The Most Active .NET packages
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  • SystemTextJson.JsonDiffPatch

    2.5 3.4 Misc
    High-performance, low-allocating JSON object diff and patch extension for System.Text.Json. Support generating patch document in RFC 6902 JSON Patch format.
  • FlaUI

    7.6 3.4 UI Automation
    UI automation library for .Net
  • Workflow Core

    9.2 3.4 Scheduling
    Lightweight workflow engine for .NET Standard
  • Paseto.Core

    2.4 4.3 Cryptography
    ๐Ÿ”‘ Paseto.NET, a Paseto (Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens) implementation for .NET
  • Wave Engine

    2.9 3.4 Game
    This repository contains all the official samples of Evergine.
  • Syncfusion .NET PDF Framework

    1.1 3.8 PDF
    This repo contains examples of the most popular PDF templates generated using Syncfusion's .NET PDF library. You can use these C# examples in your project to generate PDF documents automatically.
  • MapDataReader

    2.1 3.9 ORM
    Super fast mapping DataReader to strongly typed object, Using AOT source generator.
  • RestEase

    6.2 4.6 L4 HTTP
    Easy-to-use typesafe REST API client library for .NET Standard 1.1 and .NET Framework 4.5 and higher, which is simple and customisable. Inspired by Refit
  • LightInject

    5.5 3.4 L2 IoC
    An ultra lightweight IoC container
  • Excel2SqlServer

    0.8 3.4 ORM
    Library for importing Excel spreadsheets into SQL Server tables
  • Xabe.FFmpeg

    5.6 3.3 Media
    .NET Standard wrapper for FFmpeg. It allows to process media without know how FFmpeg works, and can be used to pass customized arguments to FFmpeg from dotnet core application.
  • MonoDevelop

    8.9 1.7 L2 IDE
    DISCONTINUED. MonoDevelop is a cross platform .NET IDE
  • Silk.NET

    8.4 5.2 Graphics
    The high-speed OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, WebGPU, and DirectX bindings library your mother warned you about.
  • Hybridizer

    Examples of C# code compiled to GPU by hybridizer
  • Z.ExtensionMethods

    7.0 3.1 L3 Extensions
    C# Extension Methods | Over 1000 extension methods:
  • Bundle Transformer

    3.5 1.5 L2 Assets
    DISCONTINUED. Port of Yahoo!'s Java YUICompressor to .NET

    8.0 4.5 Misc
    A small .NET package to generate YouTube-like hashes from one or many numbers. Use hashids when you do not want to expose your database ids to the user.
  • cofoundry

    6.1 3.0 CMS
    Cofoundry is an extensible and flexible .NET Core CMS & application framework focusing on code first development
  • Testura.Code

    Testura.Code is a wrapper around the Roslyn API and used for generation, saving and compiling C# code. It provides methods and helpers to generate classes, methods, statements and expressions.
  • MvvmMicro

    1.1 3.2 MVVM
    A clean and lightweight MVVM framework for WPF, UWP and .NET Standard 2.0 inspired by MVVM Light Toolkit.
  • ServiceStack Redis

    8.6 3.4 L3 Database Drivers
    DISCONTINUED. .NET's leading C# Redis Client
  • VSColorOutput

    Color highlighting to Visual Studio's Build and Debug Output Windows
  • Wyam

    A modular static content and static site generator.
  • Mailcloud.Hydra

    1.8 1.7 L5 Database
    DISCONTINUED. A set of components to take the most advantage of performance and capacity of Azure Storage.
  • Kafunk

    4.3 1.7 Queue
    DISCONTINUED. F# Kafka client from Jet
  • NaCl.Core

    2.2 4.1 Cryptography
    ๐Ÿ”‘ NaCl.Core, a cryptography library for .NET
  • Mono.Cecil

    Cecil is a library to inspect, modify and create .NET programs and libraries.
  • Pkcs11Interop

    4.3 2.6 L2 Cryptography
    Managed .NET wrapper for unmanaged PKCS#11 libraries
  • MVVM Light Toolkit

    6.9 1.2 MVVM
    DISCONTINUED. The main purpose of the toolkit is to accelerate the creation and development of MVVM applications in Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Forms, Windows 10 UWP, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Silverlight, Windows Phone.
  • ByteSize

    4.9 2.7 L4 Misc
    ByteSize is a utility class that makes byte size representation in code easier by removing ambiguity of the value being represented. ByteSize is to bytes what System.TimeSpan is to time.

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