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1269 days ago

Changelog History
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  • v1.8.1 Changes

    February 03, 2019

    Workflow Core 1.8.1

    Thank you to @MarioAndron

    ๐Ÿš€ This release adds a feature where a DI scope is created around the construction of steps that are registered with your IoC container.

    This enables steps to consume services registered as scoped.

  • v1.8 Changes

    January 19, 2019

    Workflow Core 1.8

    ๐Ÿ”Œ Elasticsearch plugin for Workflow Core

    ๐Ÿ”Œ A search index plugin for Workflow Core backed by Elasticsearch, enabling you to index your workflows and search against the data and state of them.

    ๐Ÿ”ง Configuration

    ๐Ÿ— Use the .UseElasticsearch extension method on IServiceCollection when building your service provider

    using Nest; =\>{ ... cfg.UseElasticsearch(new ConnectionSettings(new Uri("http://localhost:9200")), "index\_name"); });


    Inject the ISearchIndex service into your code and use the Search method.

    Search(string terms, int skip, int take, params SearchFilter[] filters)


    A whitespace separated string of search terms, an empty string will match everything.
    0๏ธโƒฃ This will do a full text search on the following default fields

    • Reference
    • Description
    • Status
    • Workflow Definition

    In addition you can search data within your own custom data object if it implements ISearchable

    using WorkflowCore.Interfaces; ...public class MyData : ISearchable{ public string StrValue1 { get; set; } public string StrValue2 { get; set; } public IEnumerable\<string\> GetSearchTokens() { return new List\<string\>() { StrValue1, StrValue2 }; } }

    Search all fields for "puppies"

    searchIndex.Search("puppies", 0, 10);

    skip & take

    ๐Ÿ‘‰ Use skip and take to page your search results. Where skip is the result number to start from and take is the page size.


    You can also supply a list of filters to apply to the search, these can be applied to both the standard fields as well as any field within your custom data objects.
    There is no need to implement ISearchable on your data object in order to use filters against it.

    The following filter types are available

    • ScalarFilter
    • DateRangeFilter
    • NumericRangeFilter
    • StatusFilter

    These exist in the WorkflowCore.Models.Search namespace.


    Filtering by reference

    using WorkflowCore.Models.Search; ...searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, ScalarFilter.Equals(x =\> x.Reference, "My Reference"));

    Filtering by workflows started after a date

    searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, DateRangeFilter.After(x =\> x.CreateTime, startDate));

    Filtering by workflows completed within a period

    searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, DateRangeFilter.Between(x =\> x.CompleteTime, startDate, endDate));

    Filtering by workflows in a state

    searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, StatusFilter.Equals(WorkflowStatus.Complete));

    Filtering against your own custom data class

    class MyData{ public string Value1 { get; set; } public int Value2 { get; set; } }searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, ScalarFilter.Equals\<MyData\>(x =\> x.Value1, "blue moon"));searchIndex.Search("", 0, 10, NumericRangeFilter.LessThan\<MyData\>(x =\> x.Value2, 5))

    Action Inputs / Outputs

    โž• Added the action Input & Output overloads on the fluent step builder.

    Input(Action\<TStepBody, TData\> action);

    This will allow one to manipulate properties on the step before it executes and properties on the data object after it executes, for example

    Input((step, data) =\> step.Value1 = data.Value1)
    .Output((step, data) =\> data["Value3"] = step.Output)
    .Output((step, data) =\> data.MyCollection.Add(step.Output))

    ๐Ÿ’ฅ Breaking changes

    The existing ability to assign values to entries in dictionaries or dynamic objects on .Output was problematic,
    since it broke the ability to pass collections on the Output mappings.

    .Output(data =\> data["Value3"], step =\> step.Output)

    ๐Ÿšš This feature has been removed, and it is advised to use the action Output API instead, for example

    .Output((step, data) =\> data["Value3"] = step.Output)

    This functionality remains intact for JSON defined workflows.

  • v1.7 Changes

    January 13, 2019

    Workflow Core 1.7.0

    ๐ŸŽ Various performance optimizations, any users of the EntityFramework persistence providers will have to update their persistence libraries to the latest version as well.

    โž• Added CancelCondition to fluent builder API.

    .CancelCondition(data => <<expression>>, <<Continue after cancellation>>)

    This allows you to specify a condition under which any active step can be prematurely cancelled.
    โฑ For example, suppose you create a future scheduled task, but you want to cancel the future execution of this task if some condition becomes true.

    builder .StartWith(context =\> Console.WriteLine("Hello")) .Schedule(data =\> TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)).Do(schedule =\> schedule .StartWith\<DoSomething\>() .Then\<DoSomethingFurther\>() ) .CancelCondition(data =\> !data.SheduledTaskRequired) .Then(context =\> Console.WriteLine("Doing normal tasks"));

    You could also use this implement a parallel flow where once a single path completes, all the other paths are cancelled.

    .Parallel() .Do(then =\> then .StartWith\<DoSomething\>() .WaitFor("Approval", (data, context) =\> context.Workflow.IdNow) ) .Do(then =\> then .StartWith\<DoSomething\>() .Delay(data =\> TimeSpan.FromDays(3)) .Then\<EscalateIssue\>() ) .Join() .CancelCondition(data =\> data.IsApproved, true) .Then\<MoveAlong\>();

    ๐Ÿ—„ Deprecated WorkflowCore.LockProviders.RedLock in favour of WorkflowCore.Providers.Redis

    Create a new WorkflowCore.Providers.Redis library that includes providers for distributed locking, queues and event hubs.

    • Provides Queueing support backed by Redis.
    • Provides Distributed locking support backed by Redis.
    • Provides event hub support backed by Redis.

    This makes it possible to have a cluster of nodes processing your workflows.


    ๐Ÿ“ฆ Install the NuGet package "WorkflowCore.Providers.Redis"

    ๐Ÿ“ฆ Using Nuget package console
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ PM> Install-Package WorkflowCore.Providers.Redis
    Using .NET CLI
    ๐Ÿ“ฆ dotnet add package WorkflowCore.Providers.Redis


    ๐Ÿ— Use the IServiceCollection extension methods when building your service provider

    • .UseRedisQueues
    • .UseRedisLocking
    • .UseRedisEventHub

      services.AddWorkflow(cfg =>{ cfg.UseRedisLocking("localhost:6379"); cfg.UseRedisQueues("localhost:6379", "my-app"); cfg.UseRedisEventHub("localhost:6379", "my-channel") });

  • v1.6.9 Changes

    December 30, 2018

    Workflow Core 1.6.9

    ๐Ÿš€ This release adds functionality to subscribe to workflow life cycle events (WorkflowStarted, WorkflowComplete, WorkflowError, WorkflowSuspended, WorkflowResumed, StepStarted, StepCompleted, etc...)
    This can be achieved by either grabbing the ILifeCycleEventHub implementation from the IoC container and subscribing to events there, or attach an event on the workflow host class IWorkflowHost.OnLifeCycleEvent.
    This implementation only publishes events to the local node... we will still need to implement a distributed version of the EventHub to solve the problem for multi-node clusters.