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Avg Release Cycle
101 days
Latest Release
1260 days ago

Changelog History
Page 2

  • v2.1.0 Changes

    November 21, 2017

    ⚡️ Major updates


    • ➕ Added DockPanel control to define an area where you can arrange child elements either horizontally or vertically - Ibraheem Osama (PR) - documentation
    • ➕ Added HeaderedContentControl and HeaderedItemsControl that allow content to be displayed with a specified header object - Shawn Kendrot (PR) - documentation
    • 0️⃣ Expander now has content overlay and new animations have been added to the default template - David Bottiau (PR)
    • 👍 HeaderedTextBlock now supports Inlines - Michael Mairegger (PR)
    • 👍 RotatorTile now supports Down and Right as Directions - theweavr (PR)
    • 👍 MarkdownTextBlock now supports emojis - Ivan Stepanenko (PR)
    • WrapPanel now has a HorizontalSpacing and VerticalSpacing properties - JohnnyWestlake (PR)
    • InAppNotifications now have Opened/Opening/Closed/Closing events and ability to change animation properties through dependency properties. There are now two built in templates developers can use. - David Bottiau (PR)
    • ⚡️ HamburgerMenu and SlidableListItem can use the NavigationView and SwipeControl when running on Fall Creators Update - Nikola Metulev (PR)
    • ⚡️ ImageEx CornerRadius Support when running on Fall Creators Update - Michael Hawker (PR)


    • ➕ Added new XAML Attached Properties to enable composition animations through XAML - Nikola Metulev (PR):
      • Implicit Animations - implicit animations (including show and hide) can now be defined directly on the element in XAML, or as resources to be applied on multiple elements - documentation
      • Connected Animations - enables the ConnectedAnimationService to be used in XAML by simply connecting two elements across pages by registering them with the same key. Supports coordinated and list/grid animations - documentation


    • ➕ Added new custom query feature to twitter service - cbarkerms (PR)



    sample app

    • ⚡️ Updated Sample App with more fluent design touches such as animations and materials and replaced icons with new and improved icons - Nikola Metulev (PR)


    • Controls now show up in the Visual Studio Toolbox and all control properties have tooltips and are categorized in the property grid - Morten Nielsen (PR) (PR)

    🛠 Fixes and more


    • 🛠 Fixed BladeItem crashes in secondary view - Shawn Kendrot (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed RotatorTile flickering - Nikola Metulev (PR)
    • PullToRefreshListVIew touch and mouse refresh behavior is now the same, user can now scroll with mouse - Nikola Metulev (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed TextToolbar issue with quote, bullets and numbering and added URI validity checker- William Bradley (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed ImageEx ProgressRing Visibility through VisualStates - Hermit Dave (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed ItemWidth on AdaptiveGridView - Nikola Metulev (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed ScrollHeader bug for hidden focused elements - Nikola Metulev (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed MarkdownTextBlock Parsing Table Issue - AVK (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed various Menu navigation bugs - Ibraheem Osama (PR)
    • 🔄 Change MenuItem to inherit from HeaderedItemsControl - Shawn Kendrot (PR)
    • 💅 Change the style of the Expander to respect the border properties - Shawn Kendrot (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed broken cursor handling after unload+reload of control - Lukas Fellechner (PR)


    • 🏗 All controls that use experession animations now use the Expression Builder - Shawn Kendrot (PR)
    • Saturation animation is no longer overriden - Shen Chauhan (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed ReorderGridAnimation bug by "poking" UIElement Z-Index when a container is being recycled - Robert Mikhayelyan (PR)



    • 🛠 Fixed CacheBase RemoveExpiredAsync bug to only remove items that were selected for removal from the cache - Carsten Schuette (PR) - Hermit Dave (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed NullReferenceException when there's no value for AppUptime in local settings - Ivan Stepanenko (PR)
    • Ensured that primitive / string types aren't serialised to / deserialised from Json. - Hermit Dave (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed AdvancedCollectionView exception caused by filtering back in removed items using RefreshFilter and Live shaping. Also fix incorrect ordering bug when inserting new items. - Shayon Javadizadeh (PR)


    • 🛠 Fixeed LogicalTree NullReferenceException when GetContentControl method returns null. - Ivan Stepanenko (PR)
    • 🛠 Fixed wrong ExpressionBuilder types being created - Shawn Kendrot (PR)


    • 🚦 Ported Bluetooth LE fixes and signal strength - Sinorm (PR)

    sample app

    📄 docs

    🗄 deprecated APIs


  • v2.0.0 Changes

    August 29, 2017

    ⚡️ Major updates


    • InAppNotification: The InAppNotification control offers the ability to show local notifications in your application - David Bottiau (PR) - documentation
    • TextToolbar: Control for editing RichText or Markdown - William Bradley (PR) - documentation
    • Expander: added ability to change expand direction/orientation - David Bottiau (PR)
    • Menu: - Ibraheem Osama (PR)
      • Added support for underline character in MenuItem by using ''
      • Flyout is now positioned correctly when menu item is at the edge,
      • Animations are now consistent when hovering over menu items
      • MenuItem now supports content instead of just string
      • MenuItems can now wrap around safely

