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Avg Release Cycle
12 days
Latest Release
1426 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
Page 1
v5.0.0-pre5 Changes
December 08, 2020🚀 What's New in this Release
- "[UWP] [Shell] Make Navigation and Transition overridable for Shell" (#12442)
- GitHub #6184 - "[Bug] Invalid TabBar.Items access in iOS ShellItemRenderer" (#9781)
- GitHub #10623 - "Tap Gesture not working on iOS [Bug] " (#11419)
- GitHub #11033 - "[Bug] iOS Native crash when RadiusX/RadiusY > Width/Height of Shapes.Rectangle" (#11051)
- GitHub #12685 - "[iOs][Bug] TapGestureRecognizer in Path does not work on iOS" (#11419)
- GitHub #11090 - "[Bug] UWP: PopAsync causes a crash when called from a CollectionView.SelectionChanged event" (#11160)
- GitHub #11848 - "Detect Points changes in Xamarin.Forms.Shapes.Polyline" (#11579)
- GitHub #12374 - "[Bug] iOS XF 5.0-pre1 crash with CollectionView when using EmptyView" (#12377)
- 0️⃣ GitHub #12776 - "[Bug] iOS CollectionView, CarouselView Cannot access disposed object. DefaultRenderer" (#12377)
- GitHub #12541 - "[Bug] Android Swipeview finicky swipe to close (with video and sample repo)" (#12681)
- GitHub #12750 - "[Bug] SwipeView in ListView on Android causes Overlapping Duplicates" (#12786)
🔋 Features in Preview
UWP Shell
- "[UWP] [Shell] Make Navigation and Transition overridable for Shell" (#12442)
🛠 Issues Fixed
- GitHub #10623 - "Tap Gesture not working on iOS [Bug] " (#11419)
- GitHub #11033 - "[Bug] iOS Native crash when RadiusX/RadiusY > Width/Height of Shapes.Rectangle" (#11051)
- GitHub #11090 - "[Bug] UWP: PopAsync causes a crash when called from a CollectionView.SelectionChanged event" (#11160)
- GitHub #11848 - "Detect Points changes in Xamarin.Forms.Shapes.Polyline" (#11579)
- 🌐 GitHub #11931 - "[Bug] [UWP] View translation is incorrectly calculated" (#11933)
- GitHub #12374 - "[Bug] iOS XF 5.0-pre1 crash with CollectionView when using EmptyView" (#12377)
- GitHub #12541 - "[Bug] Android Swipeview finicky swipe to close (with video and sample repo)" (#12681)
- GitHub #12685 - "[iOs][Bug] TapGestureRecognizer in Path does not work on iOS" (#11419)
- GitHub #12750 - "[Bug] SwipeView in ListView on Android causes Overlapping Duplicates" (#12786)
- 0️⃣ GitHub #12776 - "[Bug] iOS CollectionView, CarouselView Cannot access disposed object. DefaultRenderer" (#12377)
- GitHub #2448 - "Setting FlowDirection of Alerts and ActionSheets" (#11679)
- GitHub #4720 - "UWP: Webview: Memory Leak" (#12509)
- GitHub #6184 - "[Bug] Invalid TabBar.Items access in iOS ShellItemRenderer" (#9781)
- GitHub #7065 - "DisplayAlert Title not respecting FlowDirection" (#11679)
➕ Additional fixes included in this release
- 📦 "[Android] Remove AndroidX Migration packages (#12928)" (#12928)
- 💅 "[C] Keep the Style value as backup (#12926)" (#12926)
- 🛠 "[iOS] Fix pushing same page as a modal on iOS13 in split mode (#12871) fixes #8988" (#12871)
- "[iOS] Fix when removing current last Item on CarouselView (#12837)" (#12837)
- "[Tizen] Fix Frame cliping issue (#12921)" (#12921)
- "[Tizen] Fix the FrameRender (#12901)" (#12901)
- "[UWP] [Shell] Make Navigation and Transition overridable for Shell" (#12442)
- "[UWP] Make Navigation and Transition overridable for NavigationPage" (#12439)
- "[X] ConvertToInvariant is invariant (#12834)" (#12834)
- 🛠 "Add Shell Resource file explicitly (#12954) fixes #11505" (#12954)
- 🛠 "Added repro sample (#12883) fixes #12084" (#12883)
- ⚡️ "Automated dotnet-format update (#12829)" (#12829)
- ⚡️ "Automated dotnet-format update (#12846)" (#12846)
- ⚡️ "Automated dotnet-format update (#12875)" (#12875)
- ⚡️ "Automated dotnet-format update (#12898)" (#12898)
