All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
25 days
Latest Release
1628 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
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v5.8 Changes
June 25, 2020- ➕ Added variables to MailsSender task (#75).
- 0️⃣ Disabled workflows hot folder by default (#269).
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #252.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #257.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #259.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #260.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #261.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #272.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #273.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in workflows hot folder.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in records hot folder.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in Wexflow engine when loading workflows.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in users page.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in dashboard and history pages.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in FilesLoader, FilesLoaderEx, FileSystemWatcher and ProcessLauncher tasks.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in all must approve workflows.
- ⚡️ Updated backend pages.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Swagger UI v3.27.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Twilio v5.44.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Google.Protobuf v3.12.3.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to DiffPlex v1.6.3.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to SharpCompress v0.25.1.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to FluentFTP v32.4.3.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MonoTorrent v1.0.22.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to RavenDB.Client v4.2.103.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to YamlDotNet v8.1.2.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MailKit v2.7.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MimeKit v2.8.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MySqlConnector v0.69.3.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to System.Data.SQLite.Core v1.0.113.1.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Google.Apis.YouTube.v3 v1.46.0.1995.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to NUglify v4.6.3.
v5.7 Changes
May 20, 2020- 🐛 Bug fixes, performance enhancements and under the hood updates.
- ➕ Added all must approve feature (#234).
- ➕ Added multiple approvers for the same record (#234).
- ➕ Added a label for approved records in records tab (#234).
- ➕ Added approvers informations to records tab (#234).
- ➕ Added a reminder feature in approval workfows for notifying the approver and the user assigned to the record N days before due date.
- ➕ Added reminderDelay and onReminderDateReached settings to ApproveRecord task.
- ➕ Added records hot folder (#234).
- ➕ Added an automated import flow for importing and approving records (#234).
- ➕ Added ApprovalRecordsCreator task for importing records from files (#234).
- ➕ Added ApprovalWorkflowsCreator task for creating and starting approval workflows for records on the fly (#234).
- ➕ Added files Drag & Drop to records tab.
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in ApproveRecord task.
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in Workflow task (#239).
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in FileSystemWatcher task.
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in HttpPost, HttpPut, HttpDelete and HttpGet tasks (#237).
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in the designer (#237).
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in Wait task.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #250.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #254.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in Wexflow engine when deleting records.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in Wexflow engine when stopping the server.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in Oracle database.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue TasksSettings.json (#239).
- ⚡️ Updated all the databases.
- ⚡️ Updated Android app.
- ⚡️ Updated iOS app.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to LiteDB v5.0.8.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Swagger UI v3.25.3.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Autofac v5.2.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to DnsClient v1.3.2.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Twilio v5.41.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to FluentFTP v32.4.1.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to VimeoDotNet v2.0.0.21.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MimeKit v2.7.0.
v5.6 Changes
May 11, 2020🚀 Major and stable release with brand new features, performance enhancements, security fixes and bug fixes.
- ➕ Added approval workflows of generic business objects such as documents, invoices, purchase orders, vacation requests, time sheets, etc.
- ➕ Added serial approval and parallel approval workflows.
- ➕ Added Records tab to the backend.
- ➕ Added Approval tab to the backend.
- ➕ Added Notifications tab to the backend.
- ➕ Added email notifications to approval workflows.
- ➕ Added ApproveRecord task.
- ➕ Added incremental task id to the designer (#227).
- ➕ Added field type to the designer (#227).
- ➕ Added field validation to the designer (#227).
- ➕ Added default field value to the designer (#227).
- ➕ Added onFileFound event to FileSystemWatcher task (#225).
- ➕ Added SMB/CIFS support to Torrent task.
- ➕ Added SubWorkflow task.
- ➕ Added debugLogs setting to Ftp task.
- ➕ Added the following .NET Core tasks:
- CsvToJson: This task converts CSV files to JSON files.
- CsvToYaml: This task converts CSV files to YAML files.
- FilesDiff: This task calculates the diff of two files.
- JsonToYaml: This task converts JSON files to YAML files.
- ScssToCss: This task converts SCSS files to CSS files.
- Sql: This task executes a collection of SQL script files.
- SqlToCsv: This task executes a collection of SQL scripts and outputs the results in CSV files.
- SqlToXml: This task executes a collection of SQL scripts and outputs the results in XML files.
- Tar: This task creates a .tar from a collection of files.
- Tgz: This task creates a tar.gz from a collection of files.
- Torrent: This task downloads torrent files.
