WorkflowEngine v4.2 Release Notes

    • πŸ‘Œ Support for the timers in multi-server mode has been added. You can configure WorkflowRuntime to work in a single or multi-server environment. This affects the timers and the recovering from failure. You can configure the runtime with the following code:
      _runtime = new WorkflowRuntime()
        .AsSingleServer() //.AsMultiServer()

    WARNING. AsMultiServer () - works for Ultimate licenses only.

    • βš™ If an abnormal server shutdown has occurred, then part of the processes may remain frozen in the Running status. This status will be changed by the automatic recovery procedure; one of the two statuses - either Error or Terminated - will be set. You can also change the recovery procedure using Process Restorer. For example, as follows:
      public class ProcessRestorer : IProcessRestorer
      runtime.WithProcessRestorer(new ProcessRestorer())

    Please, note that Process Restorer is only used in a case of server shutdown. For the workflow errors, use the OnWorkflowError event handler.

    • The runtime.Shutdown() and runtime.ShutdownAsync() methods has been added. These methods provide the correct shutdown of the WorkflowRuntime. Using this method is very important for a multi-server environment.
    • The approach to the workflow execution has been changed. Now, the process is executed using a run loop. Therefore, you can create an endless workflow. One iteration of the loop is equivalent to one Activity. By default, the maximum number of iterations is limited by Int64.MaxValue. However, you can change it as follows:
      _runtime.WithRuntimeSettings(new WorkflowRuntimeSettings()
        MaxNumberOfPerformedActivities = -1 //Infinite loop allowed
    • Now, you can safely change the workflow state from the workflow itself during its operation. Use the following code:
    • If the complex object is stored in the process parameters, you can receive and set its properties on the fly, using partial parameters:
    • A new type of Expressions has been added. This is a simple expression that returns true or false. You can use them instead of Conditions. Here, you can use the process parameters values, as well as string formatting of these parameters. The syntax of these expressions is as follows:
      @ObjectParameter.BooleanProperty and @IntParameter <> 1"

    Here the 'ObjectParameter.BooleanProperty' and 'IntParameter' are Process parameters.

    • The parameters values ​​can be substituted into the values ​​of the Actions, Conditions, or Rules. The syntax is similar to the expressions:
         JsonObject = "@ObjectParameter:json",
         Int = "@IntParameter:json",
         IntString = "@IntParameter",
         Guid = "@GuidParameter:json",
         GuidString = "@(GuidParameter:N)",
         DateTime = "@(DateTimeParameter:json)",
         DateTimeString = "Today is @(DateTimeParameter:dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss)",
    • You can connect the external parameter provider - IWorkflowExternalParametersProvider - to WorkflowRuntime. This allows you to access external data (for example, the document record which the process is linked to) as usual process parameters. It can be used in Expressions.

    • πŸ”Œ A plugin to work with files has been added - File Plugin.

    • πŸ”Œ A plugin to work with Inbox/Outbox has been added - Approval Plugin.

    • πŸ”Œ HTTPRequest and CheckHTTPRequest methods added by Basic Plugin can now send POST.

    • πŸ”Œ Methods to simplify work with parallel processes have been added to Basic Plugin.

    • In the Parameter edit forms you can use the Multiselect Dropdown.

    ⬆️ The following additional actions must be taken to upgrade to Workflow Engine 4.2:

    • ⚠ Warning. RavenDB provider is no longer supported.
    • ⚑️ Warning. If using Redis, please, contact our support for update instructions.
    • ⚠ Warning. If you are using MongoDB. The multi-server feature will work only with MongoDB version > 4.0
    • Run the SQL script update_4_1_to_4_2 for all relative databases and MongoDB.
    • ⚑️ Update all files related to the Designer. They are available here.
    • ⚑️ Update packages or dll to version 4.2. **If you connect the WFE with DLLs you must reference all DLLs from this archive in your solution.
    • βœ‚ Remove runtime.WithBus(...) call from your WorkflowRuntime configuration.
    • ⚠ At the point, where you configure WorkflowRuntime remove the .WithTimerManager (...) call. And add a call of .AsSingleServer() or .AsMultiServer(), depending on the mode you want to run the WorkflowRuntime. WARNING. AsMultiServer () - works for Ultimate licenses only.
    • πŸ”Œ The signature of the UsersInRoleAsync delegate for Basic Plugin has changed. The way, it was:
      public delegate Task<IEnumerable<string>> UsersInRoleAsyncDelegate(string roleName, Guid? processId = null);

    The way, it is now:

       public delegate Task<IEnumerable<string>> UsersInRoleAsyncDelegate(string roleName, ProcessInstance processInstance);
    • If you are using .Net Framework for your web application most likely you will must add the following lines in your web.config.
        <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5">
                <add assembly="System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a" />