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Changelog History
Page 3

  • v4.0.5 Changes

    October 18, 2020

    🛠 Fix scrolling delta (@NogginBops)

  • v4.0.4 Changes

    October 17, 2020

    ➕ Add scroll wheel support (@NogginBops)
    🛠 Fix Windowing minimized on startup (@FriendlyChicken)
    📚 Minor documentation fixes (@NogginBops)

  • v4.0.3 Changes

    October 14, 2020

    🛠 Fix input regression for IsKeyReleased and IsKeyPressed (@FriendlyChicken)
    Invert GetWindowAttrib Decorated check for window border (@FriendlyChicken)
    Internal math improvements (@NogginBops)

  • v4.0.2 Changes

    October 11, 2020

    🛠 Fix for duplicate mouse state updates (Thanks @HughPH)

  • v4.0.1 Changes

    October 06, 2020

    🛠 Internal code improvements & fixes (@NogginBops)
    ✂ Remove memory allocations from joystick axes every frame (@K0bin)
    ✂ Remove memory allocations from KeyboardState + MouseState Updates (@HughPH)

  • v4.0.0 Changes

    October 02, 2020

    🚀 Huge thanks and congratulations to the entire OpenTK Community for getting this release together.
    Key changes:
    👍 Full support for .Net Core 3.1
    Brand new GLFW-based windowing system
    Brand new GLFW-based input system
    ✂ Removed all platform-specific backends (and fixed every xplat bug!)
    🐎 Math library performance improvements and fixes
    All new OpenAL bindings
    All new OpenCL Bindings
    📦 Total restructure of all packages into a modular system with a number of packages. The OpenTK package is now a metapackage that will automatically download all of these for you.
    OpenTK 4.0.0 is entirely MIT licensed.
    🌲 Full Log:
    🛠 Input fixes (@HughPH)
    🔗 Link to the tutorial in the package description.
    🛠 Fix for broken delegates (@HughPH)
    Significant rework & improvements to input. (Massive Thanks to @Phyyl, @HughPH and @NogginBops)
    🛠 Fixes to OpenAL Bindings (@NogginBops)
    General Math improvements (@NogginBops)
    ➕ Added OpenCL Bindings (Huge thanks to @NepNet)
    🛠 Fix opentk.redist.glfw version warnings (@jvbsl)
    ➕ Add support for window-level multisampling (@jvbsl)
    👍 Allow null delegates for GLFW callbacks (@jvbsl)
    ➕ Add new API to get/set from GLFW window/context attributes (@jvbsl)
    ➕ Add vulkan surface creation (@jvbsl)
    🛠 Fix bindings generator for net2.1
    GLFW Native Access bindings. (@RedImp1470 @NogginBops)
    🛠 Fixed normalization in Vector3.Unproject (@burnss9)
    General windowing improvements and new Graphics Context API. (@NogginBops)
    👉 Use correct function in SetCharModsCallback (@jvbsl)
    Return namespaces to the glorious OpenTK (thanks @glopes)
    Simplified OpenAL loading + add more extensions (@NogginBops)
    🛠 Fixed initial focused inconsistency between Windows and Linux(X11) (@jvbsl)
    👌 Improved and fixed GLFW binary loading (@jvbsl)
    👌 Improved mono compat (@jvbsl)
    🛠 Fixed GetLibraryName for iOS platform (thanks @Grizley56)
    🛠 Fixed InputAction for getting Joystick Buttons from GLFW (thanks @HughPH)
    🛠 Fixes reference conditions
    💾 Save Size property value to _size field (thanks @devel0)
    ⚡️ Update build.fsx.lock (thanks @CallumDev)
    Vector3.Unproject returning incorrect result (thanks @leezer3)
    Incorrect parameter order in QuaternionD constructor (thanks @leezer3)
    Capslock value not exposed (thanks @KinsonDigital)
    vector transforms
    🔒 Start of input mode setup for caps lock (thanks @KinsonDigital)
    👉 Use in parameters instead of ref (thanks @cryovat)
    OpenTK now includes OPENAL! (Biggest thanks to @NogginBops)
