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Mono packages

Showing projects tagged as Mono

  • Mono

    9.8 6.0 L1 C#
    Mono open source ECMA CLI, C# and .NET implementation.
  • ServiceStack

    9.4 9.8 L2 C#
    Thoughtfully architected, obscenely fast, thoroughly enjoyable web services for all
  • OpenTK

    8.5 8.5 L3 C#
    The Open Toolkit library is a fast, low-level C# wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL & OpenCL. It also includes windowing, mouse, keyboard and joystick input and a robust and fast math library, giving you everything you need to write your own renderer or game engine. OpenTK can be used standalone or inside a GUI on Windows, Linux, Mac.
  • Simple Injector

    6.5 5.8 L4 C#
    An easy, flexible, and fast Dependency Injection library that promotes best practice to steer developers towards the pit of success.
  • Simple.OData.Client

    5.2 5.3 L3 C#
    Multiplatform OData client library