- UglifyCss: This task compresses and minifies CSS files.
- UglifyHtml: This task compresses and minifies HTML files.
- UglifyJs: This task uglifies JavaScript files.
- Untar: This task extracts tar archives.
- Untgz: This task extracts tar.gz archives.
- YamlToJson: This task converts YAML files to JSON files.
- ➕ Added SMB/CIFS support to Sql, SqlToCsv and SqlToXml tasks.
- ✂ Removed CosmosDB database.
- ✂ Removed DatabaseBackup, DatabaseRestore and Sync tasks.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in Torrent task.
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in TasksSettings.json (#227).
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in the designer.
- 🛠 Fixed synchronization issues in LiteDB database (#229).
- 🛠 Fixed synchronization issues in MongoDB database (#229).
- 🛠 Fixed synchronization issues in RavenDB database (#229).
- 🛠 Fixed synchronization issues in PostgreSQL database (#229).
- 🛠 Fixed synchronization issues in SQL Server database (#229).
- 🛠 Fixed synchronization issues in MySQL database (#229).
- 🛠 Fixed synchronization issues in SQLite database (#229).
- 🛠 Fixed synchronization issues in Firebird database (#229).
- 🛠 Fixed synchronization issues in Oracle database (#229).
- 🛠 Fixed synchronization issues in MariaDB database (#229).
- ⚡️ Updated HttpGet, HttpPost, HttpPut and HttpDelete tasks (#230)).
- ⚡️ Updated Swagger UI.
- ⚡️ Updated Android app.
- ⚡️ Updated iOS app.
- ⚡️ Updated nuget package to version 5.6.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Swagger UI v3.25.2.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MySqlConnector v0.66.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Twilio v5.40.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to CommandLineParser v2.8.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core v2.19.70.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to SharpScss v1.5.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MongoDB.Driver v2.10.4.
v5.5 Changes
April 29, 2020🚀 Major release with new features, performance enhancements, security fixes and bug fixes.
- ➕ Added hot folder support for workflows (#221).
- ➕ Added multi-language support.
- ➕ Added support for French and Danish languages (#226).
- ➕ Added support for Firebird.
- ➕ Added support for Oracle.
- ➕ Added support for MariaDB.
- ➕ Added safe task creation in the designer (#227).
- ➕ Added FileSystemWatcher task for files monitoring (#225).
- ➕ Added SshCmd task for running SSH commands (#220).
- ➕ Added SMB/CIFS support (#219).
- ➕ Added the ability to stop workflows in .net core (#225).
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in Zip, Tar and Tgz tasks (#224).
- 🛠 Fixed FileSystemWatcher issues on Linux (#221).
- 🛠 Fixed a layout issue in users page.
- 🛠 Fixed a layout issue in manager page.
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in the designer (#224).
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in date time picker in the backend.
- 🛠 Fixed some typos in the backend.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in PostgreSQL database.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in MongoDB database.
- ⚡️ Updated LiteDB database.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow engine.
- ⚡️ Updated Swagger UI.
- ⚡️ Updated nuget package to v5.5.0.
- ⚡️ Updated Android app.
- ⚡️ Updated iOS app.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Swagger UI v3.25.1.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Twilio v5.39.1.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB v2.10.3.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Google.Apis.YouTube.v3 v1.45.0.1929.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to YamlDotNet v8.1.1.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Oracle.ManagedDataAccess v19.7.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to System.Data.SQLite.Core v1.0.112.2.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to FluentFTP v16.6.1.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MonoTorrent v1.0.21.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MySqlConnector v0.64.1.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MySql.Data v8.0.20.
v5.4 Changes
April 15, 2020- 🐛 Bug fixes, performance enhancements and under the hood updates.
- ➕ Added jobs view to the manager (#212).
- ➕ Added parallel jobs to the manager (#212).
- ➕ Added parallel jobs to approval workflows (#212).
- ➕ Added parallel jobs to the dashboard (#212).
- ➕ Added approve and reject buttons to the manager (#212).
- ➕ Added graph view to the designer using Blockly (#203).
- ➕ Added local variables to the designer (#213).
- ➕ Added multiple settings to the designer (#203).
- ➕ Added auto-saving to the designer (#216).
- ➕ Added multiple delete to the designer.
- ➕ Added the execution graph to the JSON view (#203).
- ➕ Added Ctrl+O shortcut to open workflows browser in the designer.
- ➕ Added double-click to open a workflow from the workflow browser in the designer (#214).
