WorkflowEngine v5.1._update Release Notes

  • ⬆️ The following additional actions must be taken to upgrade to Workflow Engine 5.1:

    • ⚡️ Warning. If using Redis, please, contact our support for update instructions.
    • Run the SQL script update_5_0_to_5_1 for all relative databases and MongoDB.
    • Update all files related to the Designer. They are available here. Be mindful, that thу elements subfolder must be added to the templates folder.
    • If you are using Action or Rule Providers in the IWorkflowActionProvider.GetActions,IWorkflowActionProvider.GetConditions and IWorkflowRuleProvider.GetRules methods add the last NamesSearchType namesSearchType parameter. You don't need to change the code of these methods.
    • If you are using External Parameters Provider in the HasExternalParameter, IsGetExternalParameterAsync and IsSetExternalParameterAsync methods add the last ProcessInstance processInstance parameter. You don't need to change the code of these methods.