    ➕ Added check for invalid keys in window key callback (Thanks @Phyyl)
    🛠 Fix rounding errors on tests
    ➕ Add individual project descriptions
    ➕ Add openAL to the build sequence.
    ➕ Added PositiveInfinity and NegativeInfinity to vector structs (Thanks @arakis)
    🛠 Fixed ClientSize not getting updated in OnResize (Thanks @Phyyl)
    🛠 Fix automatic bindings initialization for GL2 (Thanks @Phyyl)
    ➕ Add framework specification to paket files. (Thanks @frederikja163)
    🛠 Fixed GameWindow update frequency (Thanks @MerickOWA)
    Throw an InvalidOperationException if bindings are uninitialized. (Thanks @pjb)
    ➕ Added Profile Any (Thanks @arakis)
    🛠 Fix error with GLFW Mouse button mapping (Thanks @GeorchW)
    👷 Build System improvements to fully automatic pipeline.
    👷 Test and fix build system
    🛠 Fix package metadata
    🔄 Change: Make Command a valid modifier on OS-X #759
    🏁 Splitting Platform/Windows/API.cs into OpenTK.NT #765
    Immediately return after restoring resolution #766
    🛠 Fix OpenTK.Mathematics assembly name #768
    [4.0] Implement 'unmanaged' constraint #771
    Close display connection for X11 on dispose #773
    💅 [4.0] Fix StyleCop analysis not working on Windows #775
    🛠 Fixed incorrect Quaternion/Vector rotation #777
    🏗 [4.0] Build Cleanup #778
    🛠 Fixed type for VertexAttribPointer #779
    [4.0] Fix numerous binder errors #781
    Fix #USE_SDL2_GAMECONTROLLER code path #782
    🔨 [4.0] Refactor Generator.Rewrite #783
    ✏️ [4.0] Fix two typos in #785
    ➕ Add common.props for use in all projects #786
    ⚡️ [4.0] Auto-update OpenTK.sln (done by VS2017) #787
    ➕ Add missing build configs (VS2017) #788
    🛠 Fixed OpenGL 3.2+ Context Creation (Mixed up Profile Mask / Flags) #790
    [4.0] Create new .sln file for all new projects #791
    👷 [4.0] Fix CI scripts #792
    💅 [4.0] Fix general StyleCop errors #793
    [4.0] Some more small rewriter changes #794
    🔨 [4.0] Refactor Generator.Bind#795
    👷 [4.0] Get CI to succeed #796
    🛠 Fix: Custom cursors not working under OS-X and dotnet #797
    💅 [4.0] Fix stylecop errors in OpenTK.Mathematics.#798
    🛠 Fix OpenTK.NT compilation errors #799
    [4.0] Fix OpenTK.AL compilation errors #800
    4.0 #802
    🛠 Fix csproj references to target netstandard2.0 instead of net461. #803
    💅 Style guide#804
    [4.0] Integrate OpenTK.OpenAL#805
    💅 [4.0] refactored .Math stylecop errors #806
    👉 Use props/ directory directly #813
    ➕ Add #814 to 4.0 #815
    🛠 Fix document typo #818
    🐎 Binder Docs + Performance#826
    [4.0] Embedded license handling for binding generator #836
    [4.0] Adding directory safety to the binder. #837
    ⚡️ Update README after branch changes #839
    [4.0] Add StructLayout to Color4#840
    [4.0] Change root namespace to OpenTK #842
    🛠 Fix the aftermath of merging #842 #843
    [4.0] Impliment Vectord * Quaterniond #844
    🛠 Fix aftermath of #842 #846
    [4.0] Minor edits to #848
    ⚡️ [4.0] Update SDL2 version check #849
    🚚 [4.0] Remove big chunk of unused code from Quaterniond.cs #852
    🚚 [4.0] Remove GLES 1.0 and 1.1 support #856
    [4.0] Add explicit operators for Color4/Vector4 conversions #858
    🚚 [4.0] Remove unused code #860
    [4.0] Begin moving Input to OpenTK.Input#861
    [4.0] Begin moving Platform to OpenTK.Platform #862
    [4.0] Add RootNamespace tags to projects#863
    OpenGL Reimplementation #864
    Input and Windowing via GLFW #867
    Bindings generator for modularity and ADL#871
    ⚡️ Update licensing information #875
    ⚡️ Update Discord link. #876
