

Jerrycurl is a powerful ORM that allows you to design data access with the MVC pattern and utilize Razor syntax to compose elegant and type-safe SQL queries and commands.

Programming language: C#
License: MIT License
Tags: ORM     Database     SQL     SqlServer     MySQL     SQLite     Oracle     PostgreSQL     Razor     MVC     POCO     DAL    
Latest version: v1.0.3

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Jerrycurl - MVC and Razor-powered ORM for .NET

Jerrycurl is an object-relational framework that allows developers to build data access layers in a way similar to how web applications are built with ASP.NET MVC.


Jerrycurl can be installed into any SDK-style C# project from NuGet. The main package contains support for compiling .cssql files into your project and executing them via the built-in MVC engine. Additionally you can install support for one of our supported databases from NuGet as well.

> dotnet add package Jerrycurl
> dotnet add package Jerrycurl.Vendors.SqlServer

If you want to generate a ready-to-go object model from your database, install our CLI from NuGet.

> dotnet tool install --global dotnet-jerry

This enables the jerry executable anywhere on your machine. In our case we'll use the scaffold command to generate a .cs file with classes matching a local database about movies.

> jerry scaffold -v sqlserver -c "SERVER=.;DATABASE=moviedb;TRUSTED_CONNECTION=true" -ns "MovieDb.Database"
Connecting to database 'moviedb'...
Generated 7 tables and 21 columns in Database.cs.

To learn more about our CLI, type in jerry help.

MVC design

After installing the packages above you can start adding the different components to your project. This should feel familiar to anyone acquainted with ASP.NET MVC, and for the most part Jerrycurl aligns itself with this framework, only with a slightly different terminology.

So where your ASP.NET application contains models, controllers and Razor HTML-based views, Jerrycurl separates your project into models, accessors and procedures written with Razor SQL syntax.

Model layer

The model layer is a collection of POCO-like classes that represent tables and customized datasets for your operations. Each model can be mapped at any depth with any type of data relationship: one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one and self-joins.

// Database.cs
[Table("dbo", "Movie")]
class Movie
    [Id, Key("PK_Movie")]
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public int Year { get; set; }
// Views/Movies/MovieTaglineView.cs
class MovieTaglineView : Movie
    public string Tagline { get; set; }
// Views/Movies/MovieRolesView.cs
class MovieRolesView : Movie
    public IList<MovieRole> Roles { get; set; }
Procedure (view) layer

Procedures are written in .cssql files and separated into commands that write data (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) and queries that read data (SELECT). Both are written with a combination of SQL and Razor code generating SQL payloads directly from your object model.

-- Queries/Movies/GetMovies.cssql
@result MovieTaglineView
@model MovieFilter
@project MovieDetails d

SELECT     @R.Star(),
           @d.Col(m => m.Tagline) AS @R.Prop(m => m.Tagline)
FROM       @R.Tbl()
LEFT JOIN  @d.Tbl() ON @d.Col(m => m.MovieId) = @R.Col(m => m.Id)
WHERE      @R.Col(m => m.Year) >= @M.Par(m => m.SinceYear)
-- Commands/Movies/AddMovies.cssql
@model Movie

@foreach (var v in this.M.Vals())
    INSERT INTO @v.TblName() ( @v.In().ColNames() )
    OUTPUT      @v.Out().Cols("INSERTED").As().Props()
    VALUES                   ( @v.In().Pars() )
Accessor (controller) layer

Accessors provide the bridge from your code to the consumer by exposing a collection of methods that executes Razor commands and queries and maps their resulting data sets to matching objects.

// Accessors/MoviesAccessor.cs
public class MoviesAccessor : Accessor
    public IList<MovieTaglineView> GetMovies(int sinceYear) // -> Queries/Movies/GetMovies.cssql
        => this.Query<MovieTaglineView>(model: new MovieFilter { SinceYear = sinceYear });

    public void AddMovies(IList<Movie> newMovies) // -> Commands/Movies/AddMovies.cssql
        => this.Execute(model: newMovies);
Domain (application) layer

Domains provide a central place for fetching configuration for any (or a subset of) your database operations.

// MovieDomain.cs
class MovieDomain : IDomain
    public void Configure(DomainOptions options)


  • Official support for SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle and SQLite
  • CLI tool to easily generate classes from your database schema
  • Extensive collection of typesafe Razor extensions for all boilerplate SQL
  • Single queries that map complete object graphs of any cardinality
  • Batchable commands through simple @foreach expressions
  • Easy integration with any dependency injection container
  • High performance and support for all operations synchronously or asynchronously
  • Organized, ASP.NET-like project conventions with MVC
  • Native command-query separation suitable for ACID or BASE/CQRS scenarios
  • JSON support through Newtonsoft.Json or System.Text.Json
  • Integration with existing Entity Framework Core models
  • Modern language features with .NET Standard 2.1 and C# 8
  • Free and available via NuGet

To learn more about Jerrycurl and how to get started, visit our official site or check our samples repo.

Building from source

Jerrycurl can be built on any OS supported by .NET Core and included in this repository is a [script](build.ps1) that performs all build-related tasks.


  • .NET Core SDK 3.0
  • .NET Core Runtime 2.1+ / 3.0 (to run tests)
  • PowerShell 5.0+ (PowerShell Core on Linux/macOS)
  • Visual Studio 2019 (16.3+) (optional)
  • Docker (optional - for live database testing)

Clone, Build and Test

Clone the repository and run our build script from PowerShell.

PS> git clone https://github.com/rwredding/jerrycurl
PS> cd jerrycurl
PS> .\build.ps1 [-NoTest] [-NoPack]

This runs the Restore, Clean, Build, [Test] and [Pack] targets on jerrycurl.sln and places any packaged .nupkg in the /artifacts/packages folder. Each target can also be run manually in Visual Studio if preferred.

By default, the Test target skips any unit test that requires live running database server. To help you to include these, you can run our [docker compose script](test/tools/boot-dbs.ps1) to boot up instances of our supported databases.

PS> .\test\tools\boot-dbs.ps1 up sqlserver,mysql,postgres,oracle

Please allow ~60 seconds for the databases to be ready after which you can re-run build.ps1; it will then automatically target the included databases instances. When done, you can tear everything down again.

PS> .\test\tools\boot-dbs.ps1 down sqlserver,mysql,postgres,oracle

If you already have an empty database running that can be used for testing, you can manually specify its connection string in the environment variable JERRY_SQLSERVER_CONN, JERRY_MYSQL_CONN, JERRY_POSTGRES_CONN or JERRY_ORACLE_CONN.

Pulling the Oracle Database image requires that you are logged into Docker and have accepted their terms of service.