Mvvm packages

Showing projects tagged as Mvvm

  • knockout

    9.7 0.0 L3 JavaScript
    Knockout makes it easier to create rich, responsive UIs with JavaScript
  • ReactiveUI

    9.5 9.0 L4 C#
    An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
  • Prism

    9.5 9.4 L4 C#
    Prism is a framework for building loosely coupled, maintainable, and testable XAML applications in WPF, Xamarin Forms, and Uno / Win UI Applications..
  • Live-Charts

    9.3 0.0 L3 C#
    Simple, flexible, interactive & powerful charts, maps, and gauges for .Net, LiveCharts2 can now practically run everywhere WPF, WinForms, Xamarin, Avalonia, WinUI, UWP.
  • MVVMCross

    9.1 9.2 L4 C#
    The .NET MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions, including Android, iOS, MacCatalyst, macOS, tvOS, WPF, WinUI
  • Caliburn.Micro

    8.6 4.0 L4 C#
    A small, yet powerful framework, designed for building applications across all XAML platforms. Its strong support for MV* patterns will enable you to build your solution quickly, without the need to sacrifice code quality or testability.
  • MVVM Light Toolkit

    6.9 1.2 C#
    The main purpose of the toolkit is to accelerate the creation and development of MVVM applications in Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Forms, Windows 10 UWP, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Silverlight, Windows Phone.
  • Gemini

    6.8 5.7 L3 C#
    Gemini is an IDE framework similar in concept to the Visual Studio Shell. It uses AvalonDock and has an MVVM architecture based on Caliburn Micro.
  •   dotNetify

    6.6 5.6 JavaScript
    Simple, lightweight, yet powerful way to build real-time web apps.
  • Stylet

    6.2 5.6 L5 C#
    A very lightweight but powerful ViewModel-First MVVM framework for WPF for .NET Framework and .NET Core, inspired by Caliburn.Micro.
  • Catel

    6.1 8.9 L3 C#
    An application development platform
  • WPF Application Framework (WAF)

    5.9 9.1 L5 C#
    Win Application Framework (WAF) is a lightweight Framework that helps you to create well structured XAML Applications.
  • FreshMvvm

    5.8 0.0 L3 C#
    FreshMvvm is a super light Mvvm Framework designed specifically for Xamarin.Forms. It's designed to be Easy, Simple and Flexible.
  • DotVVM

    5.8 9.4 L3 C#
    Open source MVVM framework for Web Apps
  • MVVM Dialogs

    5.2 7.6 C#
    Library simplifying the concept of opening dialogs from a view model when using MVVM in WPF
  • DotNetProjects.WpfToolkit

    5.0 1.8 L2 C#
    wpf toolkit fork of the MS WPF Toolkit (
  • Cimbalino Toolkit

    3.0 0.0 L4 C#
    :coffee: Cimbalino Toolkit
  • EBind

    3.0 0.0 C#
    🔵 .NET Data Binding we deserve: concise, fast, feature-rich
  • Toms Toolbox

    2.7 7.6 C#
    A set of core functions and classes to ease every days .Net development tasks.
  • Blazor WASM Extension for the MVVM CommunityToolkit

    1.9 6.8 C#
    Mvvm Blazor using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm with built-in Navigation by ViewModel support
  • Smaragd

    1.7 0.0 C#
    A platform-independent, lightweight library for developing .NET applications using the MVVM architecture
  • Web-Atoms Core

    1.5 8.9 TypeScript
    Light weight feature rich UI Framework for JavaScript for Browser with Dependency Injection, Mocking and Unit Testing
  • Okra App Framework

    1.2 0.0 L5 C#
    An app centric MVVM framework for Windows 8.1 built with dependency injection in mind, including a full set of Visual Studio MVVM templates.
  • Xamarin V8 Bindings

    1.2 0.0 C++
    V8 Bindings for Xamarin for Android
  • MvvmMicro

    1.1 3.2 C#
    A clean and lightweight MVVM framework for WPF, UWP and .NET Standard 2.0 inspired by MVVM Light Toolkit.
  • M.V.B.

    1.0 0.0 L1 C#
    Model View Binder - A small and robust framework for awesome cross platform architectures
  • Community Toolkit

    - -
    Retryable HTTP client in Go.
  • UpdateControls

    Update Controls does not require that you implement INotifyPropertyChanged or declare a DependencyProperty. It connects controls directly to CLR properties. This makes it perfect for the Model/View/ViewModel pattern.