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REST packages

Showing projects tagged as JSON and REST

  • RestSharp

    9.7 6.0 L1 C#
    Simple REST and HTTP API Client for .NET
  • ServiceStack

    9.4 9.8 L2 C#
    Thoughtfully architected, obscenely fast, thoroughly enjoyable web services for all
  • Flurl.Http

    8.6 8.2 L4 C#
    Fluent URL builder and testable HTTP client for .NET
  • RestEase

    6.2 4.6 L4 C#
    Easy-to-use typesafe REST API client library for .NET Standard 1.1 and .NET Framework 4.5 and higher, which is simple and customisable. Inspired by Refit
  • SapphireDb

    4.5 0.0 C#
    SapphireDb Server, a self-hosted, easy to use realtime database for Asp.Net Core and EF Core
  • ServiceStack.Stripe

    3.7 3.0 L5 C#
    DISCONTINUED. Typed .NET clients for REST APIs
  • Nelibur

    3.3 0.0 L5 C#
    Message based webservice framework on the pure WCF
  • Genius.NET

    1.7 0.0 L4 C#
    .NET library to access Genius API @ (