Castle Windsor v3.3.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2014-05-18 // almost 10 years ago
    • πŸ— implemented #57 - build NuGet and Zip packages from TeamCity - contributed by Blair Conrad (@blairconrad)
    • 🚚 implemented #53 - Remove dependency on IKernel/IWindsorContainer from CallContextLifetimeScope
    • implemented #52 - Add option to start startable components manually - based on pull request #37 from @jfojtl
    • πŸ‘ implemented #51 - CollectionResolved should support read-only collections in .NET 4.5+
    • πŸ’… implemented #45 - use HttpApplication.RegisterModule in .NET 4.5 for PerWebRequest lifestyle - contributed by @BredStik
    • πŸ›  fixed #59 - Fixed missing DuplexChannelBuilder GetChannel methods. - contributed by David Welch (@djwelch)
    • πŸ›  fixed #50 - XML Config Array Parameters not populating when registering multiple dependencies - contributed by Dale Francis (@dalefrancis88)
    • πŸ›  fixed #47 - Fixed 'consut' typo to 'consult'. - contributed by Mads TjΓΈrnelund Toustrup (@madstt)
    • πŸ›  fixed #38 - Pooled items not being disposed properly - contributed by @mvastarelli
    • πŸ›  fixed #34 - Deadlock - DefaultNamingSubsystem.GetHandlers() vs DefaultGenericHandler.type2SubHandler - contributed by Anton Iermolenko (@anton-iermolenko)
    • πŸ›  fixed #30 - Attempting to resolve a non-generic type with a backing generic implementation causes an exception to be thrown