WorkflowEngine v1.5.3 Release Notes

    • The JSON serializer used by the engine was changed from ServiceStack.Text to Newtonsoft.JSON. 1.5.3 version of WFE was built with the verion 7.0 of Newtonsoft.JSON.
    • MSSQL provider was rewritten from LINQtoSQL to ordinary SQL queries.
    • The Parameter window in the designer was implroved. Now you can hide System parameters. They are hidden by default.
    • Working with types in the Parameter window in the designer was improved. Now you are able to use short type's names such as String, Guid, Int32 etc for primitive types. The type names including namespace for custom types (OptimaJet.Workflow.Core.Model.ActivityDefinition, Business.Approvers etc)- Also you are able to use <> for generic types and [] for arrays.
    • 🛠 Fixed a bug in the timers for their correct restart after restart of the workflow runtime.