Open XML SDK v2.12.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-12-09 // over 3 years ago
  • ➕ Added

    • ➕ Added OpenSettings.RelationshipErrorHandlerFactory to provide a way to handle URIs that break parsing documents with malformed links (#793)
    • ➕ Added OpenXmlCompositeElement.AddChild(OpenXmlElement) to add children in the correct order per schema (#774)
    • ➕ Added SmartTagClean and SmartTagId in place of SmtClean and SmtId (#747)
    • ➕ Added OpenXmlValidator.Validate(..., CancellationToken) overrides to allow easier cancellation of long running validation on .NET 4.0+ (#773)
    • ➕ Added overloads for CellValue to take decimal, double, and int, as well as convenience methods to parse them (#782)
    • ➕ Added validation for CellType for numbers and date formats (#782)
    • ➕ Added OpenXmlReader.GetLineInfo() to retrieve IXmlLineInfo of the underlying reader if available (#804)

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🛠 Fixed exception that would be thrown if attempting to save a document as FlatOPC if it contains SVG files (#822)
    • ➕ Added SchemaAttrAttribute attributes back for backwards compatibility (#825)

    ✂ Removed

    • ✂ Removed explicit reference to System.IO.Packaging on .NET 4.6 builds (#774)

    🚀 Thanks to the following for their contributions for this release:
