ClojureCLR v2.7 Release Notes

  • 🖨 There have been enhancements in how the REPL prints values without a 🖨 print-method, specifically Throwable and the fallthrough Object case. 🖨 Both cases now print in a tagged literal data form that can be read by the reader.

    🖨 Unhandled objects print with the class, hash code, and toString:

    user=> *ns*
    #object[clojure.lang.Namespace 0x55aa628 "user"]

    0️⃣ Thrown exceptions will still be printed in the normal way by the default 🖨 REPL but printing them to a stream will show a different form:

    user=> (/ 1 0)
    ArithmeticException Divide by zero  clojure.lang.Numbers.divide (
    user=> (println *e)
    #error {
     :cause Divide by zero
     [{:type java.lang.ArithmeticException
       :message Divide by zero
       :at [clojure.lang.Numbers divide 158]}]
     [[clojure.lang.Numbers divide 158]
      [clojure.lang.Numbers divide 3808]
      ;; ... elided frames

    ➕ Additionally, there is a new function available to obtain a Throwable as map data: Throwable->map.