- ⚡️ "Automated dotnet-format update (#12931)" (#12931)
- ⚡️ "Automated dotnet-format update (#12953)" (#12953)
- ⚡️ "Automated dotnet-format update (#12981)" (#12981)
- ⚡️ "Automated dotnet-format update (#12985)" (#12985)
- ⚡️ "Automated dotnet-format update (#13050)" (#13050)
- 🏗 "Build 14393 targets separately (#12826)" (#12826)
- 🏗 "Build AppX packages before building XF solution to fix UWP UI tests (#12935)" (#12935)
- 🏗 "Build UWP version of locale tests (#12818)" (#12818)
- 🛠 "Convert ShellContent transitions to use animators and be smarter about selecting visible content (#13046) fixes #12642" (#13046)
- ✅ "Enable Shell tests on UWP and fix a few bugs (#12938)" (#12938)
- 🏗 "Extra restore to fix 16.8 builds (#12914)" (#12914)
- 🛠 "Fix CollectionView EmptyView RTL issue on iOS (#12907) fixes #12892" (#12907)
- "Fix double up of YAML tasks (#13063)" (#13063)
- "Fix ItemsView LogicalChild issue (#12899)" (#12899)
- 🛠 "Fixed flickering NavBar color issue on iOS 13 or higher (#12835) fixes #9943" (#12835)
- 🛠 "Fixed RequestedThemeChanged raised twice issue (#12895) fixes #12512." (#12895)
- ⚡️ "Handle selected background color updates after cell is added as child of CollectionView (#12823) fixes #9282" (#12823)
- ✅ "Ignore Locale tests and one CV test on UWP (#12843)" (#12843)
- 🚚 "Remove TargetSdkVersion check for AndroidX fallback (#12825)" (#12825)
- 🍎 "Removed unnecessary SendClicked logic in macOS RadioButtonRenderer (#12882) fixes #12880" (#12882)
- ⚡️ "Update to latest Xamarin.UITest (#12916)" (#12916)
- ⚡️ "Updated Issue template with more detail (#12839)" (#12839)
API Changes
- GitHub #2448 - "Setting FlowDirection of Alerts and ActionSheets" (#11679)
- GitHub #6184 - "[Bug] Invalid TabBar.Items access in iOS ShellItemRenderer" (#9781)
- GitHub #7065 - "DisplayAlert Title not respecting FlowDirection" (#11679)
🚀 See complete release notes here.
v5.0.0-pre4 Changes
November 16, 2020Shapes
- "[Tizen] Added Shapes Tizen implementation" (#12537)
- ⚡️ "[Tizen] CollectionView optimize for TV profile" (#12781)
- "iOS: CollectionView: ItemsViewLayout: Fix null reference on invalidate layout" (#12632)
- GitHub #11421/GitHub #7790/GitHub #9590 - "[Bug] [UWP, iOS] Can't set transparent color on selected template item in CollectionView" (#12651)
- GitHub #11938 - "[Bug] Snap Points not working in CollectionView with GridItemsLayout" (#11941)
- GitHub #12001 - "[Bug] Regression in : grid row height is not correctly computed, label is truncated" (#12475)
- GitHub #12175 - "[Bug] CollectionView items do not resize properly when item template is grid (Regression from 4.7 to 4.8) (Android & iOS)" (#12475)
- GitHub #12292 - "Views are clipped when we provide the multi line text (Break from v4.8.0.1143 pre-1)" (#12475)
- GitHub #12363 - "[Bug] Grid inside StackLayout does not respect VerticalOptions FillAndExpand on UWP" (#12475)
- GitHub #12462 - "[Bug] ListView Cell size measurement problem on 4.8.0" (#12475)
- GitHub #12714 - "[Bug] iOS application suspended at UICollectionViewFlowLayout.PrepareLayout() when using IsVisible = false" (#12769)
- 💅 "[Tizen] Fix material style slider issue" (#12708)
- GitHub #11471 - "# TimePicker Inconsistencies" (#11474)
- GitHub #11472 - "# DatePicker Inconsistencies" (#11474)
- GitHub #12246 - "[Bug] iOS 14 App freezes when password is entered after email" (#12316)
- ⬆️ GitHub #12504 - "[Enhancement] Upgrade for Xamarin.Forms maps" (#12520)
- GitHub #12556 - "How to Time Picker Set to Binding Value" (#11474)
- "[Tizen] Modify NavigationDrawer to fix Entry issue" (#12705)
- "Fix multiple events on toolbar items" (#12797)
- GitHub #11706 - "[Bug] UWP Shell - Toolbar buttons do not work correctly" (#11838)