- ➕ Added auto-generation of workflow id in the designer (#211).
- ➕ Added search workflows by id to the backend (#210).
- ➕ Added support for custom tasks to the .NET Core server (#199).
- ➕ Added support for multiple files and folders to FileContentMatch task (#204).
- ➕ Added autofocus to the designer.
- ➕ Added outputFormat setting option to Xslt task (#208).
- ➕ Added /job (#212).
- ➕ Added /jobs (#212).
- ➕ Added /disable (#71).
- ➕ Added /enable (#71).
- ✂ Removed approval page (#212).
- ✂ Removed editor page (#213).
- 🛠 Fixed an issue related to the collation of LiteDB database (#207).
- 🛠 Fixed an issue regarding else nodes (#204).
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in Wexflow engine.
- 🛠 Fixed mobile layout issues in the designer (#203).
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in the designer.
- ⚡️ Updated settings.js (#215).
- ⚡️ Updated the dashboard page.
- ⚡️ Updated the history page.
- ⚡️ Updated users page.
- ⚡️ Updated profiles page.
- ⚡️ Updated Swagger UI.
- ⚡️ Updated all the databases.
- ⚡️ Updated Android app.
- ⚡️ Updated iOS app.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to LiteDB v5.0.7.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MongoDB.Driver v2.10.3.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to RavenDB.Client v4.2.102.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to FluentFTP v32.3.3.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MonoTorrent v1.0.20.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Google.Apis.YouTube.v3 v1.45.0.1918.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to System.Data.SQLite.Core v1.0.112.1.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Mailkit v2.6.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Portable.BouncyCastle v1.8.6.7.
v5.3 Changes
April 05, 2020- 🐛 Bug fixes, performance enhancements and under the hood updates.
- ➕ Added a brand new designer with drag and drop features, snapping and much more.
- ➕ Added JSON import feature.
- ➕ Added XML import feature.
- ➕ Added JSON export feature.
- ➕ Added XML export feature.
- ➕ Added support for XSLT 3.0.
- ➕ Added support for IMAP in MailsReceiver task.
- ➕ Added enableParallelJobs setting to the editor.
- ➕ Added enableParallelJobs setting to Swagger.
- ➕ Added Docker configurations for creating and building Docker images.
- ✂ Removed maxRetries and retryTimeout settings.
- ✂ Removed Hammock.ClientProfile.dll.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in History page in the backend.
- 🛠 Fixed an issue in Dashboard page in the backend.
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in SQLite database.
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in the editor.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow Server.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow Manager.
- 💅 Updated backend's header style.
- ⚡️ Updated all the databases.
- ⚡️ Updated Android app.
- ⚡️ Updated iOS app.
- ⚡️ Updated MailsReceiver, CsvToJson, CsvToYaml, YamlToJson and JsonToYaml tasks.
- ⚡️ Updated HtmlToText, UglifyCss, UglifyHtml, UglifyJs and Ftp tasks.
- ⚡️ Updated Sql, SqlToCsv, SqlToXml, WebToHtml and WebToScreenshot tasks.
- ⚡️ Updated Unrar, UnSevenZip, HtmlToPdf, TextToPdf and ScssToCss tasks.
- ⚡️ Updated Xslt, Torrent, Tar, Tgz, Untar and Untgz tasks.
- ⚡️ Updated Unzip, Zip, FilesDiff, IsoCreator and IsoExtractor tasks.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to LiteDB 5.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MongoDB.Driver 2.10.2.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to RavenDB.Client 4.2.101.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB 2.1.10.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Npgsql
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MySql.Data 8.0.19.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Twilio 5.39.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MailKit 2.5.2.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to SlackAPI 1.1.7.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Reddit 1.4.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to InstagramApiSharp
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Google.Apis.YouTube.v3
- ⬆️ Upgrade to FluentFTP 32.3.1.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Autofac 5.1.2.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to Google.Protobuf 3.11.4.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to DnsClient 1.3.1.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to SharpCompress 0.25.0.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to MonoTorrent 1.0.19.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to DiffPlex 1.6.1.
v5.2 Changes
December 05, 2019- 🐛 Bug fixes, performance enhancements and under the hood updates.
- ⬆️ Upgrade to .NET Core 3.1 LTS.
- ➕ Added the ability to run workflow jobs of the same workflow definition in parallel.
- ➕ Added enableParallelJobs setting option in the workflow definifition. It defaults to true and if set to false, workflow jobs of the same workflow definition are queued.
