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Latest Release
1704 days ago

Changelog History

  • v2.2.9 Changes

    March 05, 2020
    • โšก๏ธ [Fix] Updated to latest Buildalyzer (#865)
    • ๐Ÿ“š [Documentation] Fixed typo (#860, thanks @pascalberger)
    • ๐Ÿšš [Fix] Moved CleanBlog JS to the bottom so not to block rendering (#867, thanks @pug-pelle-p)

    ๐Ÿ‘€ Please see for important notes about downloading and installing.

  • v2.2.8 Changes

    March 05, 2020
    • โšก๏ธ [Fix] Updated NuGet packages in an attempt to fix ongoing package installation and signature verification problems

    ๐Ÿ‘€ Please see for important notes about downloading and installing.

  • v2.2.7 Changes

    March 05, 2020
    • ๐Ÿ“ฆ [Fix] Fix for the fix that fixes bugs related to package installation and signature verification

    ๐Ÿ‘€ Please see for important notes about downloading and installing.

  • v2.2.6 Changes

    March 05, 2020
    • ๐Ÿ“ฆ [Fix] Fixes for bugs related to package installation and signature verification

    ๐Ÿ‘€ Please see for important notes about downloading and installing.

  • v2.2.5 Changes

    March 05, 2020
    • ๐Ÿ”จ [Refactoring] Updated to latest version of Markdig (#855, thanks @rchande)
    • ๐Ÿ”จ [Refactoring] Updated Cake dependency to 0.33.0 (#823, thanks @devlead)
    • โช [Fix] NuGet restore now uses the correct target framework (#820, thanks @devlead)
    • 0๏ธโƒฃ [Fix] Sets a default user agent for the HttpClient (#802, thanks @SeanKilleen)
    • ๐Ÿ“š [Documentation] Enhances docs for the Include module and shortcode (#816, thanks @johanvergeer)

    ๐Ÿ‘€ Please see for important notes about downloading and installing.

  • v2.2.4 Changes

    March 05, 2020
    • โšก๏ธ [Feature] Updates JavaScriptEngineSwitcher to 3.0

    ๐Ÿ‘€ Please see for important notes about downloading and installing.

  • v2.2.3 Changes

    March 05, 2020
    • [Feature] New Raw shortcode useful for escaping inner shortcode syntax
    • ๐Ÿ”จ [Refactoring] Changes the special nested escape processing instruction for shortcodes from a standard processing instruction to <?* ... ?>
    • ๐Ÿ›  [Fix] Fixes a regression in AutoLink where a new document was being returned when it shouldn't have been (#786)
    • ๐Ÿšš [Fix] Moved the AutoLink module in docs to execute after all template processing (#786)

    ๐Ÿ‘€ Please see for important notes about downloading and installing.

  • v2.2.2 Changes

    March 05, 2020
    • [Feature] The Include shortcode now tracks what file it's been called from (including nested includes) and attempts to first resolve includes relative to the current file
    • [Feature] Shortcodes are now evaluated recursively and can be nested (but must use the same pre vs. post rendering delimiter as their parent)
    • [Feature] Shortcodes can now be evaluated before rendering with the <?! ... /?> syntax as well as after rendering with the existing <?# ... /?> syntax
    • โ†ช [Fix] Temporary workaround for shortcodes not working under certain conditions after HTML processing (#784)

    ๐Ÿ‘€ Please see for important notes about downloading and installing.

  • v2.2.1 Changes

    March 05, 2020
    • [Feature] New Highlight shortcode
    • [Feature] New YouTube shortcode
    • [Feature] New Giphy shortcode
    • [Feature] New CodePen shortcode
    • [Feature] Improvements to Sass module processing of @import including a new .WithImportPath() delegate that can fine-tune import path locations
    • ๐Ÿ”จ [Refactoring] Refactored Embed shortcode to make derived oEmbed shortcodes easier to implement
    • ๐Ÿ”จ [Refactoring] Refactored HttpClient support in ExecutionContext to work more like HttpClientFactory by sharing a HttpMessageHandler instead of a HttpClient instance

    ๐Ÿ‘€ Please see for important notes about downloading and installing.

  • v2.2.0 Changes

    March 05, 2020
    • [Breaking Change] Removes BookSite and the Velocity theme (#764)
    • ๐Ÿ“„ [Feature] Shortcodes! Take a look at the docs for more information (#359)
    • [Feature] New MirrorResources module to download CDN links and mirror them locally (#781)
    • ๐Ÿ”จ [Refactoring] New IExecutionContext.HttpClient and IExecutionContext.GetHttpClient(HttpMessageHandler) to manage a single shared HttpClient instance
    • ๐Ÿ”จ [Refactoring] New support in Wyam.Testing and TestExecutionContext for testing modules that use a HttpClient
    • ๐Ÿ“‡ [Feature] New IMetadata.String() extension that takes a formatting function to apply if the key exists in the metadata
    • ๐Ÿ“‡ [Feature] New IMetadata.TryGetValue<T>() method to attempt getting a metadata value, but only if it can be converted/cast to T
    • ๐Ÿ“‡ [Feature] New IMetadata extension methods to make generating XML-to-LINQ trees from metadata values easier
    • ๐Ÿ›  [Fix] Fixed a bug when the Sass module processes Sass files that have includes which aren't under an input folder

    ๐Ÿ‘€ Please see for important notes about downloading and installing.