- GitHub #12126 - "[Bug] TabBarIsVisible = True/False doesn't work on Back navigation" (#12320)
- GitHub #12144 - "[Bug] - BackButtonBehavior hide tabs on ios" (#12320)
- GitHub #12505 - "[Bug] Shell Bottom Tabs are not visible in iOS when we route back from non tabs page to tabs page" (#12320)
- GitHub #12652 - "[Bug] NullReferenceException in the Shell on UWP" (#12713)
- GitHub #6485 - "[Bug] Shell TabBarIsVisible Ignored" (#12320)
- GitHub #7913 - "[Shell, UWP] Cannot prevent flyout menu list from scrolling." (#12547)
- ⚡️ "Update google maps to the latest AndroidX bindings" (#10873)
- GitHub #10865 - "[Bug] CarouselView Throws when removing an item." (#11074)
- GitHub #10897 - "[Bug] UWP: CollectionView in CarouselView crashes when resizing the window" (#12676)
- GitHub #12028 - "[Bug] IndicatorView isn't rendering indicators" (#12654)
- GitHub #12193 - "[Bug] CarouselView content disappears after 2 rotations if TextType=Html is used" (#12728)
- GitHub #12318 - "[Bug] IndicatorView shrinks on iOS 14 for HorizontalOptions Center and CenterAndExpand " (#12654)
- GitHub #12349 - "[Bug] CarouselView items cannot scroll vertically since v4.6.0.967" (#12361)
- 0️⃣ GitHub #12574 - "[Bug] CarouselView Loop=True default freezes iOS app" (#12787)
- GitHub #12777 - "[Bug] CarouselView NRE if item template is not specified" (#12784)
- 🚚 GitHub #12787 - "[iOS] Remove hardcoded value on CarouselView loop calculations" (#12787)
- GitHub #11571 - "[Bug][Brushes] LinearGradientBrush diagonal platform differences" (#11734)
- GitHub #11572 - "[Bug][Brushes] RadialGradientBrush platform differences" (#11748)
- GitHub #11691 - "Polygon Shape doesn't work with DynamicResource color binding" (#12761)
- GitHub #11715 - "[Bug] Brushes API - Android's direction is inverted to iOS's" (#11734)
- GitHub #11800 - "[Bug] LinearGradientBrush doesn't fill the pages upon orientation change on iOS" (#11811)
- GitHub #11907 - "Path.Fill and Path.Stroke not working when set with DynamicResource" (#12761)
- GitHub #11911 - "[Bug] Brushes can't use DynamicResource" (#12761)
- GitHub #11995 - "[Bug] GradientBrush not working in Tizen" (#12501)
- 🍎 GitHub #12430 - "[Bug] BoxView does not display on macOS" (#12432)
- GitHub #11643 - "[Bug] SwipeBehaviorOnInvoked="RemainOpen" triggers event twice" (#11904)
- GitHub #12458 - "[Bug] NullReferenceException at Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.SwipeViewRenderer.CreateSwipeItem" (#12481)
Drag and Drop GestureRecognizers
- 📦 GitHub #12060 - "[Bug] [UWP] Cursor shows "Copy" when DataPackageOperation is set to "None"" (#12160)
Other Enhancements
- 👍 GitHub #12525 - "[Enhancement] Support getting value source information" (#12519)
- GitHub #12608 - "[Enhancement] Add VisualElement.Name property" (#12634)
🔋 Features in Preview
UWP Shell
- "Fix multiple events on toolbar items" (#12797)
- GitHub #11706 - "[Bug] UWP Shell - Toolbar buttons do not work correctly" (#11838)
- GitHub #12652 - "[Bug] NullReferenceException in the Shell on UWP" (#12713)
- GitHub #7913 - "[Shell, UWP] Cannot prevent flyout menu list from scrolling." (#12547)
🛠 Issues Fixed
- GitHub #10470 - "[Bug] NRE on Grid.CalculateAutoCells on iOS" (#12646)
- GitHub #10865 - "[Bug] CarouselView Throws when removing an item." (#11074)
- GitHub #10897 - "[Bug] UWP: CollectionView in CarouselView crashes when resizing the window" (#12676)
- GitHub #11155 - "Picking option in picker crashes application - iOS ONLY" (#11199)
- GitHub #11166/GitHub #11177 - "Device.Idiom for Android misleading in XF" (#11206)
- GitHub #11421/GitHub #7790/GitHub #9590 - "[Bug] [UWP, iOS] Can't set transparent color on selected template item in CollectionView" (#12651)
- GitHub #11471 - "# TimePicker Inconsistencies" (#11474)
