallelism": 500,
"BoundedCapacity": 500,
"Headers": {
"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64)"
"Body": {
"Content": "{\"name\":\"test\"}",
"ContentType": "application/json",
"Encoding": "utf-8"
Http request
Http requests created by WebBen are not actually sent to the server. Instead, they are stored in a queue. The queue is processed by multiple threads depending on the parallelism.
```http request POST / HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:3000 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) WebBen/1.2206 Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 15
WebBen is just a simple tool to generate http requests. You can combine it with other tools to make more complex tasks. For example, you can use WebBen to generate requests and then use another tool to send them to the your backend.
### Example
webben uri https://url-to-benchmark.local/pages/1 -e json | \
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-binary @- \
Host: your-awesome-backend.local
User-Agent: curl/7.79.1
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1042
"Items": [
"Timings": [
"Errors": [],
"Elapsed": "00:00:00.5938226",
"Configuration": {
"HttpMethod": "GET",
"RequestCount": 10,
"Parallelism": 10,
"UseDefaultCredentials": false,
"UseCookieContainer": false,
"MaxBufferSize": 2147483647,
"Name": "iteration1",
"Uri": "https://url-to-benchmark.local/pages/1",
"FetchContent": false,
"AllowRedirect": true,
"TimeoutInMs": 2147483647
"Calculations": {
"Average": "00:00:00.5111607",
"StdDev": "00:00:00.0361018",
"P90": "00:00:00.5772976",
"P80": "00:00:00.5528780",
"P70": "00:00:00.5148466",
"Median": "00:00:00.5118655"
:yum: How to contribute
Have an idea? Found a bug? Contributions are always welcome.
- Open an issue or create a pull request.
- Share with your friends.
- Give a Star.
Thanks! :heart:
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the WebBen README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.