WorkflowEngine v5.1 Release Notes

  • Designer

    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ Improved designerโ€™s usability.
    • โž• Added creation of commands from the transitionโ€™s edit form.
    • It is possible to customize displayed activities and transitions, their templates are located in the templates/elements folder and are .svg files that can be changed.
    • It became possible to choose a color for displaying activity and transition.
    • For custom activities added on the server, it is now possible to specify the template for the edit form and .svg to be displayed on graph.
    • A new type of activity Decision has been added to the elements panel โ€“ it is used for convenience and to improve the visual perception of processes with conditional branches. It allows you to make a branch with one condition.
    • A new type of activity Decision Table has been added to the elements panel โ€“ it is used for convenience and to improve the visual perception of processes with conditional branches. It allows you to make a branch with any number of conditions.
    • The design of editing usings in Code Actions has been changed.

    ๐Ÿ”Œ Plugins

    • ๐Ÿ”Œ Extended the functionality of the Approval Plugin, now it fully allows you to implement the functionality of Inbox, Outbox, and the history of document changes. All examples implement this functionality using the Approval Plugin.
    • Methods for manipulating Inbox, Outbox and the history of document changes are added to Persistence Providers. The history of document changes, Inbox and Outbox are only filled when Approved Plugin is connected.
    • ๐Ÿ”Œ The ability to register Actors predefined on the server is added in the Basic Plugin. The basicPlugin.WithActors method and two delegates: basicPlugin.CheckPredefinedActorAsync and basicPlugin.GetPredefinedIdentitiesAsync are used for this.
    • ๐Ÿ”Œ You can now specify a delegate to update the status(state) of the document - basicPlugin.UpdateDocumentStateAsync in the Basic Plugin.
    • โœ‚ A DeleteSubprocesses action is added to the Basic Plugin, this action deletes all subprocesses.
    • ๐Ÿ”Œ Added the ability to customize HTTP requests headers in the Basic Pluginโ€™s CheckHTTPRequest and HTTPRequest methods.
    • ๐Ÿ”Œ The ability to specify a username and password for all the methods that make HTTP requests has been added to the Basic Plugin.
    • ๐Ÿ”Œ The ability to download files by HTTP has been added to the File Plugin.
    • It is now possible to specify the ID of the created process in the CreateProcess method in the Basic Plugin.


    • You can now set common usings for all Code Actions of the scheme, at the same time you can configure usings individually for each Code Action. This makes usings managing easier.
    • ๐Ÿ“ฆ Added process log. The sequence of actions that occurs during the execution of the process is now added to a process log. The log can be enabled for all processes created for a specific scheme or for a specific process. Attention: The Workflow Engine package includes a logger that stores the log in the memory. This is enough for debugging processes but if you want to make the log persistent, you have to implement the IProcessLogProvider and connect it to the Workflow Runtime by calling the runtime.WithProcessLogger(โ€ฆ) method.
    • GetProcessInstancesAsync(...) and GetSchemesAsync(...) methods that accept sorting and paging are added to the Persistence Provider. With their help you can access the list of schemes and processes.
    • The Activity in Expert mode in the Designer now has the ability to set the Execution Timeout, meaning it limits the execution time of all Actions of this Activity. Attention: This timeout with only work for asynchronous Actions that process the Cancellation Token passed to them. The timeout value is the same as the interval timer value. Possible reactions to timeout: Set Activity, Set State, Retry.
    • The Activity in Expert mode in the Designer now has the ability to set Idle Timeout, meaning it limits the time a process can be in this Activity without doing anything (i.e. Idled or Finalized status of the process). The timeout value is the same as the interval timer value. Possible reactions to timeout: Set Activity, Set State.
    • The Activity in Expert mode in the Designer now has the ability to set Error handling by listing the names of the exceptions that need to be handled. Possible reactions to the exception: Set Activity, Set State, Retry, Ignore.
    • The Activity in Expert mode in the Designer now has the ability to disable saving process state. This setting is called Disable persist.
    • ๐Ÿ–จ Process Instance is passed to the HasExternalParameter,IsGetExternalParameterAsync, IsSetExternalParameterAsync of IWorkflowExternalParametersProvider methods.
    • Two time-stamps were added to Process Instance: CreationDate โ€“ date and time of process creation and LastTransitionDate โ€“ date and time of the last change of the process state.
    • StartTransitionTime โ€“ date and time of the beginning of the transition and TransitionDuration โ€“ the duration of the transition in milliseconds - were added to the Process Transition History.
    • An additional parameter NamesSearchType.All or NamesSearchType.NotExcluded is passed in the IWorkflowActionProvider.GetActions,IWorkflowActionProvider.GetConditions and IWorkflowRuleProvider.GetRules methods, this allows adding Actions, Conditions or Rules that are not seen the Designer but that are executed in the process.