    ⚡️ Optimize Vector4/Color4 conversions with Unsafe.As #877
    Apply Unsafe.As optimization to all vector types #878
    🛠 Fix discord invite link #881
    🚚 Ignoring MouseMoveEx errors and fall back to passed point. #883
    📇 Rename license files to avoid confusion. #885
    Emergency fix in short license terms #887
    [4.0] Adding Lerp function in the math helper #895
    System.Math and OpenTK.MathHelper symmetry #897
    Shorten float literals to the actual float value #898
    Reflect 22/04/2019 development discussion #902
    ✂ Remove obsolete methods within Vector types. #906
    ➕ Add vector types with integer components. #908
    OpenAL cleanup #909
    Organise master #912
    Purity annotations for Math types #915
    🏁 Int vectors in windows #917
    👍 Box2i support #918
    ➕ add Box3 #919
    Box2n and Box3n cleanup #920
    ➕ Add API to let users pick OpenGL version #921
    ➕ Add Quaternion to Euler angles conversion #923
    🛠 Fix binder script paths #924
    ⏪ Restore unit tests #925
    ✅ Box tests #926
    GLFW Input. #928
    👌 Improve EditorConfig file. #929
    ➕ Adds Vulkan related GLFW methods to IGLFW. #930
    🛠 Fixes the binder and makes it 10x faster. #931
    ➕ Add tuple deconstructors and conversions to vector types. #933
    🛠 Fix ToHSV and ToHsl functions generating nan when they shouldn't #934
    👷 Build System for 4.0 #936
    Hid input #943
    Implement ppi in INativeWindow. #945
    🔋 Feature/new Bindings generator #946
    🛠 Fix Quaternion(euler angle order -> roundtrip tests)#949
    🛠 Fix windowing tests #950
    🏗 chmod +x #951
    🛠 Fix getting applied to F# projects. #952
    🔋 Feature/fix box contains #953
    ✅ Test fixes #954
    🛠 Fix PlatformLibraryNameContainerBase on macOS. #962
    👉 Make GLFW.Image better. #963
    🏁 Default GameWindowSettings.IsSingleThreaded to true. #964
    👌 Improve mouse cursor handling. #965
    🛠 Fix window icon handling. #966
    Clean up window events. #967
    🛠 Fix file drop events. #968
    🛠 Fix incorrect type on glfwGetError. #969
    🚚 Move GLFWProvider to Windowing.Desktop. #970
    👉 Make GLFW structs simpler. #971
    Clean up window properties/interfaces. #972
    OpenGL_Bindings.csproj: Call bash instead of sh #974
    Quaternion(d): Modify instance Invert() to match static functions #975
    ✂ Remove ADL from GLFW. Use DllImport. #976
    🔀 Begin work on merging OpenAL extensions. #986
    🛠 Fix CI system #988
    GLFW API cleanup. #989
    ✂ Remove reference to Mathematics from GLFW bind. #990
    ⚡️ Revised boostrap process + update build tools #992
    ➕ Add remaining GLFW Window functions #996
    Bring forward 3.x binding generators to 4.0 #1004
    ➕ Add matrix multiplication + missing operator to Vector2/Vector2d #1011
    ⚡️ Optimize barycentric interpolation #1019

  • v4.0.0-pre9.9 Changes

    September 30, 2020

    🛠 Fix for broken delegates (@HughPH)

  • v4.0.0-pre9.8 Changes

    September 29, 2020

    Significant rework & improvements to input. (Massive Thanks to @Phyyl, @HughPH and @NogginBops)
    🛠 Fixes to OpenAL Bindings (@NogginBops)
    General Math improvements (@NogginBops)
    ➕ Added OpenCL Bindings (Huge thanks to @NepNet)

  • v4.0.0-pre9.7 Changes

    September 20, 2020

    🛠 Fix opentk.redist.glfw version warnings (@jvbsl)
    ➕ Add support for window-level multisampling (@jvbsl)
    👍 Allow null delegates for GLFW callbacks (@jvbsl)
    ➕ Add new API to get/set from GLFW window/context attributes (@jvbsl)
    ➕ Add vulkan surface creation (@jvbsl)

  • v4.0.0-pre9.6 Changes

    September 14, 2020
    • Fix bindings generator for net2.1