      - MenuItem and Menu now respond to font styling


    - LogicalTreeExtensions to navigate actual control structure - Michael Hawker (PR)


    - Created .NET Standard libraries for Microsoft.Toolkit and Microsoft.Toolkit.Services in preparation to move more APIs cross platform. Moved the Bing Service to Microsoft.Toolkit.Services - Chris Barker (PR)


    - Add new package Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Connectivity to unify connectivity APIs including BluetoothLEHelper and Network helpers - Hermit Dave (PR)


    - ScreenUnitHelper: to assist in converting between various units - David Bottiau (PR)

    sample app

    - Easier Xbox navigation - Shane Weaver (PR)


    🛠 Fixes and updated


    • Menu: Fixed menu showing on hover and on requesting menu from keyboard when IsEnabled=true - Ibraheem Osama (PR)
    • ScrollHeader: Enabled x:Bind on TargetListViewBase - Michael Hawker (PR)
    • DropShadowPanel and RadialGauge now work in the VS designer - Nikola Metulev (PR)
    • CarouselControl now does not throw exception when ItemsSource is changed to NULL or a smaller collection, or when SelectedIndex < 0 - gaunts (PR)
    • HeaderedTextBox Visual State Orientation is set to Initial Orientation - Michael Hawker (PR)
    • AdaptiveGridView now supports custom ItemsPanel with margin and padding - Nikola Metulev (PR)
    • RoundImageEx Now has default horizontal and vertical alignment value. - Hermit Dave (PR)

    - MarkdownTextBlock now supports SIP Schema - BenAffleckIsBatman (PR)


    • Fixes to Facebook service following FB graph changes in v2.9 - Chris Barker (PR)

    - MicrosoftGraph service can now retrieve calendar events. - Guillaume DEMICHELI (PR)


    • CacheBase stream initialization rework to improve speed and prevent artefacts on image - Hermit Dave (PR)

    - ImageCache marked _instance field as ThreadStatic to resolve threading issue - Hermit Dave (PR)


    - Re-enabled toast AfterActivationBehavior - Andrew Bares (PR)

    📚 documentation

    - Listed all converters and added examples of converter scenarios - Michael Hawker (PR)

    sample app

    - Fixes for canceling printing and property bindings - Nikola Metulev (PR)


    • Removed all .AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false) calls - Pedro Lamas (PR)
    • Removed HttpHelper using in all APIs and replaced with System.Net.HttpClient - Scotty Le (PR)
    • Updated to latest sign client for singing packages - Oren Novotny (PR)
    • Removed all project.json - Nikola Metulev (PR)

    - added NETCORE dependency to nuget packages - Nikola Metulev (PR)

    💥 breaking changes

    💻 Extensions and several controls have moved to the Microsoft.Toolkit.UWP.UI.Extensions namespace - Edwin van Driel (PR):

    - TextboxRegex
    - TextBoxMask
    - SurfaceDialTextboxHelper
    - Hyperlink extensions (renamed from HyperlinkExtensions)
    - ListViewBase extensions (renamed from ListViewBaseExtensions)
    - WebView extensions (renamed from WebViewExtensions)
    - ViewExtensions
    - VisualTree extensions - [Michael Hawker]( ([PR](

    All helpers have moved to the Microsoft.Toolkit.UWP.Helpers namespace - Nikola Metulev (PR)

    - BackgroundTaskHelper
    - ColorHelper
    - DeepLinkParser
    - DispatcherHelper
    - ObjectStorageHelpers (including roaming and local)
    - PrintHelper
    - StorageFileHelper
    - StreamHelper
    - WeekEventListener

    🚚 WrapPanel has moved to the Microsoft.Toolkit.UWP.UI.Controls namespace - Edwin van Driel (PR)

    📦 Moved BluetoothLEHelper, NetworkHelper, and ConnectionInformation to the Microsoft.Toolkit.UWP.Connectivity package - Hermit Dave (PR)

    🚚 Deprecated HttpHelper and moved to .NET standard HttpClient - Hermit Dave (PR)

    🗄 Deprecated several fields for creating new posts to Facebook following FB graph changes in v2.9 - cbarkerms (PR)

    ✂ Removed deprecated APIs - Nikola Metulev (PR)

    - Blade and BladeControl
    - Casting Element from DropShadowPanel
    - ConnectionHelper
  • v1.5.1 Changes

    July 17, 2017

    🚀 This release addresses the breaking change in 1.5 with the HamburgerMenu. The default templates for the HamburgerMenuItems have been removed until we can re-introduce them without breaking changes. See #1277 for more info

    🚀 In addition, the following bug fixes have been added to this release:

    • Menu: changed MenuItem Header to type object - (PR)
    • 0️⃣ Crash in getter HamburgerMenu.OpenPaneLength with default value - Dmitry Ponomarenko (PR)
    • ⬇️ DropShadowPanel Content wireup size changed - Hermit Dave (PR)