All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
131 days
Latest Release
2749 days ago

Changelog History

  • v1.1.13p

    December 08, 2016
  • v1.1.13.p

    December 08, 2016
  • v1.1.12

    October 04, 2016
  • v0.05

    October 03, 2015
  • v0.04 Changes

    July 02, 2015

    ๐Ÿš€ I am creating a place in time release, though this is not a project template at this time. It does represent how the individual projects will be represented in the public gallery at RTM.

    There are three projects that will become project templates:

    0๏ธโƒฃ 1. Blank. This project will include a default XAML file, the MVVM folder, and a reference to the Template10Library.

    1. Minimal. This project will include 1) Extended Splash, 2) SplitView Shell, 3) MainPage + Page2.xaml, 4) Settings + Privacy Statement, and several empty folders intended to be convention guidance for developers. ๐Ÿš€ 3. Sample. This is the old TODO project. A reference implementation of Template 10 for developers to review. In this release, please be aware, that this project does not build.

    ๐Ÿš€ In addition to those three projects, this release introduces Template10Library. This includes all of the Templaet10 files except those for MVVM. The reason for this omission is to enable the introduction of any MVVM framework, including the Template10 framework, which is a simple BindableBase, DelegateCommand, and ViewModelBase.

    ๐Ÿš€ The old Template10 project has been renamed to Experimental and has been unloaded from the solution. It certainly does not build, but contains many of the features and services that will be included in future releases. To that end, a new Services folder has been introduced and the first services project (SecondaryTile) has been introduced and partially implemented. Every view service will be introduced with a dedicated, host project.

    There are some changes coming to NuGet; we are not sure if we will embrace them or stick to the old NuGet 2.0 approach. That will need to be decided based on other factors as the VS team advises us.