- GitHub #11472 - "# DatePicker Inconsistencies" (#11474)
- GitHub #11571 - "[Bug][Brushes] LinearGradientBrush diagonal platform differences" (#11734)
- GitHub #11572 - "[Bug][Brushes] RadialGradientBrush platform differences" (#11748)
- GitHub #11643 - "[Bug] SwipeBehaviorOnInvoked="RemainOpen" triggers event twice" (#11904)
- GitHub #11691 - "Polygon Shape doesn't work with DynamicResource color binding" (#12761)
- GitHub #11703 - "Android textAllCaps no longer works" (#12170)
- GitHub #11706 - "[Bug] UWP Shell - Toolbar buttons do not work correctly" (#11838)
- GitHub #11715 - "[Bug] Brushes API - Android's direction is inverted to iOS's" (#11734)
- GitHub #11800 - "[Bug] LinearGradientBrush doesn't fill the pages upon orientation change on iOS" (#11811)
- GitHub #11877 - "[Bug] Transparent Modal doesn't work on iOS" (#11915)
- GitHub #11907 - "Path.Fill and Path.Stroke not working when set with DynamicResource" (#12761)
- GitHub #11911 - "[Bug] Brushes can't use DynamicResource" (#12761)
- GitHub #11938 - "[Bug] Snap Points not working in CollectionView with GridItemsLayout" (#11941)
- GitHub #11995 - "[Bug] GradientBrush not working in Tizen" (#12501)
- GitHub #12001 - "[Bug] Regression in : grid row height is not correctly computed, label is truncated" (#12475)
- GitHub #12028 - "[Bug] IndicatorView isn't rendering indicators" (#12654)
- 📦 GitHub #12060 - "[Bug] [UWP] Cursor shows "Copy" when DataPackageOperation is set to "None"" (#12160)
- GitHub #12094 - "[Bug] MultiBinding StringFormat with MultiValueConverter" (#12100)
- GitHub #12126 - "[Bug] TabBarIsVisible = True/False doesn't work on Back navigation" (#12320)
- GitHub #12144 - "[Bug] - BackButtonBehavior hide tabs on ios" (#12320)
- GitHub #12175 - "[Bug] CollectionView items do not resize properly when item template is grid (Regression from 4.7 to 4.8) (Android & iOS)" (#12475)
- GitHub #12193 - "[Bug] CarouselView content disappears after 2 rotations if TextType=Html is used" (#12728)
- 🍎 GitHub #12222 - "[Bug] [MacOS] Buttons don't render correctly when given a HeightRequest" (#12367)
- GitHub #12246 - "[Bug] iOS 14 App freezes when password is entered after email" (#12316)
- GitHub #12292 - "Views are clipped when we provide the multi line text (Break from v4.8.0.1143 pre-1)" (#12475)
- GitHub #12312/GitHub #12732 - "[Bug] WebView.Navigated event not fired when there is an issue on iOS." (#12327)
- GitHub #12318 - "[Bug] IndicatorView shrinks on iOS 14 for HorizontalOptions Center and CenterAndExpand " (#12654)
- GitHub #12344 - "[Bug] FontImageSource does not work on UWP" (#12362)
- GitHub #12345 - "[Bug] iOS 14: Radio buttons gained unremovable one pixel border" (#12742)
- GitHub #12349 - "[Bug] CarouselView items cannot scroll vertically since v4.6.0.967" (#12361)
- GitHub #12363 - "[Bug] Grid inside StackLayout does not respect VerticalOptions FillAndExpand on UWP" (#12475)
- 🍎 GitHub #12430 - "[Bug] BoxView does not display on macOS" (#12432)
- GitHub #12451 - "[Bug] Referencing Xamarin Forms Nuget breaks Tizen CarouselPage renderer" (#12479)
- GitHub #12458 - "[Bug] NullReferenceException at Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.SwipeViewRenderer.CreateSwipeItem" (#12481)
- GitHub #12462 - "[Bug] ListView Cell size measurement problem on 4.8.0" (#12475)
- GitHub #12490 - "[Bug] Xamarin.Forms 5 - MasterDetailPage 'Split' behaviour not working anymore" (#12727)
- GitHub #12505 - "[Bug] Shell Bottom Tabs are not visible in iOS when we route back from non tabs page to tabs page" (#12320)
- GitHub #12556 - "How to Time Picker Set to Binding Value" (#11474)
- 0️⃣ GitHub #12574 - "[Bug] CarouselView Loop=True default freezes iOS app" (#12787)
