Realm Xamarin v4.0.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-06-14 // almost 5 years ago
  • ⬆️ NOTE!!! You will need to upgrade your Realm Object Server to at least version 3.23.1 or use Realm Cloud to use the path-level Permission API (User.ApplyPermissionsAsync, User.GetGrantedPermissionsAsync, etc.). Using them against an older version of ROS will result in 404 NotFound exceptions being thrown.

    ⬆️ The Realm.Server and Realm.Database packages have been merged into the main Realm package, so when upgrading, be sure to remove them from your references.

    💥 Breaking Changes

    • 🚚 The following deprecated methods and classes have been removed:
      • The SyncConfiguration class has been split into FullSyncConfiguration and QueryBasedSyncConfiguration. Use one of these classes to connect to the Realm Object Server.
      • The TestingExtensions.SimulateProgress method has been removed as it hasn't worked for some time.
      • The Property.IsNullable property has been removed. To check if a property is nullable, check Property.Type for the PropertyType.Nullable flag.
      • The Credentials.Provider class has been removed. Previously, it contained a few constants that were intended for internal use mostly.
      • The User.ConfigurePersistance method has been superseded by SyncConfigurationBase.Initialize.
      • User.LogOut has been removed in favor of User.LogOutAsync.
      • User.GetManagementRealm has been removed in favor of the User.ApplyPermissionsAsync set of wrapper API.
      • User.GetPermissionRealm has been removed in favor of the User.GetGrantedPermissions wrapper API.
    • 🗄 Deprecated the IQueryable<T>.Subscribe(string name) extension method in favor of IQueryable<T>.Subscribe(SubscriptionOptions options).
    • Reworked the internal implementation of the permission API. For the most part, the method signatures haven't changed or where they have changed, the API have remained close to the original (e.g. IQueryable<T> has changed to IEnumerable<T>). (Issue #1863)
      • Changed the return type of User.GetGrantedPermissionsAsync from IQueryable<PathPermission> to IEnumerable<PathPermission>. This means that the collection is no longer observable like regular Realm-backed collections. If you need to be notified for changes of this collection, you need to implement a polling-based mechanism yourself.
      • PathPermission.MayRead/MayWrite/MayManage have been deprecated in favor of a more-consistent AccessLevel API.
      • In User.ApplyPermissionsAsync, renamed the realmUrl parameter to realmPath.
      • In User.OfferPermissionsAsync, renamed the realmUrl parameter to realmPath.
      • Removed the PermissionOfferResponse and PermissionChange classes.
      • Removed the IPermissionObject interface.
      • Removed the ManagementObjectStatus enum.
      • Removed the User.GetPermissionChanges and User.GetPermissionOfferResponses methods.
      • The millisecondTimeout argument in User.GetGrantedPermissionsAsync has been removed.
      • The PermissionException class has been replaced by HttpException.
    • 🔀 The AuthenticationException class has been merged into the HttpException class.

    ✨ Enhancements

    ➕ Added Session.Start() and Session.Stop() methods that allow you to pause/resume synchronization with the Realm Object Server. (Issue #138)

    ➕ Added an IQueryable<T>.Subscribe(SubscriptionOptions, params Expression<Func<T, IQueryable>>[] includedBacklinks) extension method that allows you to configure additional options for the subscription, such as the name, time to live, and whether it should update an existing subscription. The includedBacklinks argument allows you to specify which backlink properties should be included in the transitive closure when doing query-based sync. For example:

    class Dog : RealmObject{ public Person Owner { get; set; } }class Person : RealmObject{ [Backlink(nameof(Dog.Owner))] public IQueryable\<Dog\> Dogs { get; } }var options = new SubscriptionOptions{ Name = "adults", TimeToLive = TimeSpan.FromDays(1), ShouldUpdate = true};var people = realm.All\<Person\>() .Where(p =\> p.Age \> 18) .Subscribe(options, p =\> p.Dogs);await people.WaitForSynchronzationAsync();// Dogs that have an owner set to a person that is over 18// will now be included in the objects synchronized locally.var firstPersonDogs = people.Results.First().Dogs;

    (Issue #1838 & Issue #1834)

    ➕ Added a Realm.GetAllSubscriptions() extension method that allows you to obtain a collection of all registered query-based sync subscriptions. (Issue #1838)

    ➕ Added AccessLevel property to PathPermission to replace the now deprecated MayRead/MayWrite/MayManage. (Issue #1863)

    ➕ Added RealmOwnerId property to PathPermission that indicates who the owner of the Realm is. (Issue #1863)

    ➕ Added support for building with dotnet build (previously only the msbuild command line was supported). (PR #1849)

    👌 Improved query performance for unindexed string columns when the query has a long chain of OR conditions. (Core upgrade)

    👌 Improved performance of encryption and decryption significantly by utilizing hardware optimized encryption functions. (Core upgrade)

    ⚡️ Compacting a realm into an encrypted file could take a really long time. The process is now optimized by adjusting the write buffer size relative to the used space in the realm. (Core upgrade)

    ⬆️ The string-based query parser (results.Filter("...")) now supports readable timestamps with a 'T' separator in addition to the originally supported "@" separator. For example: startDate > 1981-11-01T23:59:59:1 (Core upgrade)

    🛠 Fixed

    • 🛠 Fixes an issue where using the StringExtensions.Contains(string, string, StringComparison) extension method inside a LINQ query would result in an exception being thrown on .NET Core 2.1+ or Xamarin.iOS/Android projects.(Issue #1848)
    • ⬆️ Creating an object after creating an object with the int primary key of "null" would hit an assertion failure. (Core upgrade)


    • Realm Object Server: 3.23.1 or later.


    • ⬆️ Upgraded Sync from 3.14.11 to 4.5.1 and Core 5.12.7 to 5.20.0.