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Avg Release Cycle
3 days
Latest Release
732 days ago
Changelog History
Page 35
Changelog History
Page 35
v1.8.1 Changes
November 28, 2015๐ Features:
- update slimscroll, pace and simple line icons
v1.8.0 Changes
November 28, 2015๐ Features:
- allow comparison against empty value with StringFiltering, you can search for empty strings (not null) in filter dialog now
- better handling of FilteringIdField determination for textual fields with complex expressions
- [BREAKING CHANGE] cleanup serenity less files, less dependency on jQuery UI css (aristo.css), might cause minor problems, see upgrade info in Serenity guide
- Q$Externals methods are moved under Q but Q$Externals is still an alias to Q, so no breaking changes expected
- multi level navigation support (up to 10 levels)
- use shorter namespace for types from other modules for T4 generated code
- handle type namespaces properly if T4 generated service endpoint uses types from other modules / namespaces
- integrate free AdminLTE theme [Serene]
- add AdminLTE sample pages [Serene]
- develop a file to generate strongly typed view locations (similar but much simpler than T4MVC)
๐ Bugfixes:
- IDateTimeProvider to fix Appveyor tests failing sometimes on time related tests
v1.7.0 Changes
November 20, 2015๐ Features:
- added PropertyPanel and TemplatedPanel similar to PropertyDialog and TemplatedDialog (no need to use Panel attribute)
- change password page [Serene]
- forgot password and reset password page [Serene]
- template can now detect Sql LocalDB 2014 (VS2015) and set connection strings automatically [Serene]
๐ Bugfixes:
- fix validator hints not showing after typescript conversion
v1.6.8 Changes
November 16, 2015๐ Features:
- added grid row selection mixin
v1.6.7 Changes
November 16, 2015๐ Bugfixes:
- fix critical regression bug in TemplatedWidget.GetTemplateName method, please update if you rare using 1.6.4, 1.6.5 or 1.6.6!
v1.6.6 Changes
November 15, 2015๐ Features:
- converted file and image upload to behaviors that can be used in a row field
- ability to generate multiple thumb sizes
- better symbol for binary files in upload editors
v1.6.5 Changes
November 15, 2015๐ Features:
- don't raise on criteria join (and, or, xor) if one of criteria is null, assume empty
- SetEquality extension for list request
- SetEquality helper in DataGrid
v1.6.4 Changes
November 14, 2015๐ Features:
- date range quick filtering
- ability to register a permission key with RegisterPermissionKeyAttribute to be shown in permissions dialog [SERENE]
- use a better datepicker trigger image
v1.6.3 Changes
November 09, 2015๐ Features:
- implement behavior (mixin) functionality for service request handlers (list/retrieve/save/delete)
- extract capturelog, auditlog, insert/update log, unique constraint checks as behaviors
- MasterDetailRelationAttribute and MasterDetailRelationRelationBehavior
- if a field is auto created and has a foreign / calculated expression, it shouldn't be updatable / insertable by default
- SingleField field type
- ability to revoke a permission which is granted to roles from users [SERENE]
- use tree mode for permission editing and display effective permission [SERENE]
๐ Bugfixes:
- order tab in customer dialog was showing all orders in new customer mode [SERENE]
v1.6.2 Changes
October 31, 2015๐ Features:
- code generator determines root namespace and script/web project locations at first run for Serene projects
- added a welcome page to Serene template