- GitHub #12585 - "[Bug] Crash when ContextActionsCell is already disposed but its action sheet is used" (#12586)
- 🚀 GitHub #12635 - "[Bug] UWP - FontIcons not showing in Latest Xamarin Form release" (#12362)
- GitHub #12643 - "[Bug] TrySetPropertyValues should work with null passed for source" (#12655)
- GitHub #12645 - "[Bug] BindingDiagnostics.BindingFailed message doesn't always match debug output" (#12667)
- GitHub #12652 - "[Bug] NullReferenceException in the Shell on UWP" (#12713)
- GitHub #12680 - "[Bug] Xamarin.Forms.Maps adds permisson WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to Android project" (#12698)
- GitHub #12683 - "BindableLayout.SetEmptyViewTemplate sets EmptyView instead of EmptyViewTemplate" (#12689)
- GitHub #12714 - "[Bug] iOS application suspended at UICollectionViewFlowLayout.PrepareLayout() when using IsVisible = false" (#12769)
- GitHub #12777 - "[Bug] CarouselView NRE if item template is not specified" (#12784)
- 🚚 GitHub #12787 - "[iOS] Remove hardcoded value on CarouselView loop calculations" (#12787)
- 👻 GitHub #6247 - "[Bug] NullReference Exception: Grid.MeasureGrid (Android)" (#12646)
- GitHub #6485 - "[Bug] Shell TabBarIsVisible Ignored" (#12320)
- GitHub #7913 - "[Shell, UWP] Cannot prevent flyout menu list from scrolling." (#12547)
- GitHub #8512 - "[Bug] Grid bug" (#12646)
- GitHub #9905 - "[Bug] BindableLayout EmptyView doesn't work with a DataTemplateSelector" (#12689)
➕ Additional fixes included in this release
- "[Android] Fix NRE when trying to access the renderer View" (#12638)
- "[HR] fix 2 logicalchildren issues" (#12657)
- 🚚 "[iOS] Remove old file for RadioButton" (#12749)
- "[Tizen] Added Clip Tizen implementation" (#12745)
- "[Tizen] Added Shapes Tizen implementation" (#12537)
- "[Tizen] Allow Tap gesture using remote control on TV" (#12792)
- ⚡️ "[Tizen] CollectionView optimize for TV profile" (#12781)
- "[Tizen] Fix custom font issue" (#12707)
- "[Tizen] Fix focused event missing issue" (#12452)
- "[Tizen] Fix ListView cell rendering on TV" (#12602)
- 💅 "[Tizen] Fix material style slider issue" (#12708)
- "[Tizen] Fix stepper value issue" (#12579)
- "[Tizen] Fix the text selection issue of Entry" (#12468)
- "[Tizen] Modify NavigationDrawer to fix Entry issue" (#12705)
- ⚡️ "[Tizen] Optimize Shell Flyout for TV " (#12746)
- 👍 "[Tizen] Support Vertical/HorizontalScrollStep to ScrollView" (#12466)
- "[X] add ConvertTo to typeconverters" (#12431)
- 🚚 "[X] Don't remove enclosing quotes (#12813) fixes #12763" (#12813)
- "[X] throw if x:Key isn't a string literal" (#12427)
- ✅ "Apply internet check to additional tests" (#12804)
- ⚡️ "Automated dotnet-format update (#12810)" (#12810)
- "Calculate Nav Source and fix popping params" (#12514)
- ✅ "Check for Internet Connection before running tests that Require an Internet Connection" (#12790)
- "Check TargetPlatformIdentifier for UAP" (#12611)
- 🏗 "Fix APK to build with Fast Renderer switch when running on CI" (#12640)
- "fix attribute usage on ContentProperty" (#12412)
- "Fix multiple events on toolbar items" (#12797)
- ⚡️ "Fix Null reference exception on UpdateIsRefreshing when the window is resized" (#11532)
- "Fix WebView Navigated Status Bug In Android" (#12169)
- "iOS: CollectionView: ItemsViewLayout: Fix null reference on invalidate layout" (#12632)
- 🏗 "Only build one UWP target when using IDE (#12808)" (#12808)
- 🚚 "Remove markup extensions" (#12730)
- ⚡️ "Update google maps to the latest AndroidX bindings" (#10873)
- ⚡️ "Update" (#12768)
- GitHub #12543 - "ScrollView ScrollToAsync for x, y positions not working" (#12721)
- GitHub #12731 - "The ClearButton is no longer displayed in the entry" (#12765)
🚀 See complete release notes here.
