

Juka's main goal is to be a universal programming language that can run on any platform including mobile devices.

Juka's philosophy is code once, run everywhere.

Latest Juka version can be found at https://github.com/jukaLang/juka/releases

Find the version that you want and download it to your device. The files should be self-contained (you are not required to download any other files)

Windows Run the following command to start the Juka editor:


If you want to run Juka code from a file, run the following command (substitute HelloWorld.juk with your filename)

./juka.exe HelloWorld.juk

Linux/MacOS Run the following command to start the Juka editor:


If you want to run Juka code from a file, run the following command (substitute HelloWorld.juk with your filename)

./juka HelloWorld.juk

Programming language: C#
License: GNU General Public License v3.0 or later
Tags: API     Web     HTML     Programming     REST     Language     Compiler    

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Juka Programming Language Juka - Programming Language

Official Website: https://jukalang.com

Twitter Discord

PyPi: PyPI - Wheel

NuGet: Nuget

CirrusCI (FreeBSD/Linux(x86)): Cirrus CI - Base Branch Build Status

Appveyor (Visual Studio Builds): Build status



Juka's main goal is to be a universal programming language that can run on any platform including mobile devices.

Juka's philosophy is code once, run everywhere.

Current Supported Device:

Coming Soon:

  • Android App
  • iOS App (iPhone/iPad)
  • MacOS App
  • Tizen (Samsung)
  • TempleOS

Potential Future Support:

  • AndroidTV App
  • Amazon Web Service (Native Support)
  • Google Cloud (Native Support)
  • Arduino

Downloading Juka

Please download Juka from https://jukalang.com/download

If you would like to download other versions of Juka, you can download at https://github.com/jukaLang/juka/releases

Find the version that you want and download it to your device. The files should be self-contained (you are not required to download any other files)

Juka API

Juka comes with an API

Download JukaAPI at https://jukalang.com/download

We are using JukaApi for visitors to test their code online: https://jukalang.com/tryonline

Special thanks to mogenius for hosting our API: https://api.jukalang.com

If you would like to help improve the api, feel free to deploy a container at: Develop on Okteto

Running Juka


Run the following command to start the Juka editor:


If you want to run Juka code from a file, run the following command (substitute HelloWorld.juk with your filename)

./juka.exe HelloWorld.juk


Run the following command to start the Juka editor:


If you want to run Juka code from a file, run the following command (substitute HelloWorld.juk with your filename)

./juka HelloWorld.juk

Microsoft Azure Function

Upload the package to Azure Web Server Use web deploy to publish Juka (Azure Function) on the cloud

Including in C# Project

Once you install Juka via NuGet: Install-Package JukaCompiler

You can pass a string to Juka:

new JukaCompiler.Compiler().Go(sourceAsString,isFile:false);

You can also pass a filename:

new JukaCompiler.Compiler().Go(sourceAsString,isFile:true);