- ➕ Added instance id for workflow jobs.
- ➕ Added server logs in the dashboard page in the backend (when clicking on a log entry).
- ➕ Added server logs in the history page in the backend (when clicking on a log entry).
- ➕ Added JSON editor to the designer.
- ➕ Added support for PostgreSQL.
- ➕ Added support for SQL Server.
- ➕ Added support for MySQL.
- ➕ Added support for SQLite.
- ➕ Added date interpolation.
- ➕ Added overwrite option in Unzip task.
- 📇 Renamed 'Disapprove' to 'Reject'.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #150.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #153.
- ⚡️ Updated LiteDB database.
- ⚡️ Updated MongoDB database.
- ⚡️ Updated RavenDB database.
- ⚡️ Updated CosmosDB database.
- ⚡️ Updated Sql task.
- ⚡️ Updated SqlToCsv task.
- ⚡️ Updated SqlToXml task.
- ⚡️ Updated Workflow task.
- ⚡️ Updated MailsReceiver task.
- ⚡️ Updated MediaInfo task.
- ⚡️ Updated Reddit, RedditListComments and RedditListPosts tasks.
- ⚡️ Updated WexflowServiceClient library.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow Manager.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow Command Line Client.
- ⚡️ Updated the backend.
- ⚡️ Updated RESTful API.
- ⚡️ Updated Swagger UI.
- ⚡️ Updated Android app.
- ⚡️ Updated iOS app.
- ⚡️ Updated nuget package to version 5.2.0.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Mailkit 2.4.1.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Twilio 5.35.1.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to TweetinviAPI 4.0.3.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB 2.9.2.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to SlackAPI 1.1.3.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Reddit 1.3.4.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to FluentFTP 28.0.2.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to RavenDB.Client 4.2.5.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Microsoft.Owin 4.1.0.
v5.1 Changes
November 09, 2019- 🐛 Bug fixes, performance enhancements and under the hood updates.
- ➕ Added Twilio task for sending SMS messages.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #143.
- 🛠 Fixed the issue #146.
- ⚡️ Updated FilesCopier task.
- ⚡️ Updated FilesMover task.
- ⚡️ Updated Unzip task.
- ⚡️ Updated WexflowServiceClient library.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow Manager.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow Designer.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow Command Line Client.
- ⚡️ Updated RESTful API.
- ⚡️ Updated Swagger UI.
- ⚡️ Updated Android app.
- ⚡️ Updated iOS app.
- ⚡️ Updated nuget package to version 5.1.0.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.3.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Mailkit
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB 2.9.0.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to MongoDB.Driver 2.9.3.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk 16.4.0.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Google.Apis.YouTube.v3
- ⬆️ Upgraded to FluentFTP 28.0.1.
v5.0 Changes
October 22, 2019- 🐛 Bug fixes, performance enhancements and under the hood updates.
- ➕ Added Swagger UI (http://localhost:8000).
- 🛠 Fixed some issues in RESTful API.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow Server.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow Designer.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow Manager.
- ⚡️ Updated Android app.
- ⚡️ Updated iOS app.
- ⚡️ Updated nuget package to version 5.0.0.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to FluentFTP 28.0.0.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to RavenDB.Client 4.2.4.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB 2.8.1.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to MailKit 2.3.2.
v4.9 Changes
October 10, 2019- 🐛 Bug fixes, performance enhancements and under the hood updates.
- ➕ Added basic access authentication to RESTful APIs.
- ➕ Added local variables and global variables.
- ➕ Added MailsReceiver .net core task.
- ➕ Added FilesLoaderEx task.
- ➕ Added FilesJoiner task.
- ➕ Added allowCreateDirectory and preserveFolderStructFrom settings in FilesCopier task.
- ➕ Added startWithVariables REST method.
- ⬆️ Upgraded the .NET version from WCF to Nancy.
- ⚡️ Updated Ftp task.
- ⚡️ Updated MongoDB database.
- ⚡️ Updated RavenDB database.
- ⚡️ Updated CosmosDB database.
- ⚡️ Updated Wexflow server.
- ⚡️ Updated Android app.
- ⚡️ Updated iOS app.
- ⚡️ Updated nuget package to version 4.9.0.
- 📚 Updated RESTful service documentation.
- 📚 Updated the documentation.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to FluentFTP 27.1.4.
- ⬆️ Upgraded to Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB 2.8.0.