October 09, 2020 -
October 02, 2020 -
October 02, 2020 -
September 18, 2020 -
November 05, 2020 -
v4.8.0-sr5 Changes
November 12, 2020🚀 What's New in this Release
- GitHub #12001 - "[Bug] Regression in : grid row height is not correctly computed, label is truncated" (#12475)
- GitHub #12175 - "[Bug] CollectionView items do not resize properly when item template is grid (Regression from 4.7 to 4.8) (Android & iOS)" (#12475)
- GitHub #12292 - "Views are clipped when we provide the multi line text (Break from v4.8.0.1143 pre-1)" (#12475)
- GitHub #12363 - "[Bug] Grid inside StackLayout does not respect VerticalOptions FillAndExpand on UWP" (#12475)
- GitHub #12462 - "[Bug] ListView Cell size measurement problem on 4.8.0" (#12475)
- GitHub #12349 - "[Bug] CarouselView items cannot scroll vertically since v4.6.0.967" (#12361)
🛠 Issues Fixed
- GitHub #11166 - "[Bug] Xamarin.Forms.Device.Idiom return Desktop instead of Phone while Xamarin.Essentials.DeviceInfo.Idiom return idiom correct" (#11206)
- GitHub #11177 - "Device.Idiom for Android misleading in XF" (#11206)
- GitHub #11703 - "Android textAllCaps no longer works" (#12170)
- GitHub #12001 - "[Bug] Regression in : grid row height is not correctly computed, label is truncated" (#12475)
- GitHub #12175 - "[Bug] CollectionView items do not resize properly when item template is grid (Regression from 4.7 to 4.8) (Android & iOS)" (#12475)
- 🍎 GitHub #12222 - "[Bug] [MacOS] Buttons don't render correctly when given a HeightRequest" (#12367)
- GitHub #12292 - "Views are clipped when we provide the multi line text (Break from v4.8.0.1143 pre-1)" (#12475)
- GitHub #12312 - "[Bug] WebView.Navigated event not fired when no internet available on iOS." (#12327)
- GitHub #12344/GitHub #12635 - "[Bug] FontImageSource does not work on UWP" (#12362)
- GitHub #12349 - "[Bug] CarouselView items cannot scroll vertically since v4.6.0.967" (#12361)
- GitHub #12363 - "[Bug] Grid inside StackLayout does not respect VerticalOptions FillAndExpand on UWP" (#12475)
- GitHub #12462 - "[Bug] ListView Cell size measurement problem on 4.8.0" (#12475)
- GitHub #12585 - "[Bug] Crash when ContextActionsCell is already disposed but its action sheet is used" (#12586)
- GitHub #12732 - "[Bug] WebView.Navigated event not fired when there is an issue on iOS." (#12327)
➕ Additional fixes included in this release
- "[Android] Fix NRE when trying to access the renderer View" (#12638)
- ✅ "Check for Internet Connection before running tests that Require an Internet Connection (#12790)" (#12790)
- "Check TargetPlatformIdentifier for UAP" (#12611)
- 🏗 "Fix APK to build with Fast Renderer switch when running on CI" (#12640)
- "Fix initial load when WhileEditing (#12765)" (#12765)
🚀 See complete release notes here.
October 09, 2020 -
October 02, 2020