Chocolatey v0.10.8 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-08-30 // over 6 years ago
  • ๐Ÿ“š With this release, Package Parameters are fully supported from both the user side and the packaging side. Check out the documentation and check out the walkthrough on how to use package parameters in your packaging. Note if you are pushing packages to the community repository, you must continue to take a dependency on the chocolatey-core.extension as a polyfill for older versions until at least six months after a new feature is released.

    ๐Ÿš€ What you can do with logging has greatly increased your ability to have more power over how it works and deeper output to determine errors (we've expanded --trace #1379). This release also gives packagers and users more power when working with the AutoUninstaller - opt-out (#1257) and passing arguments to the uninstaller (#1133).

    ๐Ÿ“ฆ Another noteworthy addition is the ability to pass custom properties to Choco like you would do with nuget pack, allowing better integration with packages you manage in Visual Studio (#1313).


    • Function - Get-PackageParameters - see #1393

    ๐Ÿ› BUG FIXES

    • Fix - "Value cannot be null" running choco outdated - see #1383
    • Fix - Package parameters are ignored on when install directly points to nupkg/nuspec - see #1155
    • Fix - Logging - log4net Logger location (the code location logging) is incorrect - see #1377
    • [API] Fix - GetConfiguration() sets the configuration for other calls - see #1347
    • [API] Fix - Pro/Business - Self-Service information not returned for sources - see #1394
    • [API] Fix - Config output is being set to Regular Output - see #1396


    • [Security][POSH Host] Implement Read-Host -AsSecureString- see #1335
    • AutoUninstaller - Opt-out from packages - see #1257
    • AutoUninstaller - Use Uninstall Arguments and Override Arguments if provided - see #1133
    • pack - Pass arbitrary properties like nuget pack - see #1313
    • list - Sub-command should not require admin access (and not prompt) - see #1353
    • new - Package Templates - Do not treat binaries in template as text files - see #1385
    • new - Package Templates - Add more helpful items, like a todo list to the default template - see #1386
    • Document how to pass multiple sources on CLI - see #1331
    • Logging - Trace output should provide deep logging information - see #1379
    • Logging - Allow external log4net config file - see #1378
    • Logging - Allow capturing output to an additional log file - see #1376
    • [API] Make log4net dependency less restrictive - see #1395
    • Pro/Business - source/list - Support for Admin Only Sources - Limit non-admin list to self service only - see #1265